So I went to Douluo

Chapter 300 The Sixth Soul Skill

However, the time they encountered an 80,000-year-old spirit beast alone was more thrilling than the time they encountered an 80,000-year-old and a 60,000-year-old spirit beast at the same time.

Because the 80,000-year-old soul beast that he met alone had a nobler bloodline.

Just like a ten-thousand-year-old Titan giant ape can rival an ordinary hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast.

The 80,000-year-old soul beast that the three of them encountered gave them the same senses as the 100,000-year-old soul beast.

Even though none of the three of them have ever truly seen a hundred thousand year old soul beast, they have never truly felt the aura and pressure of a hundred thousand year old soul beast.

However, after encountering these two eighty-thousand-year-old soul beasts, the three of them have never encountered a soul beast that has been cultivated for more than 60,000 years.

In this way, in the core circle of this extremely dangerous evil forest, he fought with the soul beast almost non-stop for half a month.

High-intensity battles are also a way to squeeze out potential and quickly improve your strength.

Even though Lu Qiufeng and Ye Lingling have already entered the soul saint level, after half a month of fighting, their soul power has rapidly increased by two to three levels.

Of course, within this half month, the three of them still have not encountered a soul beast with a cultivation level of more than 60,000 years, and the frequency of encountering soul beasts is not high. In addition, there are sufficient milk bottles to provide soul power supply. , so I can persist.

However, the good luck of the three people seems to have ended here.

Because, a powerful soul beast with a cultivation level of about 90,000 years took the initiative to find them.

It was a Devouring Dragon.

Known as a mini Tyrannosaurus rex.

Yalong and earth dragon species.

Possessing a very domineering innate soul skill, Devouring Heaven and Earth, which can swallow all the energy within a certain range and then turn it into its own energy.

Devouring dragons are born to kill, so this battle is unavoidable.

But for the innate soul skill of Devouring Dragon, the three of them really didn't have any good way to deal with it.

Judging from the cultivation level, the natural soul skills of this 90,000-year-old devouring dragon definitely cover a wide range, and it is unrealistic for them to escape in a short time.

Therefore, the moment they collided with the Devouring Dragon, the three of them unanimously chose to retreat quickly and distance themselves from the Devouring Dragon.

When the Devouring Dragon saw this, he immediately chased after him without any hesitation.

Although its size is not as huge as its close relative Tyrannosaurus rex, it is extremely fast. Even though the three of them had turned on the soul guidance thrusters, the Devouring Dragon still followed them not far or near.

Seeing this, the three of them also understood that it was impossible to escape, so they released their martial spirits one after another, and then attacked the Devouring Dragon from a distance.

Of course, Mu Jing will be the main attacker, because Lu Qiufeng is mainly good at close combat. Even if he could throw Qiu Feng, he knew just by looking at the hard and smooth scales on the Devouring Dragon that his attack would be difficult to work.

If he wanted to break through the 90,000-year-old Devouring Dragon's Linjia defense, Lu Qiufeng would have to use most of his soul skills at the same time.

In this case, the consumption of soul power will undoubtedly be huge, not to mention that he is still using the soul guidance thruster, so the gain is not worth the loss.

Naturally, Mu Jing, who has the ability to control souls, can play a big role in this situation.

Not to mention completely controlling the Devouring Dragon, but at least it can slow down the progress of the Devouring Dragon.

This is exactly what happened.

As soon as the soul rings appeared, Mu Jing's first and second soul rings flashed alternately.

Three thousand plum raindrops can slow down the Devouring Dragon's advancing figure for a second, and the plume's line of fire can restrain the Devouring Dragon for about half a second.

Since they are the first and second soul skills, the soul power consumed is not too much, and she can continue to use them.

As for the following soul skills, either they were too noisy and might attract other soul beasts, or their attack power was insufficient to cause damage to the Devouring Dragon, so Mu Jing did not use them.

Moreover, most of the following soul skills require a certain amount of preparation time, but Three Thousand Plum Rainfall and Plum Blossoms Like Flowing Fire can be cast instantly, which is undoubtedly more cost-effective for the current situation.

However, just delaying time like this is not a solution, because the soul power of the three of them has been continuously consumed due to the continuous use of the soul guidance thruster.

On the other hand, the Devouring Dragon was just relying on its own physical strength to run.

In terms of physical strength, the three humans are absolutely inferior to the Devouring Dragon with a trace of golden dragon blood.

So, the three of them looked at each other and tacitly chose to act separately.

Mu Jing protected Ye Lingling and continued to retreat, while Lu Qiufeng immediately ran towards the side of the Devouring Dragon.

When Mu Jing kept releasing her first and second soul skills on the Devouring Dragon, the light of soul power also appeared in many places on Ye Lingling's body.

Immediately afterwards, pitch-black gun barrels appeared from her arms, shoulders, waist and other places. Immediately, rays of soul power condensed in those gun ports. The next moment, they all shot towards The Devouring Dragon's head shot away with electricity.

These soul-guided cannons are soul-guided weapons that can fire beams with certain control effects such as binding, slowing, paralysis, and burning. However, there are only two of them with offensive power, one explosion cannon and one cracking cannon. .

The beams of these two soul cannons were aimed at the Devouring Dragon's eyes and fired by Ye Lingling.

Sensing the danger, the Devouring Dragon immediately stopped. Before the two soul-guiding rays headed towards its eyes arrived, it turned its head, so the two soul-guiding rays landed on its torso. superior.

These two soul cannons are level seven soul cannons, and their power cannot be underestimated. The soul power rays carrying explosive and cracking energy directly blasted two small holes on the Devouring Dragon's torso, and the scales around the holes rolled back. , bursts of green smoke came out.

The Devouring Dragon also let out a miserable howl. After all, the effects of explosion and disintegration acted on the body at the same time, and the pain caused can be imagined.

At this time, other soul power rays with control effects also fell on the Devouring Dragon, causing a control effect on it for about three seconds.

Within these three seconds, the Devouring Dragon's body could only freeze in place, unable to move.

At this moment, Mu Jing's first, second, and sixth and third soul rings also lit up at the same time.

Three thousand plum blossoms rained down and plum blossoms bloomed like flowing fire, and the two great control soul skills fell on the Devouring Dragon.

And finally, the soul skill of the sixth soul ring as dark as ink.

The shadows of the rustling plum blossoms are gone.

This is also a soul control skill.

One comes from a dark attribute soul beast that has been cultivated for more than 30,000 years.

Compared with the hard control of Sanqian Meiyuluo and Meikairuhuo, the control of Susu Meiyingcan is more reflected in the weakening aspect.

Its effect is to weaken all defenses of the designated target and cause a slow corrosive effect on the target, which can gradually consume the target's soul power. At the same time, under the effect of this soul skill, the target will also feel a sense of fear and intimidation, thus greatly reducing the combat power.

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