So I went to Douluo

Chapter 25 Tang Liu has many bold ideas

Tang San had been practicing various Tang Sect techniques before he was six years old, while Tang Liu, besides sleeping, was thinking about his future development direction.

Because he wasn't sure what his martial soul was at that time, he took almost every soul master into consideration, and thought clearly about what soul skills each soul ring should obtain.

No matter what kind of soul master he is, he always puts the treatment of Ah Yin first.

At that time, he thought that if he was a soul master of the auxiliary or food system, then he could directly obtain healing soul skills by attaching soul rings.

But if it was a soul master of other types, he would consider obtaining one or even multiple life attribute soul bones.

"If I just add a thousand-year-old healing soul skill now, it would be a waste. In order to be able to compete with Wuhun Palace, it is absolutely impossible for me to have duplicate soul skills. Therefore, the healing soul skill It can only be ten thousand years old and my fifth or sixth soul skill, so that I can maximize the healing effect of my martial soul."

Tang Liu looked into Tang Hao's eyes, with a serious look on his face, and spoke extremely seriously.

After hearing what he said, Tang Hao looked dull.

He really didn't expect that Tang Liu, who was usually lazy, greedy and useless, and always liked to antagonize and talk back to him, would actually think more deeply than he did.

And he's only six years old!

" did you know about your mother?" Tang Hao calmed down his emotions for a moment and asked again.

"What do you mean?"

After pretending to be cool, Tang Liu subconsciously said these words. After he finished speaking, he realized that he was about to suffer.

Tang Hao was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said: "So you have always known everything."

Tang Liu felt extremely depressed.

Forget it, now that the words have been spoken, there is no other way.

All I have to do is continue editing!

However, he felt that there was still room for maneuver, so he said: "It's not everything. I only know a rough idea."

"Then how do you know that your mother was injured because of Wuhun Palace?"

Like Tang Liu, Tang Hao was still hiding something.

"My martial spirit told me." Tang Liu said.

Tang Hao was stunned when he heard this, and then smiled bitterly: "Yes, your mother's martial spirit is the Blue Silver Emperor, and you are also the Blue Silver Emperor. It is probably the bond between the martial spirit and the bloodline that gives you some memories of her. .”

Well, as expected, sometimes you only speak half of your words, and others will automatically fill in the gaps for you. The novel does not deceive me.

"Let's go and find your second soul ring. Seeing that you have already planned your fifth and sixth soul skills, you must have considered your second soul skill in the first place, right? Let's talk about it, I think. What do you want?" Tang Hao took Tang Liu's hand again and led him towards the Star Dou Forest.

"I said it."


"That's what I just told you. The first choice is group invisibility, the second choice is group weakness or group violence, and the last is purification. Is it true that these soul skills are not produced by thousand-year soul beasts? Can't we find those who have these soul skills? Are you the thousand-year-level descendant of a ten-thousand-year soul beast? Moreover, when the master was looking for my first soul skill, he also said that soul skills such as virtualization are generally only available to ten-thousand-year soul beasts, but then he still gave me I found the civet cat as my first soul ring. Dad, are you a scumbag?"

Tang Hao: "...take your time and take a look after entering the forest."

"Oh, so you are actually a bad student, right?"

Tang Hao: "..."

I don't know why, but after the incident just now, Tang Hao became a lot gentler, as if he was a piece of iron that had finally softened under the fire.

At least, more like a father.

Tang Liu and Tang Hao stayed in the outer area of ​​the Star Dou Forest for ten days, but they could not find a soul beast suitable for Tang Liu.

However, although he had not met a suitable soul beast in these ten days, Tang Liu's soul power had broken through again, reaching level 33.

After Soul Master, Tang Liu's cultivation speed finally slowed down. Even the barrage of system refreshes could no longer allow Tang Liu to reach the cultivation speed of the five days in Holy Soul Village.

But to increase your soul power by two levels in ten days is extremely scary.

"Dad, how about we go out first, make some preparations and then go into the mixed area to look for it?"

In ten days, both Tang Liu and Tang Hao looked dusty.

It's okay for Tang Hao, after all, his cultivation level is there. But Tang Liu's spirit showed a slight hint of fatigue.

If Tang Hao, the Titled Douluo, hadn't been guarding him all the time, Tang Liu would not have been able to hold on for long in the extremely dangerous Star Dou Forest.

"Then it's up to you." Tang Hao hesitated for a while and then agreed. After all, Tang Liu might not be able to hold on if he continued like this.

Although Tang Liu was now a Soul Lord, his body was still that of a six-year-old child after all.

After going out to rest for a while, entering the mixed area of ​​the Star Forest, you will be more likely to find a suitable soul beast.

In the past ten days, Tang Hao also killed many spirit beasts that came to attack, and took them all out of the forest to sell them.

Soul beasts are quite valuable, not to mention that the soul beasts Tang Hao killed were basically from six to seven thousand years old, so the value was even higher.

Therefore, the two of them are not short of money recently.

As for Tang Liu, he had a system and had already determined the location of the soul beast he wanted on the eighth day, but he was unable to find a suitable excuse and delayed it for another two days.

After resting outside for a night and buying everything he might need, Tang Hao took Tang Liu into the Star Dou Forest again.

This time they went directly a thousand meters deeper into the mixed zone.

In this area, century-old soul beasts are rarely seen. Basically, they are mainly thousands-year soul beasts, and there are also many ten-thousand-year soul beasts living here.

A little further inside is the inner area, where the ten thousand year soul beast is particularly active.

After that comes the core area, where the soul beasts there start at least fifty thousand years old, and you can even encounter one hundred thousand year old soul beasts.

Finally, there is the most dangerous place in the center.

Currently, two hundred thousand year old soul beasts, the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape, are active there. As for the other ferocious beasts that are over 200,000 years old, they are still sleeping at the bottom of the lake there.

Tang Liu estimated that the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm came to the Star Dou Forest one hundred thousand years ago and was captured by Di Tian's group of ferocious beasts.

Afterwards, they fell into a deep sleep due to absorbing the power of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm.

At this time, a new group of hundred thousand year soul beasts were born, namely Xiao Wu's mother, Xiao Wu, Azure Bull Python, and Titan Giant Ape.

As for Xiao Wu's father, it was probably earlier, and he might have been killed by Di Tian and the others.

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