So I went to Douluo

Chapter 335 Heartless

But the remaining thoughts in her mind stopped her behavior.

No matter what, there is absolutely no turning back.

Compared to Xu Yue, Xu Chen's situation seems to be better.

Because he had always remembered Tang Liu's instructions, the vague call had little impact on him.

Therefore, Yin Yang Lianhunyuan quickly changed the way to deal with him.

Xu Chen found that a figure gradually appeared in front of him.

When the figure became clearer, he discovered that the figure was actually Shadow Douluo.

Shadow Douluo looked at him and said, "Child, if you are tired from walking, just stop and rest."

One sentence brought back his memories.

From the time he awakened his martial soul at the age of six, he began to practice extremely hard.

At that time, Shadow Douluo often said this to him.

"When you are tired from walking, stop and rest."

But he never heard it.

Because he knew he couldn't stop.

Because he is a descendant of Xing Luo.

Because since he was born, he has been charged with the mission of protecting Xing Luo.

The Star Luo Empire never raises waste.

Even though he was born with full soul power, he never stopped. Because he didn't dare.

He is not the prince of Xingluo. Although he has been enshrined, he is still a commoner in essence.

And in the Star Luo Empire, the competition between civilians like them was not much weaker than the competition between the two princes of the Star Luo Empire.

If he doesn't work hard, what will their family do in the future?

Is it because of his sister who basically only knows how to eat, drink and have fun?

Because she is a girl, Xu Yue, who also had full soul power first, has been pampered by her family since she was born. She is aware of the undercurrents in the palace, but does not take it seriously.

Originally, he thought that he would spend his whole life practicing hard like this, and eventually take over his grandfather's mantle and become the Douluo enshrined in Xingluo, protecting the Emperor of Xingluo, and at the same time protecting his sister who knew nothing, and protecting him and Sister's home.

He thought his life was like this.

For this reason, he has never even played or even talked with children of the same age. Except my sister.

Because he has known this since he was a child and knows the responsibilities he carries on his shoulders, he always looks particularly silent and unsmiling in the eyes of outsiders.

At first, his heart would feel heavy about it.

Until one day.

He and his sister were kidnapped by two men in black at the same time.

The faces under the masks of the two men in black were also familiar to them.

They are the other two worship Douluo of the Star Luo Empire.

They took him and his sister to a place they had never been before.

Then there, they saw the beloved Xingluo eldest prince, Davis.

But the beloved eldest prince of Xingluo imprisoned him and his sister.

In order to limit their soul power, Davis would send someone to feed them a potion every day. This potion not only restricted the movement of their soul power, but also made their physical strength drain away, making it difficult to move.

After some time, he separated from his sister.

Since he was blindfolded, he didn't know where he was being sent.

I don't know where my sister was sent, or whether she is still in the prison where they stayed.

In the pitch-black cage with no sky, just when he opened his eyes and stared at the darkness.

The child once realized.

There was no way he could stop.

Never possible.

And these people could never stop him.

At that moment, my heart, which used to feel a little heavy and unwilling, suddenly calmed down.

It was as if all the heartstrings related to it were suddenly severed.

He lay calmly on the cold ground in the cage.

Calmly staring at the darkness at the top of the cage.

He calmly swallowed the potion fed to him by the guards.

The only one who can make some waves for him is his sister.

He was worried whether his sister was suffering the same pain he was suffering, and whether she had become as calm as a pool of stagnant water like him.

He didn't know how long these days had passed.

But one day, the heart that had been so calm to death was stirred up again because of another person.

In the dark cage, a wet mouse broke in at some point.

And the rat always seemed to be whispering in his ear.

At first, he thought it was an illusion.

But when his fingers, which had been numb for a long time, suddenly moved slightly under his unconscious control, he told himself that if it was an illusion, then let him indulge in it.

He chatted with the mouse. Of course, he couldn't speak, but the mouse miraculously knew what he was thinking.

However, the mouse is not always by his side. The time for communication with him is intermittent, ranging from half an hour to three hours. Sometimes, the mouse will leave, and soon it will be replaced by a cockroach or something else...

When he was able to control his entire right hand, he reached out and grabbed the mouse he was talking to.

"How is my sister?"

The mouse squeaked, but no familiar voice sounded in his mind.

A spider crawled over next to her, "Your sister is very good, and I often talk to her."

So he let go of the mouse and closed his eyes with relief.

The second before his consciousness fell into a deep sleep, he conveyed his last thoughts.

"That's good."

And the one who kept talking to him was naturally Tang Liu.

But, maybe only Tang Liu knows.

Really just a little bit off.

Xu Yue is a beautiful girl.

She is still a beautiful girl who can no longer resist.

The person guarding her has evil thoughts and is about to act on them.

But fortunately, the small animal controlled by his Hao Lan mark found the place where Xu Yue was imprisoned in time, and he used this to influence the guard's consciousness and prevent the tragedy from happening.

Tang Liu didn't mention it, so Xu Chen naturally didn't know.

So Xu Chen looked at the illusion of Shadow Douluo in front of him and said, "No."

He always cherishes words like gold.

But now, he feels that he should say more.

"Unless my life is over."

Otherwise I will never stop.

Even if progress is costly.

Even if everything is meaningless in my eyes.

Even if I cut off all emotions for it.

“What I value, will always be valued by me.”

He felt that unparalleled sense of peace again.

Only this time, underneath that feeling of calm, there was a turbulence as hot as fire.

Then the Shadow Douluo in front of him disappeared.

But the illusion did not disappear completely.


It's another figure.

That figure was actually himself.

He looked at himself.

He asked: "Even if you are reduced to heartlessness?"

He looked at himself.

Answer: "Even if you fall into despair, you will have no heart."

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