So I went to Douluo

Chapter 425 Grilled Fish

Dai Yunze actually agreed: "I also feel a little embarrassed."

Although he felt this way, if Dai Yunze really wanted to participate in the knockout round, he was still unwilling. After all, names will be read out when drawing lots, and as soon as he is mentioned, he will definitely fall off his horse in front of Yu Hao.

Before he could think of a perfect solution, he had better keep his vest covered.

After making the decision, the two left together.

But before leaving, Dai Yunze looked towards the newly built high platform.

In addition to Du Weilun, the dean of students, sitting there was an old man who looked a little sloppy and was chewing on chicken legs. His hands were greasy.

As if feeling his gaze, the old man suddenly looked towards him, and then something that surprised Dai Yunze, the old man actually smiled at him.

Dai Yunze was stunned for a moment, but at Tang Qing's urging, he left anyway.

But he still had some doubts.

Why does it feel like Mr. Xuan knows me?

But Dai Yunze didn't care too much. After all, he was too far away from Mr. Xuan now, and if he insisted on thinking about it, he would only waste his brain cells in vain.

In this way, time came to the afternoon of the last day of the knockout round, which was the finals of the knockout round.

The opponents of Huo Yuhao and the others have not changed, they are the last remaining Soul Lord team.

When Tang Qing saw the other team entering the finals, he raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Oh, it's Dai Huabin from our class? But I'm not surprised at all."

Dai Yunze didn't answer, and was focused on watching the game going on below.

Everything was similar to what was described in the original novel, but the scene I saw with my own eyes was far more exciting than I imagined.

Especially the last martial soul fusion skill vs. martial soul fusion skill.

The Netherworld White Tiger and the Brilliant Golden Road.

Tang Qing was already cheering and cheering, and when he was finally waiting for Du Weilun to announce the result, he looked so nervous that his heart was in his throat.

Dai Yunze looked at Tang Qing's look and wondered if Tang Qing would shout "RNM refund" with anger on his face if Yuhao and the others lost.

Well, probably not.

In short, in the end, under Du Weilun's announcement, Huo Yuhao's team was confirmed to be the champion.

Tang Qing jumped up and punched the air with his raised right hand.

Dai Yunze also stood up, looking at the cheerful figure below who was cheering with his companions, with a big smile on his face, and silently applauded him.

The freshman assessment is now completely over, and we are just waiting for the awards and class placement results tomorrow morning.

After watching the game, Tang Qing couldn't wait to pull Dai Yunze and ran out of the school gate, planning to have some grilled fish to celebrate. However, Huo Yuhao still had no intention of setting up a stall today, so he had no choice but to return home.

Dai Yunze laughed at him: "I told you that people will definitely not come to sell grilled fish today, why don't you believe it?"

Tang Qing frowned and said confidently: "I'm here to try my luck. After all, it didn't sell in the past few days. What if it sells today?"

Dai Yunze also knew that he would come to grill fish in the afternoons in recent days, so he said, "You are very perseverant."

Tang Qing spread his hands: "Who would have trouble with something delicious?"

Dai Yunze saw that he looked like he was "crossing mountains and ridges just to eat", he sighed, and then said: "You really want to eat grilled fish?"

Tang Qing now drooled when he thought of the delicious taste of grilled fish. He nodded and said, "I don't think so, I haven't eaten it for several days."

Dai Yunze rolled up his sleeves and said with a smile: "Then go buy some fish and I'll grill them for you. This is my reward for your willingness to give up the knockout round with me."

Tang Qing looked at him doubtfully: "You can also grill fish?"

"know a little."

Tang Qing looked at Dai Yunze with eyes still full of distrust: "Really?"

Dai Yunze said helplessly: "Believe me," after all, he and Yu Hao learned the same skill in grilling fish. "I don't say it will definitely taste better than that stall owner's, but it shouldn't be much different."

After Dai Yunze tried to persuade him, Tang Qing doubtfully ran to the canteen to buy live fish.

Soon after, Tang Qing carried a bag of live fish and came to Poseidon Lake with Dai Yunze. "Let's make a deal first. If it doesn't taste good, I will spit it out without shame."

Dai Yunze snatched the bag from his hand: "Here you go! There's so much nonsense, I don't want to bake it for you yet!"

Thinking of the significance of the grilled fish after Yuhao in the original work, Dai Yunze felt that it was a bit weird to grill it specifically for Tang Qing, so on the way here he called Murong Jin who had fought with them.

Murong Jin had also tasted Huo Yuhao's grilled fish. Seeing that Dai Yunze wanted to grill it, she was also very curious: "Classmate Dai Yunze, can you really grill fish?"

Dai Yunze was helpless when asked by the two of them: "You will know after you eat it."

Tang Qing reluctantly asked: "What if it doesn't taste good in your mouth?"

Dai Yunze kicked him and said angrily: "You can't smell? Hurry up and find some dead branches. Do you want to eat this grilled fish?"

Tang Qing quickly got out of the way: "Eat, eat, eat! I won't ask, just hurry up and bake." Then he ran to find the dead branches.

Although it has not yet entered autumn and winter, it is still a forest and you can still find some dead branches.

Dai Yunze asked Tang Qing to pile up the dead branches he picked up, and then threw them casually. A beam of lightning accurately landed on the dead branches, and then a fire lit up on them.

Tang Qing and Murong Jin both stared at this scene in stunned silence.

After all, it stands to reason that lightning is highly explosive. If it strikes loose dead branches like this, it will definitely send those dead branches flying in all directions. But Dai Yunze only caused flames to ignite on the dead branches, and did not let lightning blow them away, which shows the strength of his control.

After the fire started, Dai Yunze went to the lakeside to wash his hands, and after drying and killing them with lightning, he started to handle the fish that Tang Qing bought. He applied seasonings, stuffed the perilla, and skewered them with bamboo skewers. Just put it on the blazing flame and bake it, using the subtle perspective of your spiritual eyes to control the heat.

Not long after, Tang Qing and Murong Jin smelled a particularly familiar fragrance.

Tang Qing's eyes widened: "It smells very similar to the one sold by that classmate! Tell me, Dai Yunze, are you stealing from me?"

Dai Yunze glanced at him, and then handed the first grilled fish to Murong Jin.

Murong Jin hurriedly took it, blew it a little, and couldn't wait to take a bite. Then while chewing, he said: "It's delicious, it's delicious! It's exactly the same as the one sold by the classmate outside the school gate!"

Seeing her like this, Tang Qing finally believed it, so he looked at Dai Yunze eagerly and drooled: "Where's mine?"

Dai Yunze found an opportunity to fight back, so he smiled crookedly: "Wait until I finish eating, haha."

Tang Qing screamed.

? ?The author is still working hard to find the code state...

?   ——

?   The plots in recent chapters are more daily, which may be a bit boring. The author is not in a state to finish all these plots at once, but it will be soon. After the first grade is over, it will be the main plot.

?   ——

?   The last remaining events in the first grade are the division of classes, Yuhao's election for class president and Wu Feng's duel, and Dai Yunze's loss of horse.

?   ——

?  See you tomorrow~



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