So I went to Douluo

Chapter 422 The assessment is over

Dai Yunze, who had been paying attention to this side, naturally saw the look from Tang Qing. With a turn of his wrist, Luo Tianlong and Luo Tianba, who had been being controlled, rolled their eyes and were knocked unconscious by the power of their minds.

Then, he walked up to Tang Qing, looked at Xie Huanyue, and said, "Now you are the only one left, do you think you can beat the three of us?"

Murong Jin also took advantage of him to speak and quietly walked behind Tang Qing to join them.

Xie Huanyue looked at the one yellow, two purple and three soul rings surrounding Dai Yunze, then looked at the Clear Sky Hammer standing at Tang Qing's feet, and then smiled bitterly: "I give up."

Mu Jin, who had been paying attention to the situation on the field, naturally heard it and announced: "Class 5 Dai Yunze's team won eight games."

After hearing the results announced by Mu Jin, Dai Yunze also smiled slightly and glanced at the unconscious Luo Tianlong and Luo Tianba over there. The next moment, the two of them were awakened by telekinesis and turned around.

Murong Jin immediately high-fived Tang Qing and cheered.

Because from now on, it can be said that she has passed the freshman assessment very reliably.

Dai Yunze and the others were only left with the last two battles in the afternoon away from the ten battles required for the freshman assessment.

In the last two games of the afternoon, their opponents were all great soul masters, and these two teams had seen how Dai Yunze and the others had won in a row with a near-crushing attitude this morning, and their fighting spirit was not very high.

But what they didn't expect was that they thought they would be mercilessly crushed as soon as they came up. However, when Dai Yunze came up, he just threw a painless mental blast at them, leaving them in a state of sluggishness for a short time. It means taking the initiative to admit defeat. As a result, after they recovered from their sluggishness, they heard Hibiscus announcing their victory in a strange and incomprehensible tone.

A total of six people from the two teams were all confused, including those who were watching the battle.

After the two games, Dai Yunze and the other three left happily, leaving them dumbfounded in place.

The two teams that competed with Dai Yunze were dumbfounded because they were so confused that they won what should have been an impossible victory.

The other three teams watching the game were dumbfounded because why did those two teams get such a big advantage? It's not fair!

Mu Jin, the invigilator of the exam, also couldn't understand it, but after all, Dai Yunze and the others had indeed completed ten games and actually won eight assessments without any illegal behavior. In the end, they could only report the truth truthfully.

After completing the assessment, the three of them went to the cafeteria to have dinner together while waiting for the final ranking results to appear.

If they appear in the top sixty-four, then they will have to go to the knockout round in the first round. After all, none of the three of them want to participate in the subsequent knockout rounds. If they really have to go, they will be like the two people this afternoon. It's the same on the field. After randomly throwing two soul skills on the field, you will voluntarily admit defeat.

After the freshmen assessment is completed, all first-year students will have a day off. During this day, the list of students who have passed the assessment and those who have entered the knockout round will be announced. One day later, the elimination rounds begin.

As usual, Dai Yunze and Tang Qing came to the classroom early the next morning to wait. Murong Jin, who was on the same team as them, arrived a quarter of an hour later than them and sat in front of Dai Yunze.

Before class started, Murong Jin turned around and talked to the two of them. Naturally, the conversation was about the freshman assessment and knockout competition.

Soon after, people in the class began to arrive, but some were happy and some were sad. This could be seen from the faces of the students.

After everyone in the class arrived, the bell rang not long after, and then Wang Yan stepped on the bell and walked into the classroom as usual.

Wang Yan still had that gentle smile on his face. After coming in, he first said: "Everyone has worked hard to take the assessment. No matter whether you passed the assessment or not, I believe that all your efforts in the assessment will not be in vain. Some of you have a little talent. For students who have shortcomings and missed the assessment, please don’t be discouraged.”

After a pause, he continued: "I won't say more about which students in our class passed the assessment and which students failed. I will tell you privately later. The only thing I can tell you is One point is that only close to two-thirds of the people in our class can stay in the end. Not only this is the case for our class, but the retention rates of several other classes are almost the same, with the least one having only half of the people staying. Compared to Below, the number of people in our class who have passed the assessment is already relatively high. The reason why I tell you this is that I hope you will not be discouraged and keep working hard! Okay, now let me talk about the list of people who entered the knockout round. First of all, Dai Huabin, Zhu Lu, Cui Yajie..."

After seeing Wang Yan concentrate on reading the list, Tang Qing immediately whispered to Dai Yunze next to him: "It seems that the teachers take everyone's feelings into consideration and did not read out the students who failed the assessment in public."

He must have heard Tang Qing's voice, so Murong Jin, who was sitting in front of Dai Yunze, also leaned back and whispered to the two of them without looking back: "Teacher Wang just said something wrong. I A friend from Class 1 told me that everyone in his class passed the freshman exam!"

Tang Qing felt a little unbelievable: "Real or false? How could your friend know the result in advance than the teacher?"

Dai Yunze interrupted at this time: "The results of the freshman assessment were calculated last night. You can find out by just asking any teacher."

Tang Qing still had a stunned expression: "Did all members of that class really pass the assessment?"

Murong Jin nodded gently: "There must be nothing wrong."

Dai Yunze also agreed. After all, this is what is written in the original book: "I also think it is true, but you also know who the class teacher of Class 1 is. She has already expelled many students of Class 1 in the first three months of school. In the end, there should be only about sixty students left."

Tang Qing: "That means that the more than sixty students left in the class must be elites. According to Teacher Wang, there should only be about fifty people left in our class in the end."

Dai Yunze said: "Don't forget, we will be divided into classes again after the knockout rounds. Teacher Wang said that the first class teaches the control system and the power attack system. In other words, if nothing else happens, we will also be in the same class in the future. One member."

Tang Qing said: "I don't know if it's because Teacher Zhou teaches well, or if the overall strength of the students in Class 1 is really strong... Now I'm starting to get interested."

Dai Yunze smiled: "Aren't you afraid of being punished by her for running? Just like what we saw on the first day of school."

? ?The author went on a far journey today and was on the road most of the time, so there is only one update for today. Sorry.



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