So I went to Douluo

Chapter 388 Dreamland

At night, Dai Yunze had a dream.

Even though he was lying on the soft big bed, Yuhao was no longer fighting with him for the quilt, and he rarely slept soundly.

But he still dreamed.

In his dream, he found himself standing on the stone platform where the martial soul awakening ceremony was performed during the day, with a vague figure standing in front of him.

Although he couldn't see the face of the person in front of him, Dai Yunze knew that that person should be Mr. Long who awakened the martial spirit for him.

In addition, although his dream restored almost every detail of the hall during the day, there were only two of him and Mr. Long.

Of course, Mr. Long seemed to him just a blurry black shadow.

But just such a black shadow made Dai Yunze feel extremely uneasy, and it seemed that he could faintly hear a very strange chirping sound.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that a black shadow suddenly separated from the black figure in front of him, like ink splashing in the water, first passing by the stone platform under his feet, and then entering his body.

Dai Yunze saw the whole process as a bystander, and when the black shadow flowed, his body standing on the stone platform became transparent, so he found that the black shadow flowed into his body. Among them, and saw that the black shadow that entered his body seemed to be gradually absorbed by his body.

And as the black shadow was gradually absorbed, another force emerged from his body.

I don't know why, but the newly emerged power made Dai Yunze feel extremely uncomfortable.

It's like the creepy feeling that people have when encountering dangerous things, and it's also accompanied by a bit of biting coldness.

But the moment that power appeared, Dai Yunze was extremely horrified to find that everything around him stopped.

Whether it was the surging black shadow, the energy gushing out of his body, or even space and time, they suddenly stopped.

And as everything stopped, Dai Yunze discovered that the world in his eyes seemed to be gradually getting brighter.

That is......

That's one.

He couldn't describe the light exactly.

Very mysterious and ethereal.

It's blue-black.

It penetrated from the ground of the main hall and gradually filled the empty space of the entire hall.


He saw a hand.

A hand stretched out from the void!

And that hand was behind him, stretching out its slender index finger and gently touching his back.

In an instant, he saw an extremely mysterious blue-black rune appear in his transparent body.

At the same time, the feeling of being invaded by a foreign object came over again, instantly bringing back relevant memories in his mind.

He also felt like this when he awakened his martial soul during the day.

But at that time, he thought Mr. Long had done something to him.

But now it seems that maybe that good-looking hand is the culprit?

Before Dai Yunze had time to think about it further, he discovered that after the blue-black mysterious rune was completely formed in his body, the newly emerged power in his body and the creepy feeling that made his hair stand on end disappeared.

He couldn't even care about his surprise, because immediately after, everything that was still suddenly returned to its original state.

There was no blue light that filled the entire palace, there was no hand that appeared out of thin air, and there was no mysterious blue-black rune in his body.

As if everything was just his illusion.

The next moment, he woke up from his dream and suddenly opened his eyes.

But he was shocked to find that he was not sleeping in his own room now.

The surroundings didn't look like home either.

Instead, it was empty and dark.

Behind him is a huge stone tablet with countless complex runes carved on it.

And just now, he was leaning on this huge stone tablet and dreaming about that dream.

The creepy feeling swept over his whole body again. He looked at the stone tablet with some fear, and took a few steps back slowly and uneasily.

In his senses, as he continued to retreat, the world seemed to be getting quieter and quieter, and finally reached the point of death.

And at this moment when he was highly nervous, the sound of slow footsteps suddenly sounded from behind him.

He immediately turned around and shouted: "Who?"

A gorgeous figure wearing a luxurious dress came into view.

It was the Duchess.

The Duchess naturally saw Dai Yunze in front of the stone monument, but there didn't seem to be much surprise on her face. She just paused for a moment before continuing to walk towards the stone monument, and finally stood next to Dai Yunze.

Dai Yunze secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the person who came was the duchess. After all, the duchess was at least still a human being and not some weird thing.

But he would still wonder why the lady came to this place late at night.

Of course, he also wondered why he appeared here at night. It couldn't be that he was sleepwalking, right?

And why did the Duchess act like she wasn't surprised at all that he was here?

Although he had many doubts in his heart, Dai Yunze did not choose to ask the duchess.

Because the Duchess was equally threatening to him.

He didn't believe that the princess of the Star Luo Empire could be a soul master.

Dai Yunze just stood there silently, but maintained a posture ready to run away at any time, looking at the duchess and the stone tablet that made him feel a little weird.

However, after a long time, the Duchess just stood there, looking up at the stone tablet, without speaking, as if he didn't exist.

Dai Yunze became more and more confused, and felt that something bad might happen to him if he continued to stay here, so he had the idea of ​​​​leaving here.

But as soon as he took a step forward, the Duchess, who had been silent beside him, suddenly spoke up.

"Dai Yunze."

His steps stopped.

"The fact that you awakened the evil-eyed White Tiger Martial Spirit should have reached the ears of Duke White Tiger by now."

The lady continued.

"Even I can't disobey the rules passed down from generation to generation in the White Tiger Duke's family. Therefore, I can no longer attack your family, and I can no longer hide your existence from the White Tiger Duke. But there is one thing that I don't know about you. Have you ever heard of it?”

Reason told Dai Yunze that he should leave immediately and return home.

But he just couldn't move his body.

Because what the Duchess just said aroused his curiosity.

His instinct told him that what the Duchess was going to say next should be important to him, so he had to stay and listen clearly.

He adjusted his breathing and asked, "What's the matter?"

The Duchess laughed softly, then turned around to face Dai Yunze.

It was at this time that Dai Yunze saw the deep malice on her face.

He screamed secretly and subconsciously wanted to run away.

But the duchess seemed to be sure that he would not do that, and just said to herself: "Although you have awakened the evil-eyed white tiger martial spirit and will be qualified to become an heir in the future, you are not of orthodox origin after all. According to the duke According to the rules handed down from the government, you will be picked up by Duke White Tiger and practice with him personally. Only after Duke White Tiger himself confirms whether you are truly qualified to inherit, can you leave."

Dai Yunze had a bad premonition.

And that premonition became reality in what the Duchess said next.

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