So I went to Douluo

Chapter 466 The taste of emotion

In the blink of an eye, two days have passed.

Early in the morning, Wang Dong walked into the canteen listlessly, and immediately saw Huo Yuhao sitting inside, enjoying a meal. Immediately, she perked up, walked quickly to Huo Yuhao, and asked eagerly: "Yuhao, are you okay? Did Ma Xiaotao do anything to you?"

Since Huo Yuhao had already thought of an explanation, he was not panicking at all now. Even if Wang Dong raised questions about the fragrance on his body, he covered it up very well and Wang Dong didn't notice anything.

After dispelling Wang Dong's doubts, Huo Yuhao asked Wang Dong what the teacher had said yesterday.

Wang Dong said: "I didn't talk about anything special. Teacher Zhou said that we should go to the office to find her before class today. It seems that there is something wrong. Not just us, all our core disciples have to go. It seems that we are going to give We’re turning on a small stove.”

After hearing this, Huo Yuhao nodded, indicating that he understood, and then continued to eat.

Seeing that he was eating so well, Wang Dong also hurriedly went to get some food. After eating with him, he headed towards Zhou Yi's office.

After knocking on the door of Zhou Yi's office, Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong walked in together and found that all the core disciples of the first class were gathered here.

What surprised Huo Yuhao was that in addition to Xiao Xiao, Lan Susu, Lan Luoluo, Cao Jinxuan and Zhou Sixen, whom he knew, Dai Yunze was also staying in Zhou Yi's office.

Does that mean that Dai Yunze is actually a core disciple?

Although he didn't know how Dai Yunze became a core disciple, Huo Yuhao was sincerely happy for Dai Yunze because he felt that since Dai Yunze was so talented, he deserved the status of a core disciple.

So Huo Yuhao couldn't help but walked to Dai Yunze and stood next to him, and then looked at Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi also glanced at Huo Yuhao before speaking: "I called you here today because I have a special situation to inform you. In three days, the outer courtyard will hold a core disciple selection competition. Originally, there was nothing to do with our second graders. , but the college suddenly decided to let our second-year core disciples also participate in the selection. So, you all must be prepared."

After that, she briefly told the eight people about the content of the core disciple selection competition. After that, she asked everyone except Huo Yuhao to leave first.

After hearing that he could leave, Dai Yunze took the lead in walking out of Zhou Yi's office and walked towards the classroom to prepare for class.

Zhou Sichen and Cao Jinxuan left next, while Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao were waiting for Huo Yuhao outside the office.

After Dai Yunze sat in the classroom for a while, Huo Yuhao and the other three arrived at the classroom, and the bell rang just at this time.

Huo Yuhao went straight to the seat next to Dai Yunze and sat down. Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao still sat in front of them.

But what puzzled Huo Yuhao was that every time he sat down next to Dai Yunze, Dai Yunze's expression would be indescribable for a moment. He would first glance at him silently, and then lower his head to do his own thing. Even if many days have passed, Dai Yunze will still have this subconscious behavior.

But now, Dai Yunze just remained silent, staring at the textbook on his desk, without any extra look or movement.

Although Huo Yuhao felt puzzled, he still had to attend class normally. But throughout the day, he was quietly observing Dai Yunze, and finally found that compared to usual, Dai Yunze was more silent today, and his expression would inadvertently take on a gloomy look. Normally, whether Wang Dong, Xiao Xiao, or himself went to talk to Dai Yunze, Dai Yunze would answer seriously.

But today, he only responded to their conversation by shaking his head or nodding. When he really needed to speak out, he also said a simple "um". In short, he basically tried to limit it to five words. Within.

He looked so depressed, as if he suddenly had a lot on his mind.

So after today's class ended, he took advantage of the little dinner time before going to the Soul Guidance Department to study, and he extended an invitation to Dai Yunze: "I haven't eaten fish for a long time. How about I grill fish for you later?" ?”

Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao, who had not eaten grilled fish for a while, naturally agreed, but Wang Dong also knew that Huo Yuhao would go to the Soul Guidance Department to continue studying soon, so he said: "But you will go there later. As for the Soul Guidance Department, is there enough time?"

Huo Yuhao smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's just a few fish to grill, it won't take long. And I'm not too concerned about it, I'm just letting you all have a taste."

After he said so, Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao also felt at ease and prepared to follow him to eat grilled fish. Dai Yunze, who also received the invitation, originally wanted to refuse, but Huo Yuhao didn't give him the chance at all. As soon as get out of class was over, he pulled him and ran out of the classroom first, with Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao following them.

Even though Huo Yuhao has now awakened his second martial spirit and has the blessing of the 400,000-year-old Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion torso bone, it would be easy for Dai Yunze to get rid of him if he really wanted to. But the moment he was pulled out, he was just stunned for a moment, and then he let Huo Yuhao go without any intention of resisting.

In this way, the four of them arrived at Poseidon Lake. They seized the time and immediately started the preparations for grilling the fish.

