So I went to Douluo

Chapter 283 Another Continent

Ye Lingling also looked at Tang Liu at this time, and then asked: "Why didn't you tell me before that his martial soul can swallow life force to increase the life of the soul ring?"

Tang Liu chuckled and said, "You know it now, so why did I say it before?"

Ye Lingling rolled her eyes at him, "Do you know how long we were confused when we first saw his soul ring change?"

Tang Liu waved his hand, "Okay, let's not say more. We should go find Mu Jing. It's better for you. You only killed one Fire Leopard Sect, but she killed the other two by herself. You know, back then, But these three sects have teamed up to attack your Jiuxin Haitang family. When you see Mu Jing, why don't you thank her sincerely, after all, she has avenged you."

Mu Jing said helplessly, "I know. But don't think that I don't know. You sent people from the Haotian Sect and the assistance of the Star Luo Empire to make her succeed."

Tang Liu was a little surprised, "How do you know."

Lu Qiufeng suddenly interrupted: "Because my adoptive father was also involved." Seeing Tang San and Ye Lingling looking towards him, Lu Qiufeng smiled sheepishly.

Ye Lingling looked at Tang Liu again, "Where are Xu Yue and Xu Chen, where did you send them?"

Tang Liu took out the carriage and replied at the same time: "They have been in Tiandou City all along, helping me monitor Xue Qinghe, the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire."

Ye Lingling: "Does Xue Qinghe have another identity? If he is just the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire, it seems that he is not worthy of your attention."

Tang Liu glanced at her, and then took the lead on the carriage, "It seems that you have become a lot smarter in the past three years?"

Something flashed in Ye Lingling's eyes, and then she also stepped onto the carriage, "After all, it's very tiring to scheme with the Fire Leopard Sect every day."

Tang Liu nodded slightly, "Not bad."

Lu Qiufeng was the last one to get on the bus.

After he came up, Tang Liu drove the carriage, and then teleported away from the city with the carriage.

Arriving at a city in the south of the Star Luo Empire.

There is also a sect here, one of the four lower sects.

But now that sect has become ruins.

Mu Jing stood quietly in front of the ruins of the sect, watching indifferently as a blue light suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and then a luxurious-looking carriage appeared in front of her.

There was no disturbance in her heart, she just walked up naturally, and then hugged each other with Ye Lingling who was waiting inside.

Ye Lingling looked at her sincerely, "Thank you."

Mu Jing smiled softly, "You're welcome."

Tang Liu looked at Mu Jing and got to the point, "What level is it now?"

Mu Jing looked at him, paused, and felt a little discouraged, "Level sixty-eight."

Tang Liu just nodded, "That's not bad."

Mu Jing asked him in turn, "What level are you at now?"

Tang Liu smiled faintly, "It's still the same."

Mu Jing nodded, "Then where should we go next?"

Tang Liu activated Hao Lan Teleportation, teleporting people and carriages away from the city, and then said with a smile: "Go to another continent."

Several people looked outside and saw the endless ocean.

Immediately afterwards, the puppet horse in front of the carriage suddenly jumped up into the air, and then got higher and higher until it was completely above the sky, dragging the carriage and flying quickly in the sky.

Several people came outside the carriage in surprise, looking at the clouds around them for a while, and then looking at the vast and endless ocean below.

After marveling, Lu Qiufeng discovered a question, "Aren't we going to take Xu Yue and Xu Chen with us?"

Tang Liu simply said, "That place is not suitable for them to go."

One month later.

Tang San had successfully gathered the four major families that were once affiliated with the Haotian Sect and established the Tang Sect.

Then, under the leadership of Tai Tai, the leader of the Force Clan, Tang San came to Gengxin City, a city that specialized in selling rare metals.

Here, he found a man known as the Master Craftsman, and also bought the rare metals used to make the Tang Sect's top three hidden weapons, and invited the Master Craftsman, Lou Gao, back with him.

However, not long after returning to Tiandou City, the Tiandou Empire's royal family encountered trouble again.

This time, it was the emperor of the Tiandou Empire, Emperor Xueye, who was seriously ill and dying.

However, after Dugu Bo's testing, it was discovered that Emperor Xue Ye was actually poisoned by someone, a mixed poison that even he couldn't detoxify.

As a last resort, he invited Tang San, and to be on the safe side, Tang San brought Yang Wudi, an elder of the Po Zhi clan who was also proficient in this way, to the palace.

However, during the process of heading to the palace, they were blocked, so Tang San took out the crown prince token that Xue Qinghe had given him, and was let go.

It was at this time that he began to wonder whether the poisoning of Emperor Xue Ye had something to do with Xue Qinghe.

What happened later also proved that this was indeed related to Xue Qinghe.

Oh no, I shouldn’t say Xue Qinghe, because the real Xue Qinghe died a long time ago.

The person who really caused all this was Qian Renxue.

In other words, it was Wuhundian who did it.

Later, they unexpectedly got into a fight with Qian Renxue, as well as two titled Douluo, an agouti and a snake spear who were following Qian Renxue.

Dugu Bo was entangled by Gallicoline Douluo, while Snake Spear Douluo was entangled with Yang Wudi.

Qian Renxue herself started fighting with Tang San.

However, Tang San found that the extremely beautiful young woman in front of him looked a little absent-minded.

The red lips opened and closed slightly, as if they were saying something.

Tang San listened intently, and then heard, "Oh shit, it's actually real!" "Exactly the same!" "So the things called milk tea and cake are also real?" These were words he couldn't understand.

Tang San:"……"

In short, let’s put the matters on Douluo Continent aside for now.

Just when Tang San and the others were fighting in full swing, Tang Liu and his party also arrived at their destination.

When the edge of the continent appeared in everyone's eyes, they realized that the other continent Tang Liu mentioned had arrived.

Ye Lingling was the first to see the continental line. She asked excitedly: "Is this another continent? Does it have many soul beasts like ours? Does it also have many soul masters?"

Tang Liu looked at Ye Lingling who seemed to be much more cheerful than before, smiled slightly, and said: "There are also soul masters on this continent, but the soul masters here are not as strong as ours. But there are several levels of danger here. No less than a gathering place for soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest. In addition, although the soul masters here are not strong, their soul guides are more advanced than ours over there."

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