So I went to Douluo

Chapter 262 Finally

That's a candle.

There is also a candlestick glued to the bottom.

He gritted his teeth, held the candlestick and groped forward.

Since there is a candlestick, there should be matches nearby.

With the light, his situation will no longer be so passive.

Similarly, after being able to see, being in a bright area can also boost your courage.

He leaned over carefully, groping with his free hand, and soon after, he came across a cabinet.

He stood up, groped his way up, and found the top drawer of the cabinet.

After placing the candlestick on the top of the cabinet, he reached for the drawer.

He carefully pulled it out without making the slightest sound in the process.

After pulling out most of the drawer, he reached in and looked for the matchbox.

Although invisible, matchboxes can still be distinguished by touch alone.

Generally speaking, wherever there is a candlestick, there will always be items such as matches around the place where it is placed.

Either it is placed on the top of the cabinet together with the candlestick, or it is placed in the drawer closest to the top of the cabinet.

Therefore, he quickly found a square object that looked like a matchbox.

When he tried to push its edge, he managed to feel that "sense of movement."

So he took it out, then took a small wooden stick from it, holding the side without the bulge at the end, and then put the other end against the rough side of the edge of the matchbox, and then slid it hard .

A "chi" sound.

A small spark appeared in the darkness.

As if he were protecting the most beautiful treasure in the world, he used his other hand to cover the dancing flame, and then used it to light the candlestick on the top of the cabinet.

The fire became a little brighter.

He blew out the flame on the match, carefully put the matchbox into his pocket, and then reached out to hold the candlestick.

He held the candlestick carefully, turned around carefully, and looked behind him uneasily.

He saw the room dimly lit by candlelight.

This seems to be a bedroom.

Because he saw a broken bed not far away.

Opposite the bed, there is a dressing table that is relatively intact, but the mirror above it has fallen apart.

Further to the side is a closed door.

Maybe it'll be a bathroom or something.

He continued to look around.

Perhaps because of the light, he finally felt more at ease, and he dared to walk around in this room.

Therefore, he also found that the floor of this room was very messy.

Waste paper balls, torn pieces of paper, broken wood...

With the help of candlelight, he carefully avoided the debris that would make noise and might attract the "things" outside, and then walked towards what seemed to be a window in the room.

There next to the bed.

Covered by thick bed curtains.

He walked over slowly.

Then passed the closed door.


When he walked through that door.

A heart-wrenching sound rang out.

His body suddenly froze.

He turned his head back mechanically.

I saw the bathroom door open a crack as wide as the width of my hand.

There was darkness in the crack of the door.

Even if he has a lit candle.

It doesn't seem to be able to light up the inside either.

He turned around suddenly, took a few steps back in panic, and looked at the bathroom door with a horrified expression.

He suddenly remembered something.

Previously, others said that the fifth man outside was actually a statue.

So that means...

Actually the sixth person.

He has always been in this room.

Stay with him all the time.

He swallowed, almost losing all reason in his mind.

But it seems that there is always a force that maintains the last string of reason and prevents it from being completely broken.

He glanced at the candle burning steadily in his hand, hesitated for a while, and then slowly walked towards the bathroom door.

Behind you is the dressing cabinet.

His figure was reflected in the broken mirror.

But his hands were lowered.

Staring at his back, was his own figure.

He finally came to the bathroom door, tremblingly stretched out his right hand that was not holding the candlestick, and then pushed the half-open door completely open.


Candlelight suddenly filled the dark bathroom.


Nothing at all.

Only regular bathroom supplies.

He breathed a sigh of relief and looked back.

everything is normal.

So he stepped into the bathroom.

A large mirror.

A bathtub covered by a shower curtain.

and other shelves and cabinets for storing things.

He walked all the way into the depths of the bathroom.

After looking around for a moment, his eyes fell on the large mirror next to him.

Strangely enough, the rest of the bathroom was covered with a thin layer of dust, but this huge mirror was not only spotless, but also as clean as new.

His figure was reflected very clearly in it.

Immediately afterwards, his body also turned around.

Then he held the candle and leaned a little closer to the mirror.

At this moment, the bathroom door suddenly slammed shut.

Immediately afterwards, the candle flickered violently for a few times, and then went out quietly.

The bathroom suddenly fell into darkness.

He hurriedly took out the box of matches in his pocket.

In the panic, the candlestick fell to the ground with a "ping-pong" sound.

But the match finally lit.

A faint light illuminated the bathroom slightly.

But more places are still in the blur between light and darkness.

He immediately knelt down to pick up the candlestick.

But when he squatted down, the match went out again.

He quickly lit one again, and before the flame went out, he quickly picked up the candlestick and placed it on the sink in front of the mirror.

The flames went out again, as if someone had been blowing on him.

But this time he had quick eyesight and quick hands. He struck a match again and successfully lit the candle.

However, the flame on the candle is very small.

So small that it seems like it will go out the next moment.

The light of the candle became very weak as a result, only illuminating a small area around him.

He gasped, his eyes falling on his frightened face in the mirror.

The candlelight dimmed again.

In a daze, he seemed to see something.

Like an eye with a strange green light.

It also looks like a pair of scarlet eyes.

Then a name fell out of my mouth.


After he pronounced the name with a jerky accent.

It seemed like everything was different.

He woke up with a start, took half a step back, his chest heaved violently, and looked at the mirror in front of him in confusion.

It was at this time that he saw himself behind him in the mirror.

There's the shower curtain.

Inside the shower curtain is the bathtub.

It just seemed like there was a black shadow lying inside.

He turned around in surprise, but saw nothing.

Just looking in the mirror again.

A woman covered in rot and blood was watching him quietly.

Just stand behind him.

He didn't have time to make any sound.

It was the pair of cold hands that covered his cheeks.

With eyes full of fear and face full of horror.

He was dragged into the bathtub behind him.


The shower curtain closed.

The candlelight also went out.

Just before going out.

In the mirror, a dark figure lay in the bathtub.

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