So I went to Douluo

Chapter 272 Return to Haotian Sect

Tang San, Tang Liu and Tang Hao accompanied A Yin for half a month in the eyes of ice and fire.

After that, Tang San and Tang Liu set off for the Haotian Sect's new location.

The new site of Haotian Sect is three hundred miles outside Tiandou City, and the Ice and Fire Eyes are not far from Tiandou City.

Therefore, it didn't take long for Tang San and Tang Liu to arrive at their destination.

A small village.

After the people in the village saw them, they surrounded them with wary expressions.

One of them said loudly: "Strangers are not welcome here, please leave."

When Tang San wanted to say something to this person, Tang Liu nudged him gently with his elbow, and then raised his left hand.

Tang San understood and released his Clear Sky Hammer.

He looked at the people around him whose expressions suddenly changed, and then said: "We are not outsiders, we are just going home."

So the person who spoke first became a little more serious and said, "You two, please come with me."

After that, he took Tang San and Tang Liu to a hall in the village to rest for a while, and then went out to ask for instructions.

Soon, three young men with serious expressions walked into the main room where Tang San and Tang Liu were.

These three people didn't say much, they just led Tang San and Tang Liu outside.

After entering the mountains behind the village, the three people leading the way started running quickly.

Therefore, in order to keep up with the pace of the three of them, Tang San and Tang Liu could only speed up.

Of course, both of them acted very relaxed, so naturally, the three of them were surprised.

Even though those three people had reached the fastest speed, they were still shocked to find that Tang San and Tang Liu were still following them closely behind them.

Except for the young man who seemed to be the leader, the other two were beginning to show signs of fatigue and were unable to keep up.

So Tang San released his soul power and helped them a little, and then they reluctantly followed.

The eyes of the two people looking at Tang San also changed slightly, no longer as repulsive as before.

Soon after, the leading young man led a few people up the mountain. After reaching the top of the mountain, Tang San and Tang Liu saw a cliff.

On the opposite side of the bottomless cliff are the mountains where we can continue to move forward.

There is only an iron rope about the thickness of an arm connecting the cliffs on both sides.

The young man in the lead stepped on it without any hesitation, stood firmly on it, and then ran quickly along the iron rope.

The other two young men followed him, followed closely by Tang San.

Tang Liu was the last one to step onto the iron rope, but he was too lazy to imitate Tang San and the others, and since he was at the end, no one would notice him for no reason, so he simply flew up and followed Tang San forward.

The young man at the head led them through several cliffs, and each cliff was connected by that kind of iron cable.

As we got deeper into the mountains, the air began to become moist and cold, and a layer of ice formed on the new iron ropes, which undoubtedly made it more difficult to move forward.

The leading young man also stopped in front of the iron rope, then took out a rope, tied one end of the rope around his waist, and threw the other end to the other two young men.

The two young men then tied the rope around their waists and threw the rope to Tang San.

Tang San did not tie it up immediately, but turned to look at Tang Liu behind him.

He said: "Let me come to the rear, Xiaoliu."

Tang Liu looked at the young man in front of Tang San, looked at him again, and shook his head vigorously.

Tang San smiled helplessly, "Xiao Liu, be more gregarious."

Tang Liu whispered, "They were the ones who didn't get along in the first place."

Tang San: "You know, because of our father, it's understandable that we're not very popular with them. Besides, we're going back to recognize our ancestors this time, so we'd better bear with it."

Tang Liu thought for two seconds, "Okay then." Then he took the rope and tied it around his waist.

Only then did Tang San tie the last part of the rope around himself.

After seeing that they were all ready, the young man in the lead stepped onto the icy iron rope ahead.

Different from the previous rapid passage, this time the leading young man's speed was very slow and appeared to be very cautious.

After all, the frozen iron rope is very slippery, and if you don't pay attention and don't stand firm, you will slide down. Given the height of this cliff, it would be difficult for a titled Douluo to survive even if he fell.

Of course, this is a situation where Titled Douluo does not take any countermeasures.

After carefully walking through the iron ropes one after another, looking at the gradually relaxed look on the young man's face, it must be that the Haotian Sect is approaching.

However, when they reached the middle of the last iron rope, a flying soul beast relied on the thick fog in the mountains and quickly approached them.

Tang Liu was the first to notice the flying soul beast, but he didn't make any move.

Immediately afterwards, Tang San also discovered the flying spirit beast. After shouting the word "be careful" loudly, he launched the purple divine light with all his strength on the flying spirit beast, killing it with one blow.

But the time he took action was still a little late after all. The body of the flying soul beast still hit the iron rope and broke it directly.

As a result, the five people standing on it immediately fell towards the bottomless cliff covered by thick fog.

Tang San immediately took countermeasures, and the Blue Silver Emperor vines shot out instantly, pulling up the broken chain. At the same time, in order to prevent slipping, dense spikes grew on the crystal Blue Silver Emperor vines. Hold the gap of the iron rope firmly.

Since several people were connected by the ropes around their waists, after Tang San relied on the Blue Silver Emperor's vines and the flying soul skill of the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone to stabilize his body, Tang Liu and the three young men below also Then stabilize your body shape.

After feeling the tension from the rope, the three young men lifted their spirits and lightened their bodies, thereby reducing some of Tang San's pressure.

Except Tang Liu.

This guy has been acting like a jerk ever since he set foot on the road to Haotian Sect's new address.

Now that he has fallen, he will not rely on his soul power to fly or use Hao Lan to teleport to take everyone away from the current dangerous situation.

Moreover, he did not show off his temper and made light of his body. His hands and feet were drooped, like a dog being held up.

Tang San took a casual glance and saw that Tang Liu had no intention of taking any action.

Then he glanced at the rope tightly wrapped around Tang Liu's waist.

That's right, there are still three big men hanging down there. Nothing will happen to Xiaoliu, right?

So he shouted with some concern: "Xiao Liu?"

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