So I went to Douluo

Chapter 513 Who are you?

They can fight desperately for victory.

In order not to be obliterated by the youth, I huddled in the dark shadows and escaped from everything. As he escaped more often, he seemed to have lost all courage to even take a look.

Such myself.

Are you really the person you want to be?

He obviously just wanted to become stronger and eliminate all hatred for Huo Yuhao.

Hatred and evil have been added to my body, but you enjoy the song of praise in the light.

For these reasons, he did not hesitate to let himself become the duchess's child in the eyes of everyone, and personally distorted the original reality into an appearance that he himself hated.

He fled in front of Huo Yuhao, as if he had been in the darkness for a long time and could no longer adapt to the light emanating from him.

Dai Yunze asked himself, he had actually done most of what he should do.

The Duchess had taken a deadly poison and was cursed by him himself.

The biggest enemies of the three of them, mother and son, seem to have gotten their comeuppance.

He will also come to the door one by one for the remaining people in the future.

But what about after that.

Everything Dai Yunze did since that day when he became a disciple of Long Xiaoyao in the Mingdou Mountains was for revenge.

But then, where should he go?

Other time travelers can also follow the protagonist group to do great things, and make choices he dare not make in those "key points" that he is afraid of avoiding.

And Dai Yunze, after completing everything he should do, may just be able to hide in the darkness and silently watch a timeline that has nothing to do with him.

In that case, what is the meaning of his existence in this universe?

No, he is not from this universe. Perhaps he has no meaning in this world.

Because you have been in the light, and when you are trapped in the darkness, you will be more and more eager to stand in the light and shine.

In the same way, I desire to become such a shining person more and more.

Either crawl out of the darkness and try to touch that light.

Or continue to retreat deeper into the darkness and bid farewell to the light completely.

What kind of person would I be?

Dai Yunze didn't know how he finally returned to the hotel room.

He just left Xingluo Square silently when everyone was in tears and excited.

While everyone was listening intently to Wang Yan telling the whole story and feeling moved and emotional for the seven people in the reserve team, they walked unconsciously to this place that they subconsciously thought was safe.

After returning to the room, he did not practice or do anything else. He just sat on the chair in the room, his eyes blank, and the question kept echoing in his mind.

As children, our world was black and white. Good people are good people and bad people are bad people.

When I grow up, it seems that good people are not necessarily good people, and bad people sometimes are not so bad.

People seem to be really complicated, so complicated that they can’t even see themselves clearly.

That problem is not limited to good people and bad people, so Dai Yunze can't figure it out now.

He thinks he is a good person because most of the people in that world are good people.

But good people rarely take the initiative to care about people who have nothing to do with them. They seem to have become more and more indifferent, as if they have become accustomed to staying out of things. Because many good people have been defeated by their kindness to others, and their experiences have made other good people feel cold, and the warm light around them has shrunk vigilantly, no longer easily illuminating the people around them.

But if a good person does nothing, looks on coldly, and ignores everything except himself, can he really be called a good person? What is the difference between him and the bad guys? Is it because he has never hurt anyone? So when someone asks for help but looks on with cold eyes, does this behavior count as harm?

Dai Yunze tried his best to avoid the answer, but his heart told him the answer clearly.

If there is no difference between good people and bad people, then there will only be bad people and worse people in the world. At this time, the slightly less bad guy becomes the new good guy.

Dai Yunze thought blankly, wasn't he just like those "bad guys" when he stood aside and stood aside?

Are all my previous choices wrong?

Just like in that world, even though everyone seems to be becoming more and more indifferent, there are still many people who will help another person unconditionally as before. It's not that they don't know the risks involved, they just thought of it, that's all Done.

Their souls are still shining brightly, constantly transmitting light to the surroundings.

Indifferent people also retain the warmth in their hearts, and will smile without knowing it when they see them occasionally.

This world is still warm, tightly connected by the light of those people, the fire of humanity and the fire of inheritance.

As long as the fire is not extinguished, the world will not fall into true indifference and despair, and there will always be something worth remembering.

And if you don’t have to, who doesn’t want to be the kind of light that can bring warmth to others?

I want it too.

But can I go one step further.

Be brave and take that step.

Just like those who choose to help others, even though they know the possible risks, they still do it to become the kind of light that others aspire to be?


Ling Luochen recovered.

On the first day after recovering from her injury, this control soul king of the ice elemental martial soul came to compete with the Shrek representative team, and in the fourth round of the round robin, she managed by herself alone, plus the addition of Huo Yuhao and the other seven team members easily defeated their opponents, allowing everyone to see the power of Shrek Academy once again.

When Shrek's people left the scene gracefully, the whole place was silent, and no one made a sound.

Shrek, who had worked so hard to win the day before, suddenly showed his extremely sharp fangs today and easily tore his opponent to pieces.

This strong sense of contrast gives many people a very unreal feeling. And when they reacted, they cheered even more fervently.

Who could not love such a powerful Shrek?

If it weren't for the fact that Shrek only accepted monsters and not ordinary people, they could have signed up to study at Shrek on the spot.

But Dai Yunze was still in his room and did not come out.

Wang Yan took the time to take a look and found that Dai Yunze seemed to have entered a state of deep meditation again, but this time it seemed a little different from the one a few days ago.

After that, there were three more games in the round robin, and Shrek won them all easily, qualifying as the first in the round robin group and advancing to the top 16. At this point, Ma Xiaotao and Dai Yueheng's injuries have fully recovered, and the Shrek Academy team has finally returned to its strongest form.

But Dai Yunze was still in his room and didn't come out.

The sixteen-to-eight match came soon, with Shrek Academy facing off against Douling Academy.

At this point in the competition, the competition system has changed again. Each competition is divided into two days, one day for team competition and one day for individual elimination. Winning the team competition does not mean that the team can qualify. The individual knockout round is the key to the final outcome.

But now, Shrek's three main players have recovered, and Wang Yan is not too worried about what will go wrong.

But Dai Yunze was still in his room and didn't come out.

? ?Two hours late, sorry, sorry, the author had something to do and was temporarily delayed.

?   ——

?  The transition to the next chapter will be quick, and the top auctions, star fights, etc. will be skipped because Dai Yunze will not participate.

?  The turning point of human nature is in the finals. You can either become a brave person without fear or a shrinking person who escapes.

?   doge

?   ——

?   Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes~

?  See you tomorrow~



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