Since Huo Yuhao had always brought the stove he used to sell grilled fish last semester and also saved some raw materials, they no longer had to waste time catching fish or making a fire, they just had to wait and eat.

One dinner was enough for Huo Yuhao to grill two fish for everyone present. The first two items, Huo Yuhao gave priority to ladies, naturally gave them to Xiao Xiao first. Xiao Xiao was not polite. He took it and started eating it. While eating, he praised Huo Yuhao's skill in grilling fish which seemed to have improved again.

Huo Yuhao naturally gave the next two baked items to Wang Dong. The way Wang Dong eats grilled fish is similar to Xiao Xiao's, but he looks a bit less impressive, with a circle of oil around his mouth.

Huo Yuhao naturally handed the fifth and sixth items to Dai Yunze. But Dai Yunze only took one piece from Huo Yuhao's hand, and said to him at the same time: "You don't have enough time to grill it anymore. Eat that grilled fish to fill your stomach. Then go to the Soul Guidance Department quickly, don't be late."

Huo Yuhao was stunned for a moment, then smiled, nodded, and agreed.

It seemed that Dai Yunze had actually written down the time when he went to the Soul Guidance Department for a long time, and he had been calculating the time for him to grill fish just now, so he came up with this reminder.

Although it was just a trivial matter, Huo Yuhao felt warm in his heart. The satisfaction that he once had when his every move was cared about by someone came to him again.

He extinguished the flame in the oven and put all the things back into the moonlit night of Twenty-four Bridges before he began to enjoy the grilled fish in his hand.

After watching him eat, Dai Yunze took a bite of the grilled fish in his hand.

After just one sip, he was stunned.

The fish on the tip of the tongue is quite delicious, and the various flavors are almost perfectly blended together, and then explode on the taste buds.

But if that's all, it's just Huo Yuhao's consistent level of grilling fish.

What really stunned Dai Yunze was what he tasted, the flavor called "comfort".

That thing that clearly couldn't be called "taste" was actually captured by his taste buds. It's like a hint of bitterness in delicious fish meat, but when you feel it carefully, you find that it is actually a wonderful touch of sweetness.

He subconsciously looked at Huo Yuhao.

He noticed that he was quickly destroying the grilled fish. He looked at himself, blinked secretly, and smiled.

Although he was speechless, everything was extremely clear.

He watched Huo Yuhao finish off the last bite of fish in a few seconds, stood up, patted the grass blades on his butt, chewed the fish and said vaguely: "You guys eat slowly, I will go first, otherwise I will be late." .”

Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao nodded while eating and kept waving to him.

Wang Dong: "Go, go, you are not needed here."

Xiao Xiao: "That's right, squad leader, go ahead and don't be late."

Huo Yuhao smiled and nodded, "Okay." Then he looked at Dai Yunze, nodded to him slightly, and left.

Dai Yunze looked at his back as he walked away, savoring the aftertaste of the taste on his tongue, and then looked at the grilled fish in his hand that only had one bite.

Finally, he sighed softly, put the grilled fish in his hand into the storage soul guide, stood up, and said loudly: "I'll take you there."

Hearing his figure, Huo Yuhao in front also stopped and turned around.

Dai Yunze walked up to him and smiled at him: "It's faster this way."

He raised his hand and put it on Yuhao's shoulder, turned around and looked at Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao behind him, and nodded to them: "We're leaving first."

After seeing the two of them nodding in the same way, he looked at Huo Yuhao again, looked at the pair of deep blue eyes that were looking at him seriously, and sighed softly deep in his heart.

The next moment, his and Huo Yuhao's figures kept flashing.

As the two of them ran forward, he teleported their bodies. Although the distance was only five meters each time, the frequency was fast enough for them to reach the soul guidance system of the outer courtyard in just half a minute.

With Huo Yuhao's guidance, Dai Yunze didn't find the wrong place and sent the person downstairs before stopping.

Dai Yunze patted Huo Yuhao's back: "Go, don't be late."

Seeing Huo Yuhao nodding, he finally couldn't help but smile and said, "The grilled fish is delicious."

Huo Yuhao's eyes were a little surprised, and then he laughed out loud and said, "Thank you."

For a while, the atmosphere became silent.

They looked at each other, but no one said anything.

Until Huo Yuhao took the lead: "Then, I'm going in?" He pointed at the building behind him and said with a smile.

Dai Yunze stared at him, and finally restrained his urge to give the boy in front of him a tight hug. He paused, nodded, said "Yeah", and then watched Huo Yuhao walk into the building in front of him.

When Huo Yuhao disappeared, he dug into his pocket and took out a piece of green bamboo. Look at the runes on the bamboo slices, and then look up at the building in front of you.

Use your palms to exert force.

The next moment, the bamboo pieces shattered into pieces of green light and were blown away by the wind.

? ?It’s a little late to write hhhhhorz

?  Mingjian~

?   *

?ˆˆThanks to my friends who voted for me with recommendation votes and monthly votes! love you~



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