So I went to Douluo

Chapter 508 The Awakening of Time

Star King Hotel.

Dai Yunze stayed alone in his room, sitting cross-legged on the bed and meditating.

It's not that he doesn't know that today is Shrek's first game, he just needs some time to think clearly. Besides, he has more important things to do now than competing.

After returning to Shrek Academy from the Star Dou Forest, although it was not obvious at first, Dai Yunze still noticed that a mysterious force was slowly awakening in his body.

When he first noticed that power, Dai Yunze didn't know what it was.

Until now.

After the previous battle with the evil soul master, the resurrected power in his body seemed to respond to the changes in his heart and began to reveal its true face. Last night, Dai Yunze began to take the initiative to come into contact with that power, and at this time he finally saw the origin of that power.


It was the time attribute ability that he had been unable to activate.

For some reason, the attribute of time that was originally uncontrollable seemed to have been turned on without him knowing, and then gradually awakened, making his innate abilities more complete.

With the awakening of the time attribute, Dai Yunze's various abilities suddenly went through a process of integration. His mental power has become stronger with the passage of time, seemingly benefiting from the profound information brought by time. His soul power is also growing rapidly, and time seems to accelerate the body's absorption of various energies in the body. Also in time, the past scenes were played before his eyes like a movie, and he watched his own life like a bystander. From infancy, to death, and from infancy to now. But the movie that belongs to him has not been played completely, and the invisible part is blank, with only a little blurry image on it.

When his eyes "looked" past, there was a faint picture about to emerge from the blank curtain. But the clearer the picture was, the more his soul felt trembling. It seemed that when it was no longer blurry, there would be something very scary. Something happened.

Dai Yunze also realized that the blank spaces he could not see were the "future". And people who peek into the future usually don't end well.

Is this the reason why the young man has been preventing the timeline from deviating? Not only to avoid the possible occurrence of the so-called multiverse war, but also because changing the timeline is equivalent to peeking into the future to some extent?

But why should he stop himself from seeing the future? What is the hidden secret?

Dai Yunze didn't understand, but he kept it secret. He didn't delve too much into it, and just immersed himself in the various benefits brought by time awakening. Naturally, he entered a deep state of meditation as he should. It's just that his deep meditation is very different from the ordinary one. His consciousness is still very clear, he can perceive all changes in the outside world, and he can break away from deep meditation at any time.

On the first day, at the expense of Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong's excessive soul power, the reserve team successfully completed the first battle of Shrek Academy. Dai Yunze did not wake up.

The next day, Shrek Academy entered the round robin, and Xu Sanshi defeated three opponents in a one-on-one competition alone and won. Dai Yunze did not wake up.

On the third day, Huo Yuhao took action again, and the six hundred thousand year soul rings crazily impacted everyone's nerves. Dai Yunze still didn't wake up.

Until the fourth day, we came to a very critical time point in the original work, and it was also the stop that completely exposed the current situation of the Shrek Academy team. Like an alarm clock, when time slowly advanced to that point, as if responding to some kind of call, Dai Yunze's consciousness broke away from the flow of time and opened his eyes.

Compared to a few days ago, his eyes became a little deeper, like ancient wells that had experienced years of precipitation but were as calm as still water. All the mysteries in the world seemed to be flowing in his eyes. Staring at those eyes, Inexplicably, there is an illusion of seeing the past and present.

But as the soul power in his body gradually stopped functioning, the mysterious and mysterious feeling began to recede from his body, and the deep blue eyes returned to the purity of the boy before, but the gloomy color in his eyes was like a block that could not be moved away. The open stones ruined a fine landscape painting.

After sitting cross-legged on the bed for three days, Dai Yunze did not feel the slightest discomfort in his body. All this is due to the energy of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger in his body. With this energy, Dai Yunze's previous cultivation in the Seventh Ring was not a problem.

He got out of bed and stretched his body. His bones crackled and his figure seemed to be a little taller. The waist and abdomen wrapped in well-fitting clothes were exposed as the young man stretched his arms, and his thin waistline could be vaguely seen, which was very eye-catching.

After running to the bathroom to wash up, he could vaguely hear the movement in the surrounding rooms. It seemed that someone was talking about "compete", "give up", "give it your best", "no regrets" and so on.

Dai Yunze rolled his eyes and realized that today should be the key battle. Although he really didn't want to be involved in this kind of academy battle, Dai Yunze decided to go and watch today's game.

Looking at the time, Dai Yunze estimated that several members of the reserve team were still having a meeting. The voices he just heard came from the conference room next door. He was not going to attend the meeting because he didn't want to see a group of people talking with expectations. Looking at himself with eyes, he just pretended that he was still meditating deeply and waited for the game to start. At least now, he has no ability to respond to other people's expectations, and can only give them disappointment.

However, he vaguely remembered that in order to enter Xingluo Square, he had to wear the uniform of the college team to prove his identity.

Dai Yunze thought for a while, and it seemed that Wang Yan had given him a set, so he walked out of the bathroom and started rummaging around.


meeting room.

At this time, the atmosphere inside was a little solemn.

Wang Yan wanted to give up this game and let everyone in the reserve team preserve their strength to prepare for the continent-wide Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition in five years' time, with them as the home field. Now is the round robin stage. Even if this game is given up, it will have no impact on Shrek Academy's promotion. What's more, starting from the next game, Soul King Ling Luochen will be able to fully recover. A round-robin match will not be a problem, and the pressure on the reserve team will be much less.

In contrast, it will not affect the promotion to the quarterfinals, but also hide the strength of the reserve team. Giving up the most difficult game now is the most correct choice no matter how you look at it. But several people in the reserve team were unwilling to give up, and as a teacher, Wang Yan couldn't bear to dampen the fighting spirit of these children. He just looked at the vacant seat in the conference room from time to time.

If Dai Yunze is willing to play.

But unfortunately, the other party entered a deep meditation state a few days ago and is not in the conference room now. He should still be practicing.

So in the end, Wang Yan just said to a few people in the reserve team: "It doesn't matter, kids, no matter you win or lose, you are the most dazzling new stars."

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