So I went to Douluo

Chapter 48 Ma Hongjun

Hope it's too late, after all, Tang San, who didn't attack with all his strength, will suffer a loss when he meets Ma Hongjun.

His Blue Silver Grass doesn't have fire immunity or ice immunity attributes yet.

Dai Mubai looked at Tang Liu running away, hesitant, but then followed him.

When Tang Liu found him with the Hao Lan mark left in Tang San's body, he happened to see Xiao Wu taking action against a fat man with purple flames coming out of his body.

If nothing else, that fat man is one of the first seven monsters, Ma Hongjun.

Seeing that Xiao Wu was about to kick Ma Hongjun, and when his shoes were burned by the Phoenix evil fire, he took action.

The Void Spirit Blue Silver Emperor was released, and three soul rings, one yellow, one purple, and one black, rose up, and then the first soul ring started to shine.

The first soul skill, the control of virtual spirits!

Xiao Wu's left arm was instantly wrapped with a piece of Void Spirit Blue Silver Emperor, and then she penetrated into Ma Hongjun's body, but jumped away again the next second, and at the same time she exclaimed, "Okay. hot!"

It is true that the control of the virtual spirit can make people immune to most attacks, but the feelings in those attacks will not be immune. For example, Xiao Wu now feels the high temperature of the Phoenix evil fire burning on Ma Hongjun.

Although the high temperature would not cause any harm to Xiao Wu due to the existence of the Void Spirit Control, the hot feeling at that moment was still transmitted to Xiao Wu's brain exactly.

Ma Hongjun was also a little dazed because Xiao Wu had just passed through his body, and now he stood there and forgot to attack.

Tang San, who was watching the battle, immediately spotted the ethereal Blue Silver Emperor wrapped around Xiao Wu's left arm. He turned around in surprise and happened to see Tang Liu running over and having withdrawn his martial spirit, and Tang San. Dai Mubai followed behind Liu.

"Xiao Liu? Why are you here?" He said in surprise.

Tang Liu ran up to him, took a deep breath, and then joked: "Come here to stop you, don't accidentally kill that fat man."

It was also at this time that he realized that Tang San had just used the word "you".

So he looked back and found Dai Mubai.

"Tang San, Xiao Wu, Fatty, how did you meet each other?" Dai Mubai was a little surprised when he saw the three of them from a distance, so he said after coming to Tang San.

However, after seeing the girl behind Ma Hongjun, he understood.

"Oh, let me introduce to you first. That fat guy over there is the third college in the academy besides me and Xiao Ao. It's called Ma Hongjun. Wuhun is just a grass chicken, but a mutated grass chicken." Dai Mubai told Tang Sanhe Xiaowu said.

"You are just a loser, I am a phoenix!" Ma Hongjun said angrily.

Dai Mubai ignored him and continued to explain to Tang San and Xiao Wu, "He was brought back by the dean personally, and he is the direct disciple of the dean. According to the dean, all the people in their village have no attack power." He was a poultry martial soul, but when he was born, he mutated and was born with the ability to fire. The dean said that when his soul power increases, he might actually become a phoenix.

"However, his martial soul has a flaw, that is, he will produce evil fire when he practices, and he needs to vent it frequently, otherwise he will explode and die. This is why he often goes out to find women, and it is also approved by the dean. .”

"It's hard to suppress the evil fire." Ma Hongjun said with a bitter smile at this time.

After hearing this, Xiao Wu's cheeks instantly turned red, she spat softly and said, "There are really all kinds of martial spirits."

Tang San, on the other hand, subconsciously covered Tang Liu's eyes next to him first, then suddenly realized something was wrong, and instantly covered his ears.

Tang Liu rolled his eyes.

Why was Mao's first reaction to cover my eyes? Do you think you will be deaf as long as I can't see?

Also, I know much more about things like this than you, a guy who hasn’t been out of the Tang Sect for more than 20 years, okay?

Of course, he would not say these words out loud, he would only complain in his heart.

Then Dai Mubai introduced them to Ma Hongjun, "These three are Tang San, Xiao Wu and Tang Liu. They are the new students who have passed the college assessment this year."

After saying that, he looked at Tang San and Xiao Wu again and said, "By the way, Tang San, what are you doing here?"

Tang San smiled bitterly and said, "We came out to see where we could eat, and we ended up here while walking."

Dai Mubai nodded and said, "It's my fault that I didn't tell you the location of the college cafeteria. It just so happens that I haven't eaten either, so I'll take you there with me."

"By the way, Mubai, why did you and Xiaoliu come to find us?" Tang San asked as he walked back.

"That's right, and Xiao Liu, why did you stop me from beating this fat man and causing me to get burned." When mentioning this, Xiao Wu looked at Tang Liu with dissatisfaction and said.

"What's wrong with fat people? My name is Ma Hongjun, young master!" Ma Hongjun on the side protested.

"If I don't use the Void Spirit Control on you, you will be burned. Even if you are not burned, you still need to wear a pair of shoes." Tang Liu explained.

"Huh, if that's the case, then I'll let you go." Xiao Wu then gave up.

But Tang Liu continued: "Furthermore, if you are injured by this fat man, what if my brother goes crazy again and shoots him with a hidden weapon? You think so, brother?"

At the end of the sentence, Tang Liu nudged Tang San beside him with his elbow ill-intentioned.

Tang San and Xiao Wu's faces turned red almost at the same time.

"What are you talking about? No big or small." Tang San raised his hand and knocked Tang Liu on the head, glaring at him.

"Hehehe." Tang Liu smiled and did not continue talking.

"I told you I'm not called Fatty, my name is Ma Hongjun!" Ma Hongjun was still struggling.

Dai Mubai patted his shoulder and said with a wicked smile: "Fat man, who told you to have such a body shape? So relax, just follow it."

Ma Hongjun: "..." We must break off our friendship!

Dai Mubai also answered Tang San's previous question at this time.

"I followed Tang Liu here. When we were in the academy before, he suddenly ran away, and I followed over and saw you and Fatty." He said.

So everyone looked at Tang Liu again.

"Hey, brother, have you forgotten that I still have...that move?" Tang Liu began to wink at Tang San, reminding him about his third martial spirit.

Tang San understood, so he said: "So, is it the tracking effect of your martial spirit?"

Since Tang San didn't say it clearly, Xiao Wu and Dai Mubai naturally thought that he was talking about Tang Liu's Void Spirit Blue Silver Emperor martial spirit.

Ma Hongjun, who had never seen Tang Liu's martial spirit, thought that Tang Liu's martial spirit had the ability to track.

Tang Liu nodded, "Yes, relying on Wuhun's innate ability, I felt that you might be in trouble, so I came here."

Several people nodded slightly.

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