So I went to Douluo

Chapter 400 Naive!

Deep in the Mingdou Mountains.

Mr. Long was standing in front of a dark cave with a gloomy expression.

He was even filled with rage now and could burst out at any time.

When he saw who was in the carriage and the guard who flew away, he quickly understood that he had been tricked!

And that person even blatantly asked a question in front of him.

Choose to save or not to save.

He seemed to have seen the malicious and mocking smile on that man's face.

He wanted to turn around and leave angrily, but chose not to save her.

But in that case, he is destined to bear the blame today.

Although his own strength is there, even if the Star Luo Empire needs the whole country to retaliate against him in the future, he is not afraid, not to mention that this is simply impossible.

But there are too many things involved in him. If the Star Luo Empire really finds out something because of this, then he will really be sorry for the oath he made to the person in his heart.

Therefore, he really had no choice but to save him today!

And only by rescuing the person and bringing the person safely to the White Tiger Duke, can he get rid of all suspicions, and also save the people behind him.

Although, he really couldn't just watch such a young child fall into the hands of an evil soul master...

But the feeling of being led around like this made him very unhappy.

And if Dragon King Douluo is unhappy, someone will die.


Dai Yunze quietly waited for the arrival of midnight in the carriage.

He finally waited for the time for the second transaction with the young man, and then swallowed the energy core belonging to the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger that he had been hiding close to him.

Although it always felt rude to do so, he had no choice.

And in order to become stronger, he could only do this.

The moment the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's energy core entered his entrance, he felt an unusually domineering, yet extremely cold energy flowing down his esophagus.

The moment that cold energy passed through his heart, he seemed to never feel his own heartbeat again for a while.

But he is still alive.

The moment the energy reached his abdomen, it suddenly spread out and invaded his limbs and bones.

At this time, his martial spirit was released uncontrollably.

Along with the martial spirit, there was also severe pain that immediately made him faint.

He couldn't even hold on to the pain for more than a second.

There was only one last thought left in my mind before I passed out.

Am I going to die?

But obviously, he's not dead yet.

The young man's words were true. After taking the energy core of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, at least he would not die.

And he did open his eyes again.

For a moment, there seemed to be a dark flame flashing deep in his eyes.

And when he saw everything around him clearly, he was stunned.

Because the surrounding walls, which were mixed with mud and stones and had torches on them, were obviously not related to the carriage he was staying in.

He was also convinced that the White Tiger Duke would not place the military camp in such a place.

So he didn't arrive at Duke White Tiger's military camp after taking a nap.

And it was precisely because of his coma that he now had no idea what was happening.

Dai Yunze stood up vigilantly and directly let the martial spirit possess him.

The energy core of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger cannot be completely absorbed by him immediately. After all, he is really weak now, both in terms of cultivation and physique.

Now, the energy core of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger is only fused with him and can be gradually absorbed as he practices.

That will be a long process.

Although just the fusion, it already allowed him to use some of the abilities of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

But that doesn't make him truly powerful.

He still needs more time.

But now, he seems to be running out of time.

Dai Yunze looked at the figure gradually coming out of the shadows.

The man was wearing a dark robe and had an old and sinister appearance.

He looked Dai Yunze up and down, and then said with a sinister smile: "Hahaha... He is really an interesting little guy... If he hadn't been entrusted by others, I really wouldn't want to kill him. You, on the other hand, want to accept you as my disciple... It’s just a pity.”

Dai Yunze retreated while looking for a place where he could escape, but what the man in front of him said just now couldn't help but attract his attention. He was stunned for a moment, and then said: "You... are being treated by others. Trust?"

The old man smiled, and a dark ball of soul power appeared on his hand. At the same time, two yellow, two purple, and three black soul rings, a total of seven soul rings, slowly rose from the soles of his feet.

Dai Yunze immediately stopped moving, and an indescribable feeling of despair emerged in his heart.

Soul Saint!

He is just a soul warrior who hasn't even obtained a soul ring yet. How can he escape from a soul saint?

