So I went to Douluo

Chapter 241 Tang Liu: Please don’t add drama at will:)

Ye Lingling lowered his eyes and smiled, then looked into Tang Liu's eyes, "Can you help me with something?"

Tang Liu seemed to have known it for a long time, and said, "Why don't you do something for me first?"


Tang Liu paused for a moment, and then said aloud: "This is your assessment for joining the team."

Ye Lingling laughed, "So there is an assessment for joining the team? Then tell me, what is my assessment?"

Tang Liu smiled, "It's simple, just two words, revenge."

Ye Lingling's expression froze for a moment, then he frowned slightly and said, "I have no fighting ability at all."

Tang Liu tapped his fingertips on the table, "So I will send you two people as your thugs, but there is a prerequisite, you must take the lead. In other words, the two people I sent you are just for protection. You or the tool that kills for you, everything else is up to you. Do you understand?"

Ye Lingling: "Then who are you going to send to me? There are only three of us in our team. Do you and Mu Jing want to go with me? Do you still need me?"

Tang Liu smiled, raised his hand and pointed to the opposite side, "Aren't there just two ready-made thugs there?"

Ye Lingling's expression suddenly froze.

"One year to prepare, and then you can leave."

Then he stood up and walked towards the small house to avoid the snowflakes that were getting bigger and bigger.

"After all, I've been practicing with peach trees for so long. Now that I'm testing it on people, there shouldn't be any big problems, right?"

Heavy snow had been falling for three days, covering Haotian City's building roofs, streets, and plants in the city with a layer of white velvet.

This was the first time in Tang Liu's life that he had seen such heavy snow.

So he moved a chair and placed it under the eaves. For three days, he spent most of the time sitting on the chair and watching the snow fall. He covered the slate floor of the small courtyard with ankle-high snow.

However, although the small courtyard was covered with snow, it could do nothing about the peach tree.

The peach tree and the bluesilver grass around it seemed to have completely left this world, but they were still growing luxuriantly.

The green leaves on the peach trees have even become extremely lush, and flowers are beginning to grow. If you give it some more time, maybe it will bloom like a tree of peach blossoms.

Although there was no more snow today, Tang Liu still sat on the chair early in the morning, squinting his eyes slightly and staring in the direction of the door, while the fingertips of his right hand kept tapping on the armrest of the chair.

I don’t know how long it took, but the door was pushed open, and Ye Lingling, who went out as usual, stood at the door.

Behind her was the figure of Lu Qiufeng, who was carrying a man on his back.

After all the internal injuries were healed, the man's complexion looked much better, and he no longer looked like he might die at any moment.

Under the leadership of Ye Lingling, Lu Qiufeng carried the man on his back and walked not far in front of Tang Liu.

Tang Liu then stood up and gave up his chair.

Lu Qiufeng solemnly said thank you and carefully placed the man on the chair.

The man looked at the three children in front of him and felt quite uncomfortable. His old face turned red and he coughed lightly.

Tang Liu then turned to Ye Lingling and Lu Qiufeng and said, "You guys go out first. I can't be disturbed for a while. If anyone comes, I'll beat him into silence. By the way, it may take a long time."

Ye Lingling nodded, turned around and walked out first.

Lu Qiufeng hesitated for a moment, and then said to Tang Liu, "Sorry to trouble you, stall owner Tang."

Tang Liu didn't bother to correct him as he addressed himself, waved his hand and drove him out.

Mu Jing had received his instruction before and had gone out, so now, there were only Tang Liu and the man in this house.

Tang Liu waved his palm lightly and saw a flash of blue light. The snow in the yard was neatly swept into two piles and piled on both sides of the gate.

At the same time, the man and the chair were teleported to the peach tree by Tang Liu.

The scene in front of him suddenly changed, leaving the man stunned for a moment.

Then, before he could react, Tang Liu's figure who was still under the eaves suddenly appeared in front of him.

Looking at the man who had not yet come to his senses, Tang Liu smiled, and then said, "Hello, my name is Tang Liu."

The man looked at his face and pondered for a moment, "Hello, my name is Tang Qian." This was the most conservative way of greeting him.

Although the boy in front of him was young, one look at his face told him that he was not from an ordinary family. He must have been born in a rich or noble family.

Moreover, the temperament displayed by this boy's movements was also extraordinary, and he also had an inexplicable momentum. The faint pressure that came from him actually made him feel a little unable to support himself.

"Tang Qian? Can you still remember your name?"

The young man didn't know when he took out another chair, sat in front of him, and asked with a smile.

"This is the only thing I still remember." Tang Qian replied, but as soon as he finished speaking, he felt something was wrong, "How do you know that I have lost my memory?"

Tang Liu laughed, "What if I was just deceiving you just now?"

Tang Qian reacted and laughed awkwardly. However, he still didn't dare to look directly at Tang Liu, after all, that face was indeed too lethal.

Tang Liu didn't waste any more nonsense and went straight to the point, saying, "Show me your martial spirit."

Tang Qian nodded, and then stretched out a hand.

Dark light surged, and a huge black hammer with simple patterns was held in his hand. It was also covered with two yellow, two purple, four black and eight circles of soul rings.

"Contra? Not bad." Tang Liu nodded, and then asked Tang Qian, "Do you still remember the name of your martial spirit?"

Tang Qian shook his head, "I don't remember, I just know it's very strong."

Tang Liu leaned back, leaned on the back of the chair, and then raised his right hand.

The same black light surged, and Tang Liu's own Clear Sky Hammer appeared on the palm of his hand, floating quietly.

Since there is no soul ring attached, Tang Liu's Clear Sky Hammer is still the size it was when it was just awakened, which is incomparable to Tang Qian's.

Even so, Tang Qian could still tell at a glance that the two people's martial spirits were actually the same.

He looked at Tang Liu in surprise, thinking that his surname was actually Tang.

"Have you not……"

Tang Liu smiled, "Yes." They were indeed from the same sect.

Tang Qian burst into tears and shouted loudly: "Smash!"

Tang Liu: "???"

The bluesilver grass behind Tang Qian stopped dancing.

"So it turns out that the remaining impression in my mind was always you? I'm sorry, I lost you once, baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah-"

Before Tang Qian said those two words, Tang Liu activated the regeneration ability of the Void Spirit Blue Emperor Domain on him with a dark face.

So the words Tang Qian didn't have time to say turned into screams.

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