So I went to Douluo

Chapter 30 Tang Liu is not tall

Tang Hao didn't give much guidance to Tang Liu in his cultivation, and he basically treated Tang Liu in a state of letting go.

However, I don't know if it was because of the Demon Eye Demon Tree last time. When it was safe, Tang Hao never let Tang Liu leave his sight for more than half an hour. When going out, he must always ensure that Tang Liuchu is in his sight.

Tang Liu was also happy like this, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to explain to Tang Hao why he had to use a language that Tang Hao didn't understand and mutter to himself for more than an hour every day that Tang Hao didn't understand...

And Tang Liu had never worried about his own cultivation, because there were basically no bottlenecks in a soul master's cultivation.

If there are any bottlenecks, then there are only soul core cultivations from level 89 to level 90, and from level 98 to level 99.

However, there is no such thing as a soul core yet, so the so-called bottleneck does not exist.

If you really encounter any bottleneck, it's not too late to ask Tang Hao directly. After all, Tang Hao has cultivated to the title Douluo step by step.

If Tang Hao couldn't solve it, Tang Liu decided to ask the master.

If the master can't solve it...

Then you have to rely on his assistant system.

In fact, if the system hadn't made him wary that time, he would have been willing to ask the system directly.

After Tang San learned that Tang Hao and Tang Liu had left, he took Xiao Wu back to Notting Academy the next day and began to practice diligently.

And Tang Hao also took Tang Liu to live in Notting City, watching Tang San from a distance, taking Tang Liu out for a month or two from time to time, and then coming back.

When I go out, sometimes I go to the Star Forest, sometimes I go to other cities.

When he went to other cities, Tang Hao usually put Tang Liu in a hotel, and then went there alone for unknown reasons, acting like an underground party contact.

However, Tang Liu also had some guesses about this, feeling that Tang Hao should be preparing to deal with Wuhun Palace, or at least paving the way for Tang San and him in the future.

And this situation continued until Tang was sixty-one years old.

In the four years from the age of seven to eleven, Tang Liu finally succeeded in compressing and condensing his soul power for the first time. Although it still consumed mana when using the Hao Lan spell, he was able to hold on longer than before. A little longer.

Tang Liu's total soul power now should be equivalent to a soul king of more than fifty levels. But even so, Tang Liu's soul power still couldn't use Hao Lan's spell for a long time, which was enough to show how powerful the Hao Lan spell's mana consumption was.

Since the soul power was completely compressed, Tang Liu's cultivation speed finally slowed down, but he still reached level 40 when he just turned eight.

However, he did not rush to condense the fourth soul ring with his Hao Lan spell. Instead, he continued to compress his soul power and improve his mental power at the same time.

According to the master, a soul master's training will not stop just because he has not obtained a soul ring.

In addition, Huo Yuhao said that the advancement of suppressing soul power can improve mental power, so of course Tang Liu was happy not to condense soul rings.

After completing the first round of soul power compression, Tang Liu immediately started the second round of soul power purification and compression without stopping.

And his cultivation level has been stuck at level 40 for three years.

Now he is eleven years old, but he still has no idea of ​​condensing soul rings and increasing his soul power.

According to his estimation, the second condensation of his soul power should be completed within this year. By then he will be twelve years old, and it will be time to condense the fourth soul ring of his Hao Lan spell.

By then, with his cultivation reaching level 40, he should be able to add a third soul ring of ten thousand years level to the Void Spirit Blue Silver Emperor Spirit.

It is worth mentioning that Tang San also obtained his second soul ring when he was eight years old and successfully entered the level of a great soul master.

Now Tang San and Tang Liu are both eleven years old. Tang San's cultivation level is level twenty-seven, while Tang Liu's cultivation level is level forty. The gap between the innate level 10 soul power and the innate level 20 soul power is reflected from here.

However, Tang San's talent was no weaker than Tang Liu's, it was just that Tang San, whose Blue Silver Emperor bloodline had not yet awakened, was still relatively slow in his cultivation.

Tang Liu's current advantages are the additional tenth-level soul power brought to him by the third martial soul Hao Lan's spell, and the originally awakened Blue Silver Emperor martial soul, which prevents his cultivation speed from being as fast as Tang San's. Being held back by the current Blue Silver Grass.

However, now this advantage has gradually become less obvious as the two soul power levels are getting closer, and Tang Liu's cultivation speed has slowed down after compressing the soul power.

There was one thing that Tang Hao found very interesting, because of the eleven-year-old Tang San and Tang Liu, one was already a boy about 1.7 meters tall, while the other now looked like a child just over 1.3 meters tall.

Similarly, Tang San's face also looked more mature, and basically no longer had the youthfulness of a child. But Tang Liu was still as young as he was when he was a child, with a childish face, and it seemed as if water would come out when he squeezed it.

"When you go to find your brother, I'm afraid your brother will say that I haven't taken good care of you in the past few years." Tang Hao looked at Tang Liu who was just past his thigh, couldn't help but smile, and pinched his face said.

"How do I know I won't grow taller now!" Tang Liu was also extremely depressed.

After traveling through time for so long, he and Tang San have always been about the same height.

It's just that in the first three years, Tang San's height grew rapidly as if he was on drugs.

When Tang Liu was about to look up to Tang San, Tang Liu finally realized something.

Although I have traveled to Douluo Continent, I don't seem to have the growth pattern of the people here who are 1.7 meters at the age of ten, 1.8 meters at the age of 13, and 2 meters at the age of fifteen. I am still like an ordinary Chinese person in my previous life. .

It is relatively common for Chinese people to be eleven and a half meters tall. Tang Liu remembered that when he was this age in his previous life, he was almost the same height.

In short, he is just very short.

However, to be fair, Tang Hao had raised Tang Liu quite well in the past few years, and his usual food was all made from centuries-old soul beast ingredients.

Although I haven't grown much taller, I have gained a few pounds and my face is a bit chubby.

"If you don't want to learn from your brother, why don't you practice more?" Tang Hao said.

"I'm so tired, so tired, I refuse, I refuse." Don't you feel good about sitting and lying down without even exercising? I am a homeless person and I don’t think there is anything wrong with it...

"But now you can't even pick up a fifty kilogram forging hammer. Tell me, how should you practice the random cloak hammering technique?" Tang Hao said with a hint of disgust on his expression.

"I am an auxiliary soul master!" Tang Liu said confidently.

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