So I went to Douluo

Chapter 50 Cliff jumping, cave, grandpa’s three-piece suit

"Dean." Dai Mubai took a step forward.

"You will tell the five new students about the rules of the academy later, and then go back to rest and adjust to the best possible condition. Today's first class will start in the evening."

"Yes!" Dai Mubai responded, and then retreated into the group of several people.

"As for Oscar, Ning Rongrong, and Tang Liu, you three are the exception. Come with me." Flanders looked at the three people he named respectively and said.

Oscar walked up to Flender reluctantly and saluted. His expression became better after seeing Ning Rongrong walking beside him.

But Tang Liu did not go over, but looked at Flanders and said, "Dean, I also want to go there at night."

Flanders looked at him in surprise and said, "You know?"

Tang Liu nodded, "I want to have a fight."

"But you are an auxiliary soul master." Flanders said with interest.

"Then let's participate in the two versus two match." Tang Liu said matter-of-factly.

"Okay, then you don't have to come. Just go to class in the evening." Flanders smiled and nodded, then indicated that they could go back to rest.

Zhu Zhuqing was the first to leave, followed by Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun.

After watching Flanders leave with Oscar and Ning Rongrong, Tang Liu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great, no need to run..."

Then, he pulled Tang San, and Tang San pulled Xiao Wu, and the three of them left.

"Xiao Liu, do you know what class we are going to have tonight?" Tang San asked curiously, and Xiao Wu also listened intently.

Tang Liu nodded and said, "If nothing goes wrong, the dean will take us to the Great Soul Fighting Arena in Soto City to participate in the soul fighting competition tonight."

Tang San and Xiao Wu became even more curious when they heard these two unfamiliar terms.

"Simply put, it is a place specifically for soul masters to fight for others to watch, and it also supports gambling." Tang Liu said.

"Ah? Doesn't that mean you treat people like monkeys?" Xiao Wu said in surprise after understanding the meaning.

Tang Liu shrugged and said: "It's hard to be a human being. This is just a legal darkness where the world stands in the light. Moreover, you can just treat it as an ordinary fighting game. Just protect yourself carefully, Because you can kill people there.”

Tang San nodded in deep agreement.

Xiao Wu always felt that Tang Liu's first sentence meant something, but she didn't go into it deeply.

Then, Tang Liu briefly introduced them to the rules of the Great Spirit Fighting Arena.

However, he didn't remember the details very clearly, so he didn't dare to tell. You can only find out more about it when you go there at night.

After that, the three of them went back to their dormitories to rest.

Naturally, Tang San, who was free, began to ask Tang Liu to tell him about the past few years.

Tang Liu was also happy to communicate with him, and chose some things that Tang San could know now and told him.

He concealed it very well, Tang San still thought Tang Hao was just an ordinary blacksmith.

And Tang Liu told Tang San that his soul ring was hunted for him by a master he accidentally worshiped when he was outside in the past few years.

As a modern person who has been influenced by countless online novels, Tang Liu is not very good at compiling these.

In his story, when he secretly went to obtain the second soul ring without telling Tang Hao, he accidentally fell off the cliff. And under the cliff, there happened to be a crooked-neck tree that caught him.

Later, when he climbed up the tree, he actually found a cave.

After he entered, he found an old man in the cave. Moreover, that old man was actually a titled Douluo.

The old man said that he was talented and talented, so he wanted to accept him as his disciple.

After becoming a disciple, the old man took him to fly up the cliff, and then went to get the second soul ring and let him go home. Tell him that when he reaches the third ring, he will appear again to help him obtain the soul ring.

Just like that, blah blah blah...

Tang Liu successfully fooled Tang San.

Taking a sip of water to moisten his somewhat dry mouth, Tang Liu glanced at Tang San's unfinished expression, and secretly apologized in his heart: "I'm sorry, brother, in order to prevent the plot from deflecting too much, your cultivation has gone out the window." Error, I can only lie to you like this first."

However, I can tell you everything after the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Soul Fighting Competition begins.

At that time, the blame will be thrown entirely on Tang Hao.

Yeah, perfect~

By the way, after telling Tang San the stories of the past few years, Tang Liu and Tang San went to pay their tuition.

Tang Liu ritually paid the tuition fees for himself and Tang San with the money given by Tang Hao, while Tang San had to pay for Xiao Wu, because basically all of Xiao Wu's money was with him.

Later, Flanders even came to see Tang San once. Tang Liu, who knew the plot, naturally knew that Flanders was here for the master's situation.

Night comes quickly.

The group gathered on the playground again to prepare for evening classes.

Flanders kept focusing on Oscar and Ning Rongrong, his eyes were as sharp as swords, making people dare not look at them.

"Oscar, have you finished twenty laps?" he said.

Oscar coughed and nodded, "Dean, I'm done."

Flanders snorted and said, "I'm asking you, not you."

Oscar glanced at Ning Rongrong and found that Ning Rongrong was also looking at him. Then he gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, we have finished running."

Flanders smiled extremely sinisterly, "Very well, Oscar, I didn't expect you to be very friendly. If that's the case, you can run another twenty laps and let me see how deep your friendship is. If you don't run, That’s it, no need to eat.”

After patting Oscar on the shoulder, he continued: "I have sealed your soul power. There is no need to try to lift it, just go ahead."

Oscar nodded silently, turned around and ran outside.

Then he looked at Ning Rongrong, who looked innocent and pitiful, and said, "Tell me, have you completed the lessons I assigned you in the morning?"

Ning Rongrong shook his head and said, "I don't. The distance is too long, and I'm hungry, so I can't hold on."

Flanders smiled and said: "So, you went to Soto City alone to have a big meal, and also walked around the commercial street there. You just came back to find Oscar, right?"

Ning Rongrong widened her beautiful big eyes, "Are you spying on me?"

"As the dean, I am responsible for every student in the academy. If Oscar made a mistake because he couldn't bear to let you be punished, and there are extenuating circumstances, then the mistake you made is an unforgivable crime." Rand's expression and tone became colder, "Leaving the academy without permission, not following the academy's arrangements, and letting the seniors lie for you are not mistakes that an outstanding soul master should make. If this is on the battlefield, , there is only one result for you, and that is military law, and you will die."

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