So I went to Douluo

Chapter 41 Shrek Academy

After his cultivation level broke through the Soul Sect, the system told him that he could try to make a more advanced storage magic weapon.

And this more advanced storage instrument can be used permanently.

Tang Liu arrived five days before Tang San. During these five days, after he bought the materials according to the system's requirements, he tried to make five of them, each with ten cubic meters of storage space.

He kept two for himself for emergencies, and sold the remaining three for 10,000 gold soul coins each.

Therefore, Tang Liu is not short of money at all now.

But money cannot be spent carelessly.

This is a rule he has always followed in his previous life.

At that time, after all, he had to support himself alone.

In addition to food, clothing, housing and transportation, there are also high tuition fees to pay.

So, cherish your little money and stay away from Flanders.

The next day, Tang Liu left the Rose Hotel before dawn. Under his clothes was little Funi, who was still sleeping. He was wrapped in a black robe and covered his face with a hood. Then he walked out of Soto From the south gate of the city, walk towards Shrek Academy.

When a hint of fish belly white appeared in the eastern sky, he had just arrived at the small village where Shrek Academy was located.

Lifting the corner of his hood, Tang Liu began to practice the Purple Demon Eyes.

Since the Purple Demon Eye entered the subtle realm, he obviously felt that the speed at which his eyes absorbed purple energy had become much faster.

Maybe this is also the reason why his mental power has improved.

After practicing, he silently walked to the side of the path, sat down against a tree, and began his daily morning reading.

Of course, he didn't read it out loud to avoid being regarded as an idiot by Dai Mubai, who was not far away and had already started to help Li Yusong place tables and chairs.

Even so, Tang Liu, who came here so early, was still extremely dazzling to Dai Mubai. What's more, Tang Liu was still wearing a black robe that covered most of his face.

While helping to move the table, Dai Mubai had already looked at Tang Liu intermittently several times.

However, although he was curious, he did not come to disturb Tang Liu.

After all, although Tang Liu was dressed a little weird, he didn't seem to be here to stir up trouble.

As the sun gradually shines in the sky, people come to Shrek Academy to sign up one after another.

The first level is to confirm age and cultivation, but so far Tang Liu has not seen anyone pass it.

When he finished his morning reading for an hour, only three people passed.

At this time, little Forney, who was sleeping in his arms, also woke up. Of course, he woke up from hunger.

So Tang Liu took out the soul beast meat jerky specially bought for Little Funi from a storage magic weapon he made himself - a black ring worn on the index finger of his right hand.

The dried meat that Little Forney ate was one of its prey in the Star Dou Forest, a spirit beast with weak attack power but extremely smart, made of Tangrui Rat.

Although Little Funi was a hundred thousand year spirit beast, its appetite was not much more than that of ordinary animals, so Tang Liu could proudly say that he could afford to raise it.

Moreover, Xiao Funi no longer needs to excrement and defecate after entering a hundred thousand years, so it also saves Tang Liu a lot of trouble, so that he does not need to be a shit shoveler, but only a feeder.

After Xiao Funi had eaten, he went to sleep again, and Tang Liu also stood up from the ground at this time, and then walked deeper into the village, preparing to look around and relax his brain after reading in the morning.

According to his estimation, when he came back, Tang San and Xiao Wu would basically arrive.

Dai Mubai, who had been standing next to Li Yusong as a thug, immediately saw Tang Liu getting up, and couldn't help but be curious about what he was going to do.

After seeing that the other party just walked towards the inside of the village, he was a little puzzled.

Didn't this guy, who sat for more than an hour and fed pets, just looked like a kid, sign up for Shrek Academy?

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't leave now, he actually wanted to catch up and see what Tang Liu wanted to do.

Tang Liu didn't leave for too long before he came back. This was because there was no more interesting place in the village. At the same time, he was also afraid of going too far and getting lost and not being able to find him back.

Finally, because he is wearing a black robe, it is easy to give people the feeling that "this guy has evil intentions".

When Tang Liu came back, he happened to see Tang San and Xiao Wu walking to the back of the registration line and lining up.

A smile could not help but appear on the corner of his lips, but he still did not queue up. Instead, he walked to the tree and leaned against the trunk.

His departure and return naturally attracted the attention of many people, including Dai Mubai, Tang San, and Xiao Wu.

Dai Mubai was still curious about him, while Tang San and Xiao Wu started talking quietly after seeing him again.

"Brother, look at the man in black robe over there, is he a teacher from Shrek Academy? But why are he standing there?" Xiao Wu said, with a curious look in her big eyes, "And I don't know why, I It always feels like he is looking at us."

Tang San nodded, "I feel the same way." Moreover, the other party actually gave him a sense of intimacy.

By the way, Dad said that when I go to the Intermediate Soul Master Academy, he will send Xiao Liu here. Could it be that...

No, that person looks like a seven or eight-year-old child, which doesn't match his age.

Subconsciously, Tang San thought that Tang Liu, whom he had not seen for six years, should not be any worse than himself.

So after looking at him twice more, Tang San withdrew his gaze.

Tang Liu, who had been paying attention to Tang San, guessed what he was thinking after seeing him look away, so now he felt extremely depressed.

At this time, Dai Mubai, who had been curious about him, also came over, walked up to him, looked down at the guy who had just reached his lower chest, and said: "Hey, little guy, I see you are staying here. It’s been a long time, do you want to come to our Shrek Academy to register? Have you graduated from junior college?”

Because of Tang Liu's figure, Dai Mubai subconsciously regarded him as a child.

Hearing this, Tang Liu felt a sense of evil in his heart, so he joked: "How can you be sure that I am a little guy without seeing my face? What if I am a short old man or a dwarf?"

He also specifically lowered his throat to make his voice sound deeper and hoarse.

Dai Mubai listened to his milky voice that was deliberately lowered but still difficult to conceal: "..."

After finishing speaking, Tang Liu himself was speechless.

It doesn’t matter that he’s not taller, but his voice is still that of Yazi when he was a child!

"Go away, I don't want to talk to you! The teacher over there is going to call you." Tang Liu crossed his arms, his expression and voice extremely depressed. Of course, with the hood behind him, others couldn't see the expression on his face.

Dai Mubai: "..."

But Tang Liu was really right, because Li Yusong really called him next.

"Mubai, come here, someone wants to repay the name fee, you can do it." Li Yusong said lazily while leaning on the chair.


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