So I went to Douluo

Chapter 279 Star Soul Hunting

It doesn't matter now whether there is a wedding or not.

Anyway, after that, Tang San briefly talked about his experiences in recent years and explained the changes in his appearance.

Immediately afterwards, Oscar told everyone how he came here in the past five years.

In fact, he was not able to rush back to Shrek Academy so quickly.

Just one day ago, in a forest in the far north ice field, he happened to obtain his sixth soul ring, which came from a 20,000-year-old mirror beast.

Moreover, he also obtained a soul bone from this mirror beast.

A head soul bone second only to the trunk bone.

However, he was in a team of soul masters at that time, and they also hunted the mirror beast together. It was simply impossible to monopolize the quick soul bone.

Therefore, he and the only soul saint in that team who could trust him, killed the other members of the soul master team.

However, although the companion with him is a Soul Saint, he is still unable to defeat four hands with two fists. In addition, he is only a food-based soul master. Even though he has reached the level of Soul Emperor, he has even obtained They had acquired a sixth soul skill that could copy other people's abilities, so they still encountered a little trouble.

But at that moment, Tang San and Tang Liu suddenly appeared and helped them get rid of those people in an instant.

Later, after he absorbed the soul bone, they came to Shrek Academy together.

This is also the reason why Oscar will appear in Shrek Academy with Tang San.

To be honest, when Oscar saw Tang San's current appearance for the first time, he couldn't believe it for a long time.

However, Tang Liu beside Tang San is the best proof of Tang San's identity.

So even though it was unbelievable, Oscar didn't doubt it anymore.

In addition, when Tang San and Tang Liu saw Oscar again, he had an old scar on his face.

But Tang Liu healed the scar with a Void Spirit Healing, and then he was hugged by Oscar and cried for a long time.

But at least seven of the eight members of the Shrek Monster Group have returned to Shrek Academy. The last one is Xiao Wu, and Tang San plans to go to the Star Dou Forest to find her tomorrow, and get his sixth soul ring by the way.

To this end, the seven people also made a five-year agreement again, in order to allow the eight people from the Shrek Monster Group and Mu Jing, who had participated in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition with them, to fully Reunion.

Speaking of Mu Jing, others naturally asked Tang Liu if he knew her whereabouts.

Tang Liu just said that Mu Jing had something to do and was not in the Tiandou Empire now.

But he did not elaborate on what Mu Jing was doing.

Among them, Dai Mubai might be the only one who knows better.

After a brief gathering, Liu Erlong proposed that the seven of them and the academy teachers have a performance competition, which would also open the eyes of the Shrek students and stimulate their cultivation.

Flender immediately agreed, and then he and Zhao Wuji stood on the playing field, looking at the six Shrek monsters opposite Tang Liu who had removed Tang Liu, and felt like crying.

In the end, the duration of this game was not very long in total, ten minutes at most.

After the Shrek Six Monsters eliminated Zhao Wuji, they pretended to have a tie with Flender in order to maintain his face as the dean.

Then, after resting for a night in Shrek Academy, Tang San embarked on the journey to the Star Dou Forest.

Tang Liu did not choose to go with him, because if he remembered correctly, the last few days have been the time for the Spirit Hall to attack the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

Due to the sudden attack by Wuhun Palace, both the Qibao Glazed Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect suffered heavy losses.

The situation of the Qibao Glazed Sect was relatively better, because they had hidden weapons provided by Tang San.

But the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect was directly destroyed.

Although Tang Liu had promised Qian Renxue not to tell the truth.

But he didn't say he wouldn't stop it, right?

Moreover, the Spirit Hall secretly launched this war against the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect because it wanted to rearrange the seven major sects so that more soul masters could be in their hands.


Reshuffling is OK.

But his Haotian Sect.

Must be ranked first.

Darkness fell silently.

Within the Qibao Glazed Sect, in addition to the disciples who patrolled at night, there were also some unidentified people who had sneaked in unnoticed.

When some of them attacked the disciples of Qibao Glazed Sect, others rushed to kill them all before they could succeed.

Of course, sometimes there will be some troubles. For example, those who sneak attack on the disciples of Qibao Glazed Sect fail to sneak attack on those who sneak attack on the disciples of Qibao Glazed Sect. Those who sneak attack on the disciples of Qibao Glazed Sect are discovered in advance, so those who sneak attack on Qibao Glazed Sect disciples are discovered in advance. The Liuli Sect disciples in turn attacked those who attacked them.

At this time, a blue light will be fired at those who sneak attack the Qibao Glazed Sect disciples, killing them with one blow.

Regardless of success or failure, those who sneak attack the disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect will disappear in a blue light, and then be sent to another place to continue to sneak attack those who sneak attack the disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

In this way, the wireless matryoshka continued until those who attacked the Qibao Glazed Sect disciples finally realized something was wrong and began to retreat.

Afterwards, Ning Fengzhi, the leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect, began to count the number of casualties, and was quite surprised to find that the number of casualties of the Qibao Glazed Sect was very small, well within the acceptable range.

But the group of people who attacked their Qibao Glazed Sect were not in such a mood.

But shocked and angry.

Fortunately, they were not only attacking the Qibao Glazed Sect at the same time, but also the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

Although the Qibao Glazed Sect suffered heavy losses, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect had smooth sailing, which finally gave them some peace of mind and allowed them to suffer less scolding from the Pope.

At the same time as this raid was taking place, there was also a soul hunting operation going on in the Star Dou Forest.

Tang San was also in this soul-hunting team, and met his opponent in the Continental Advanced Academy Soul Master Elite Competition, an acquaintance from the Slaughter City, and his companion on the road to hell, Hu Liena.

However, no one here could recognize that he was Tang San. They only knew through Hu Liena that his name was Tang Yin.

Tang San actually broke in accidentally, just because he accidentally heard that their soul hunting operation was related to Xiao Wu, so he relied on Hu Liena to sneak into it.

In addition to Hu Liena, Tang San also met many acquaintances in this soul hunting team, first of all, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, as well as the former golden generation of Wuhun Palace, Xie Yue and Yan.

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