So I went to Douluo

Chapter 395 Letter

Dai Yunze looked at the palace in front of him.

It is the place where Duke White Tiger handles official business and receives guests in the Duke's Mansion.

But at this time, the White Tiger Duke was still fighting on the border, so the only person who would be here was the Duchess.

Early in the morning, he was brought to the main hall by a servant, saying that the duchess wanted to see him.

Although Dai Yunze was extremely reluctant to see the Duchess's face again, he had no choice. For the sake of Huo Yun'er and Yuhao, he had to agree to the Madam's request.

The servants stopped outside the hall door, so Dai Yunze walked in alone. At a glance, he saw the duchess sitting on the front seat, flipping through documents.

The Duchess wore a veil today, covering most of her face.

After seeing Dai Yunze walk in, she also closed the document in her hand, and her exposed eyebrows curved up, as if she was smiling.

Dai Yunze heard the Duchess say: "I have received the reply from Duke White Tiger. Do you want to guess what he said in the letter?"

Dai Yunze's expression looked a little cold. After all, he really couldn't show a good face to the Duchess, and his tone was a little stiff: "If Madam summoned me here just to tease me, then I'd better resign first. .”

After listening, the Duchess had a somewhat bored look on her face. She gently pushed with her right hand on the desk, and a letter was pushed to the edge of the desk.

The Duchess said calmly: "This is his letter to you."

Dai Yunze walked up dubiously and took the letter in his hand.

There are a few vigorous and powerful words written on the withered yellow cover:

To my dear child Dai Yunze——Dai Hao.

Dai Yunze looked at the words on the cover, especially the two words "children". He said nothing and had no expression. He just thought it was ironic.

He looked back at the Duchess and saw she was looking at him too.

Dai Yunze said: "If there is nothing else, I will go back."

The Duchess smiled faintly and said, "Please do."

Dai Yunze then turned and left.

But as soon as he took five steps, the duchess's chuckled voice sounded behind him again.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to remind you."

Dai Yunze stopped and turned around, just in time to see the duchess gently take off her veil and then glance at him.

There was a smile on the Duchess's lips, her eyes only fell on Dai Yunze for a moment, and then moved to the veil in her hand.

She smiled and said: "The Duke has ordered that you set off tomorrow to the Mingdou Mountains. He will personally greet you in the military camp."

Dai Yunze trembled slightly, looked at the Duchess, and said in a tone of disbelief: "Tomorrow?"

The Duchess still maintained that chuckle: "You still have one last day to say goodbye to your mother and your brother. Before dawn tomorrow, I will have the carriage and escort team prepared. I hope you will not be late."

Dai Yunze clenched his fists tightly, even the letter in his hand was crumpled into wrinkles, but he still just stood there without saying a word.

The Duchess made another look of realization, looked at Dai Yunze, and said: "I almost forgot... I hope you haven't forgotten what you promised me before... From tomorrow on, you will be with me That bitch and that scoundrel have nothing to do with each other anymore."

Dai Yunze stared at the duchess, and had to restrain himself with all his strength, so as not to completely lose his mind because of the two titles the duchess said.

After a long while, he was able to say out loud: "I will not break my promise... What about you, can you really do what you said? Stop suppressing my mother and brother, and also Their original life in the Duke's Mansion? Can you do these two things? "

The Duchess slowly stopped smiling, curled her lips, and said, "Can I still keep my word?"

Dai Yunze still stared at her: "I want you to swear, in the name of the goddess of life. Otherwise, even if we fight to the death, I will tell Duke White Tiger everything you have done!"

The expression on the Duchess's face became a little ugly. She snorted coldly and said: "You are quite cunning, little boy..."

Dai Yunze also said coldly: "Swear, otherwise..."

The Duchess also said coldly: "Then as you wish!"

When the Duchess began to swear in the name of the goddess of life, Dai Yunze's spirit seemed to fall into some kind of trance.

It wasn't until the duchess finished swearing that he turned around and left the main hall in a daze.

The moment he walked out of the door, an indescribable coldness suddenly swept through his heart.

Now, mother and Yuhao should be fine...

Even if the Duchess really repented, she would not be able to do anything to Huo Yun'er and Yu Hao anymore due to the constraints of her oath.

In this case, when he leaves, he will be relieved.

Dai Yunze walked on the road in a daze. It wasn't until he was far away from the main hall that he looked at the envelope in his hand and the envelope that was crumpled by him.

Looking at the words above, Dai Yunze fell into a certain memory in his mind.

"Let me think about it, what did we do in the first transaction? Well... let's make it simple. Why not, don't read the letter from the White Tiger Duke, hahahaha."

Dai Yunze held the envelope and felt the touch of the folded paper inside the envelope.

He murmured: "Can you predict the future?"

After standing there for a long time, he made some movement again.

The hand holding the envelope suddenly lit up with a gray-white light.

In less than three seconds, the withered yellow envelope turned into a ball of ashes under the impact of the soul power.

Dai Yunze waved his hand gently, and the ashes dispersed, and then disappeared completely.

He looked at the stone tablet not far away and murmured: "You don't need to tell me, I won't look at it. After all, to me...he is nothing."

"The moment you finish, you can come to me to get your reward, and then you can also make a transaction request to me. Of course, you can also just take your reward without making a transaction request to me. , in this case, the trading game between us is over."

He paused, and then walked towards the stone tablet.

The moment he pressed his palm on the stone tablet again, he suddenly disappeared from the spot.

But what he didn't know was that shortly after he left, a person also appeared on the square.

It's the Duchess.

She looked at the stone tablet and gradually revealed a strange smile.

No matter where you are, there is always a price to pay for naivety.

? ?Today, the author is still not at a loss for words.

?   I feel a little lost. I have been thinking about Dai Yunze's direction all day long and how to arrange him reasonably.

?  I just thought about everything, so there’s not much to say today. See you tomorrow~



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