So I went to Douluo

Chapter 361 Three Gods Slander

Of course, there must be Tang Liu's reasons for this.

They couldn't personally solve Tang Liu, the uncertain factor in their eyes, and besides them, the only person in the world who was most likely to solve Tang Liu was Tang San.

Therefore, the five god kings can satisfy all Tang San's requirements.

Even if he sacrifices two first-level gods in the God Realm, he will not hesitate.

What's more, it was only the two heirs of the gods who were sacrificed, right?

Even if the god of angels and the god of Rakshasa were shattered and disappeared because of the death of the two new gods, they still have two of them with the power of a first-level god, but without the fighting power of the god, there is no loss. .

Ten thousand meters above the ground, the battle between the two gods was about to break out.

This place is deep inland and far away from the coastline. Therefore, in terms of environment, this place is not favorable for Tang San, who is the God of the Sea. However, the God of Angels has the best advantage because the sunshine here is extremely clear.

But even so, Poseidon Tang San still had a slight upper hand against Qian Renxue, God of Angels, overwhelming Qian Renxue.

This may also be because Tang San has an external soul bone, which is one more part than Qian Renxue's angelic armor. Therefore, after becoming a god, Tang San's increase would be much greater than Qian Renxue's, and therefore he would be stronger than Qian Renxue.

Not long after, Qian Renxue was retreating steadily. She was tired of resisting Tang San's attacks, but Tang San caught the flaw and pointed the Poseidon Trident directly at Qian Renxue's throat.

Tang San looked at Qian Renxue and said calmly: "You lose."

Qian Renxue's blond hair was a little messy and wet with sweat. She said, "Let's do it, otherwise the Spirit Empire will not withdraw its troops!"

Tang San's eyes narrowed slightly, a cold light flashing through them: "I'm sorry."

He exerted force on his arm and thrust the Poseidon Trident forward.

As a true artifact, just like the Angel Holy Sword owned by Qian Renxue, it can truly hurt a god.

Once the Poseidon Trident pierces Qian Renxue's neck, Qian Renxue will definitely die.

And at such a short distance, Qian Renxue had absolutely no reaction time to dodge.

It seemed that Qian Renxue was destined to die.

However, an evil aura suddenly appeared.

It was a huge black scythe.

It was this huge scythe that actually flew away the Poseidon Trident, which weighed one hundred and eight thousand kilograms, causing Qian Renxue to fall.

Tang San frowned tightly, recalled the Poseidon Trident, and quickly retreated dozens of meters, watching the dark purple figure that suddenly appeared warily.

The dark purple figure had a green face and fangs, and was dressed in purple-black armor. She stared at Tang San, holding the huge black scythe.

Tang San carefully identified it for a long time before he saw that this purple figure was none other than the current Pope of Spirit Hall, Bibi Dong.

And now, she has also achieved the position of god and has become the new Rakshasa god.

The situation instantly turned against Tang San.

Because both Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong are from Wuhun Palace, they will stand against him for Wuhun Palace.

But with his power as a sea god alone, he would never be able to defeat two first-level gods at the same time.

Does he have to use the power of Shura God?


Qian Renxue looked at the Rakshasa God beside her. Although the other person's face had changed greatly now, she still recognized the other person's identity immediately.

Her mother, Bibi Dong.

Qian Renxue's voice was trembling, and she said, "Why save me?"

Bibi Dong didn't even look at her, but said coldly: "The two gods are more likely to defeat him. Moreover, I can better unify the Douluo Continent."

She still hasn't changed.

Qian Renxue couldn't explain what kind of emotion she felt in her heart, but...

She smiled self-deprecatingly, and then said: "Yes, to unify the entire Douluo Continent... isn't this our goal?" Her expression quickly turned cold, "Then let's get rid of Poseidon together."

She raised the Angel Holy Sword again, and together with Bibi Dong, rushed towards Tang San again.

Tang San relied on his ever-changing spirit skills to barely take a few moves, but in the end he was still too weak to do anything, and Bibi Dong found the opportunity to shoot down the attack ten thousand meters in the air.

Tang San's Poseidon Trident was also knocked out of his hands by the continuous attacks of the two gods, and he himself was falling rapidly.

However, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue's attacks were far from stopping, and Tang San could only rely on his soul skills and the Poseidon Divine Armor to resist them.

But facing the simultaneous attacks of two first-level gods, these efforts were in vain.

He was completely at a disadvantage, unable to fight back.

Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue kept chasing Tang San, beating him to a height of less than a hundred meters above the ground.

But when they wanted to continue, they found that they could no longer act.

Because their bodies were tightly bound by a layer of extremely conspicuous blue-black light, allowing them to directly maintain their previous movements and remain still in mid-air.

And the one who also stopped was Tang San.

Immediately afterwards, Tang San's figure was dragged by the blue-black light to a place far away from Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue.

Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue's eyes followed Tang San all the way, and then they spotted another figure floating in the air behind Tang San.

Tang Liu.

Tang Liu held his first martial soul, the Void Spirit Blue Silver Emperor, on his left hand, and he was continuously using his sixth soul skill, Void Spirit's Healing, on Tang San to restore Tang San's injuries.

Of course, he didn't forget to throw a Hao Lan recovery ball at Tang San, allowing Tang San's condition to return to its peak.

While treating Tang San, he untied Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue. At the same time, he said to the two of them: "Although the two are ladies, isn't it too unjust to fight with more than less?"

Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong both looked at him warily. Even though they had become true gods now, they still felt a heartfelt fear of Tang Liu. Moreover, it seems that no one has really seen Tang Liu attack with all his strength, so they don't know what his strength is now. In addition, Tang Liu had too many weird abilities. Let's just say that the two of them had seen those used by Tang Liu. Some of them even Bibi Dong found troublesome at the time, and now he was even more afraid that he would be accidentally killed. Tang Liu's way. The action restricted by Tang Liu just now without warning was a very clear example.

Bibi Dong looked at Tang Liu and said, "Why, do you want to join our battle too?"

Tang Liu thought for a moment, and then said: "Why not? But..."

He looked at Qian Renxue and said, "You said you wanted to agree to a request of mine. Then I ask you to leave immediately and never interfere in the affairs of Wuhun Palace again. Are you willing?"

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