So I went to Douluo

Chapter 402 Five Years

Duke's Palace.

The Duchess read the letter in her hand, a smile of satisfaction slowly appearing on her face.

Dai Yunze, that bastard, has been confirmed dead.

The White Tiger Duke was furious, but after many days of searching with no results, he had no choice but to give up. Even though Emperor Xingluo has made it clear that he will pursue this matter to the end, he will send people to hunt down all those who participated in the assassination of the Duke's son.

Of course, anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is just a cover to appease people.

After all, one of the strongest people in the world was involved in this matter.

Dragon King Douluo, Long Xiaoyao.

That is almost an existence that ordinary people cannot even look up to.

What's more, if an Extreme Douluo really wants the life of a duke's son, no matter how reluctant Xing Luo is, there is nothing he can do. Moreover, even if Xing Luo really wanted to pursue the case, it would be impossible to find an Extreme Douluo who was determined to hide.

Without him, the gap in strength is too huge.

Therefore, after hastily settling the matter, Duke White Tiger sent a letter of condolences to the Duchess.

After all, in Duke White Tiger's knowledge, the Duchess was the one who kindly adopted Dai Yunze.

Dai Yunze, who died, didn't even get a funeral.

Very ironic.


The only one who didn't believe that Dai Yunze was dead was Yuhao.

Even though his mother shed tears very early, she still managed to smile and comfort him: My brother has gone one step ahead of us and gone to a better world.

But Yuhao just didn’t believe it.

He believed that his brother would definitely come back.

Because my brother promised.

Be sure to watch him become the brightest star of this era.

Therefore, even if he and his mother were driven to live in a woodshed soon after his brother left, Yuhao did not complain at all.

He just practiced harder.

Determined to become a soul master.


Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, two years have passed.

Before the first ray of sunlight from the horizon came over, Huo Yun'er started washing the servants' clothes.

"Mom, let me help you. I have grown up and can help you work!"

Eight-year-old Yuhao still looks a little small, a little shorter and thinner than other children of his age.

Although they were driven back to the servant area and cut off their source of income, they still had the small vegetable garden by the river that Dai Yunze left behind.

So their lives have not become more difficult.

It's just that both mother and son were very careful, fearing that the madam's men would find out about the existence of the river and the small vegetable garden.

They could all guess that if they were discovered, they might never be able to leave the Duke's Mansion again.

So for two years, even though they knew there were plenty of fish in the river, mother and son rarely went there.

This may be the reason why Yuhao looks thinner now.

In short, the eight-year-old Yuhao carried the large wooden basin filled with wet clothes that did not fit his body shape and walked outside panting.

Huo Yun'er had already washed these clothes, and all Yuhao had to do was to dry them.

Huo Yuner looked at Yuhao's small back and couldn't help but smile.

Her Yuhao has really grown up.

Yuhao held the wooden basin and thought to himself: Brother, I always remember what you said. Don't worry, I will take good care of my mother!

So it was inevitable to be a little distracted.

next moment......

"Asshole, don't you have eyes? Didn't you see the young master coming back? Get out of here!"

Yuhao felt like he was kicked hard, and then he and the basin fell to the ground. The clothes that had been washed were suddenly scattered all over the floor.

Yuhao endured the pain in his body and looked in the direction of the arrogant voice.

They were eight strong guards, surrounded by a young man wearing a white embroidered python pattern.

The young man was very handsome, with bright eyes, and his whole temperament was aloof and noble.

His eyes were cold and he didn't even look at Yu Hao who was lying beside him.

Until, his foot stepped on a piece of clothes stained with mud.

"Huh?" The young man stopped and looked at Yuhao with cold eyes, "Hit me."

After saying that, he walked away quickly.

As if he was afraid of getting his eyes dirty.

After the eight guards received the order, two people immediately came out and punched and kicked Yu Hao extremely fiercely.

How could Yuhao, who was only eight years old, fight back when being beaten by two strong adults?

He could only curl up tightly.

Huo Yuner, who heard the noise, also ran out quickly.

Seeing such a scene, he was naturally shocked.

But she is just a weak woman.

She could only use her body to protect Yuhao tightly and beg hard.

In the end, he was beaten to death...

The guards left.

Huo Yun'er supported Yuhao and took him home.

Then it seemed like all the strength had been exhausted.

I haven't been able to get sick since then.

Yuhao looked at his mother who was extremely uncomfortable on the bed, his face full of confusion.

Brother, where are you?

what do I do?


Another two years.

After Huo Yun'er persisted for so long, he finally failed to survive the torture of illness and passed away suddenly.

But before leaving, the mother still gently touched Yuhao's tear-filled face and told him softly: "Don't be afraid, Yuhao... Mom just went to find my brother... You You must live well... Even without me, you must take good care of yourself..."

Yuhao wiped the tears from his face with all his strength, quietly carried his mother's body out of the Duke's Palace, and found a hidden place to bury her with his own hands.

Then he sat in front of that extremely simple tomb and cried all night.

After returning to the Duke's Mansion again.

The handsome boy seemed to have a fire in his eyes.

Mom, brother...

I will become the brightest star in the world.

Then take revenge for you.


one year later.

The back door on the north side of the Duke's Palace opened quietly, and a thin figure slipped out quietly.

I heard that the White Tiger Duke will return to the Duke's Mansion from the front line recently.

But so what?

He has now reached the tenth level of cultivation, and it is time to leave this Duke's Mansion that has only left misery and darkness in his life.

He wants to become a soul master.

He also wants to become the most powerful soul master in the world.

Huo Yuhao took one last look, with a look of strong hatred, at the glazed bricks and golden roof of the Duke's Palace...

"Mom, brother, your spirits in heaven are watching. No matter how much effort you put in, one day I will come back and trample everything here under my feet!"


The Duchess looked at the handsome man walking towards her and showed a gentle smile: "Hao, you are back!"

Duke White Tiger nodded slightly, and a smile appeared on his lips, showing an apologetic look: "I'm sorry for making you wait alone for so long."

The Duchess held Dai Hao's rough hand and said with extreme gentleness: "No, national affairs should come first. I will support you no matter what."

Dai Hao chuckled and said, "Madam, you just need to understand."

The Duchess just looked at the man in front of her lovingly.

Yes, yes, after so many years, a couple finally reunited, what should they do at this time?

The atmosphere in the main hall seemed a bit charming.

But one of the White Tiger's personal guards of the White Tiger Duke suddenly broke in, looking anxious and a little surprised: "General! There is a child outside!"

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