So I went to Douluo

Chapter 345 Sacrifice

In any case, no matter how casual the process was, Tang Liu still completed the second soul core condensation process using the yin and yang complementary method, and his cultivation level successfully broke through the eighty-nine level and reached the ninety level.

And as he guessed, his first martial soul added another soul ring to him when he first entered the ninetieth level, thus helping him enter the realm of Titled Douluo.

The extra soul ring, like the eighth soul ring of his first martial soul, is the half-million-year-old soul ring of the Moon Elf Queen.

After that, Tang Liu continued to condense the ninth ring of his Hao Lan spell.

Now, of his three martial souls, only the second martial soul, the Clear Sky Hammer, is left, and two soul rings are still missing. As long as he completes those two soul rings, he will be a three-life martial soul titled Douluo with complete soul rings.

So he looked up at the sky again, his eyes full of expectation.

"Okay, okay, it's been ready."

This time three rays of light came down, which were two complete leg bones and a blood-red soul ring with three golden patterns.

"You see, I am thinking more about you. In order to make you look more respectable in the future, the soul rings I gave you are all with gold patterns."

Tang Liu smiled and began to absorb the soul rings and soul bones: "Thank you."

"The soul ring and soul bones given to you this time are somewhat special. They come from a little thing called the Yin and Yang Bipolar Beast. After careful consideration, turning part of its power into your soul rings and soul bones can also be considered as a new experience for you. Ability, let you see in advance what the people on our side can do. But don't be too happy too early, when you come back, I will take back this power."

Tang Liu was not very happy for a moment, "You still want to recycle it?"

"Of course, this power is still a bit dangerous for you. If I don't recover it, if you accidentally destroy yourself, it won't be a big deal. If you make a bigger mess, I can clean it up. troublesome."

"Okay, okay, I understand. Tell me in detail, what abilities do these two soul bones have?"

"Those two leg bones, you can call them the Yaoyin left leg bone and the Yaoyang right leg bone respectively. As the names suggest, they have the power of 'yin' and 'yang' respectively. The levels of these two powers are equivalent to a The origin power...well, it was born around the same time as me, so even though it is the most peaceful and stable origin power, it is still very dangerous."

Tang Liu understood: "The status is similar to Chaos Magic and Phoenix Power?"

"Yes, you can say that."

“Does recycling really have to be done?”

"Not negotiable."

"Alright alright……"

Tang Liu secretly thought it was a pity, and then continued to absorb and replenish his soul rings and soul bones.

Half an hour later, all the absorption was completed. At this point, Tang Liu's soul power had been pushed to level ninety-six by several soul rings and several soul bones. With two more levels to go, it was time to prepare to condense the third one. Soul core.

But Tang Liu knew that even if he reached level ninety-eight, he would still be far from the time to condense the third soul core.

This has nothing to do with whether he can or not, it's just that he feels this way. Once he successfully condenses the third soul core, he will be able to break through to level ninety-nine, and it will not be difficult to condense the last circle of soul rings of the so-called Hao Lan spell.

But now, if he possesses the tenth circle of Hao Lan's soul ring at the end of this era, everything he has done before may be in vain. Because he knew that the tenth soul ring of Hao Lan's spell meant that he had no opponent in this universe.

Star Forest.

A soul hunting operation is quietly underway.

Led by Bibi Dong personally, the target is the two soul beast kings in the Star Dou Forest.

Da Ming, the Azure Bull Python, and Er Ming, the Titan Giant Ape.

However, Bibi Dong now lacks Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo's martial soul fusion skills, the two-pole static field, which makes it difficult for her attacks to be effective against the two soul beast kings. After all, she is still very afraid of fighting against Tian Qingniu. Python and titan ape go head to head.

But after all, there are more than just two titled Douluo named Ju and Gui in Wuhun Palace.

So in general, it was only a matter of time before Bibi Dong defeated two hundred thousand year soul beasts.

Of course, we also know that this woman is just hiding her strength. Her cultivation level must have broken through to level ninety-eight, maybe even level ninety-nine. And would a soul master of this level really be afraid of two hundred thousand year old soul beasts? Even though these two soul beasts are as powerful as ferocious beasts due to their bloodline.

But a ferocious beast that is 200,000 years old is only 200,000 years old after all. Even if two of them go together, they can't do anything to a level 98 human soul master.

What's more, Bibi Dong is also a twin martial soul owner.

And what a coincidence, Tang San was also taking Xiao Wu to replenish his remaining soul rings in the Star Forest. Not long after they arrived at the Star Forest, they met Da Ming and Er Ming who were running away from Bibi Dong.

But now, Da Ming and Er Ming were in extremely bad condition. It was obvious that they were poisoned by Bibi Dong's martial spirit.

The two met Da Ming and Er Ming, and then met Bibi Dong who was chasing after them.

Therefore, Tang San had no choice but to let Xiao Wu take Da Ming and Er Ming away first, and come to challenge Bibi Dong himself. And this is also the first time the two have fought against each other.

This duel ended with Tang San using the sea cucumber trident to crush Bibi Dong's body, forcing her to use her immortal body soul skill from Xiao Wu's mother's ninth soul ring of 100,000 years to try her best to repair herself. body of. And this also bought Tang San time to escape.

However, when Tang San found Xiao Wu and Da Ming Er Ming, he found that Da Ming Er Ming was already dying.

So in the end, the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape chose to sacrifice and fulfilled Tang San.

At this point, Tang San's first martial spirit, Blue Silver Emperor, had obtained the ninth spirit ring from the Azure Bull Python, and his second martial spirit, Clear Sky Hammer, had obtained the first spirit ring from the Titan Giant Ape.

Moreover, there are also the left arm bones of the Titan ape and the right arm bones of the Azure Bull Python.

After that, Tang San and Xiao Wu did not stay too much in the Star Dou Forest to prevent Bibi Dong from pursuing them.

At this time, Bibi Dong had just finished repairing her body.

However, on her almost perfect face, there was not even a hint of the anger and resentment of having her soul beast robbed. Her expression was always calm, as if she had known all this for a long time.

She gave one last faint glance at the direction Tang San left, and finally led all the people from the Spirit Hall to leave the Star Dou Forest.

There was no nostalgia at all, as if she was not the one who relentlessly pursued the Azure Bull Python and Titan Ape before.

It didn't take long for the Star Dou Forest to fall back into its previous peace.

But soon, the spirit beasts living in this forest discovered that the two auras of the forest king that had been intimidating them disappeared.

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