Moreover, this Soul Saint is also an evil soul master!

The old man pressed closer and said, "Yes, I was entrusted by someone... Oh, by the way, that person also asked me to tell you before you die," the old man showed a deep smile, Make him look extremely ugly, "There is a price to pay for innocence."

Dai Yunze was shocked and looked at the old man in front of him in horror.

The old man smiled and continued: "He said, I never wanted you to see the White Tiger Duke alive. And your mother and brother, they will also be driven back to the servant area and live the same life as before. It's better to die. I should thank you. Thank you for agreeing to my request that day. This gave me such an excellent opportunity to deal with you, and no one will doubt me in the future. After all, there will be What everyone sees is that my adopted son was killed by gangsters on his way to join the White Tiger Duke. As I told you, innocence has to be paid... Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, it's so cruel. Now, I feel a little ashamed of myself."

For a long time, Dai Yunze had no reaction.

The words the old man said kept echoing in his mind.

And that sentence, "There is a price to pay for innocence," was the strongest among all the voices.

His body softened and he knelt on the ground.

Yes, he paid the price.

He was really too naive to believe that the Duchess would keep her promise and that the Duchess would really stop dealing with them.

He was wrong.

Big mistake.

Dai Yunze's eyes were lifeless, his martial spirit had long been disintegrated and retracted. He murmured: "She obviously swore... She obviously swore in front of me..."

The old man curled his lips and said nonchalantly: "Who knows? Maybe he had already arranged for me to kill you before taking the oath. In this way, no matter how powerful the oath is, it will be meaningless."

Dai Yunze's upper body shook violently, and he almost fainted.

Mom, Yuhao...

In the end, he couldn't hold on and fell to the dusty ground, only supporting his body with his elbows. Although his fists were clenched tightly, he still looked full of powerlessness.

Two lines of tears slowly slid down and dripped into the dust.

Dai Yunze bit his lip tightly and completely lost his voice.

The old man sneered and looked at Dai Yunze on the ground without any mercy: "You look really pitiful like this... But, I have to send you on your way now."

As soon as he finished speaking, he threw the black soul power in his hand towards Dai Yunze.

Dai Yunze didn't want to resist, but he couldn't.

He doesn't even want to hide now, but of course, he probably won't be able to hide.

But anyway...

He had almost given up the idea of ​​living.

He still stared blankly at the dust beneath him.

The black soul energy was getting closer and closer, enough to kill a weak guy like him with one blow.

He seemed to have felt the feeling of life passing by.

But he didn't have any fear in his heart at this time.

Just kept talking.


??Probably still today.

?   I think the pre-plot is probably over.

?   But it will be a little later.

?  For those who don’t want to wait, just go to sleep and see you tomorrow~

?   ——

?  The problem of correcting typos.

?  I asked the editor today, and he said that the modification function of VIP chapters is generally not open to TAT.

?   So I probably can't correct the typos in the previous chapters. To make corrections, I have to contact the editor to unblock specific chapters, which is too troublesome.

?   However, I still have permission to modify the newly released VIP chapters within a certain period of time.

?   So I will read it again and fix the typos after it is released.

?   However, more often than not, the author will send it out as soon as he has finished coding, and then continue to code it, so there is a high probability that he will not have time to modify it. At this time, he has to rely on the eyes of little angels who are good at discovery!

?   ——

Dai Yunze: "The Duchess has been deceiving me from the beginning to the end. I hate her, I hate Dai Hao, I hate this world, and I want to go dark!"

Tang Liu: "I think after all, I am still in my teens and twenties, so the second grade disease is not necessary or necessary?"

Yuhao: "Brother, don't be sad, I will help you teach the bad guys a lesson in the future!"

Dai Yunze: "Yes, when my heart is filled with endless darkness, my brother is the only light..."

?   ——

PS: If it were in Jinjiang, I should add this at this time: This is a story of mutual redemption.

?   23333~

?  But this is just a small parody theaterhhhhh



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