So I went to Douluo

Chapter 546 Microscopic Haolan Mark

"Concentrate, run the Purple Demon Eyes to absorb the purple energy, I have to speed up." Tang Liu put his palm on Dai Yunze's shoulder, and also looked at the white fish belly in the east sky, and said.

Dai Yunze had activated his Purple Demon Eyes as soon as he saw the sky in the east, ready to absorb the purple energy that was about to appear. With his nerves tense, he did not answer Tang Liu, but just stared at the sky tightly.

The next moment, with the appearance of the first beam of sunlight, Dai Yunze also saw the appearance of purple energy. He subconsciously used the Purple Demon Eye and began to absorb the purple energy.

And then, something happened that shocked Dai Yunze.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw that the scene around them was changing rapidly. Just a moment ago, it was an endless ocean, and the next second it was replaced by a snow-capped peak. And not long after the scene of the peak appeared, it immediately turned into a grassland.

Various landforms kept flashing in the peripheral vision, among which the ocean appeared most of the time. But the only thing that didn't change was the eastern sky that he stared at closely, and the dense purple air that never disappeared.

What kind of unnatural means is this? !

Dai Yunze felt the purple energy that was constantly being absorbed into his eyes, and his mind went blank.

Tang Liu kept pressing his palms on Dai Yunze's shoulders, constantly activating Haolan Teleportation, allowing them to keep chasing the line of dawn and dusk, allowing Dai Yunze to continuously absorb purple energy and strengthen the Purple Demon Eyes.

Naturally, just by activating Hao Lan's teleportation, Tang Liu could do it with just a thought. The reason why he kept pressing Dai Yunze's shoulders was to control the light when Hao Lan Teleport was activated to prevent it from blocking Dai Yunze's absorption of purple energy.

As for why Tang Liu was able to teleport throughout the entire Douluo Star and even follow the line of dawn and dusk, it was related to the advanced usage of the Hao Lan Seal.

The function of the Hao Lan Mark is to mark it. Through direct or indirect contact with the skin, it leaves a Hao Blue Mark in a target's body that cannot be detected, cannot be erased by external force, and can only be removed by Tang Liu's initiative. With the help of Hao Lan Seal, Tang Liu could do many things. For example, initiating Haolan teleportation, controlling marked targets, and remotely transferring energy and matter to each other.

The so-called advanced usage of Hao Lan Seal is not an improvement in the abilities that Hao Lan Seal can exert.

Rather, it is an extension of the marked object.

At the beginning, Tang Liu could only leave a Haolan mark on "a living being", that is, a person, an animal, or a plant, etc., and "an object", that is, a stone or something like that. And because in cognition, these "ones" are complete wholes, naturally, Tang Liu can only leave one Hao Lan mark in a whole.

But one very important thing is that the things listed above are actually composed of tiny units one after another. So what would happen if Tang Liu regarded these individuals as "a whole" and left a Hao Lan mark on them?

Countless tiny units will all become Tang Liu's marked objects, influenced by him and controlled by him.

Among the series of tiny units, the level that Tang Liu can reach currently is atoms.

On a planet, the most indispensable material is atoms.

As long as Tang Liu was willing, he could mark the atoms in the surrounding air in an instant. The air circulates and circulates continuously throughout Douluo Star. Some of it travels to distant places with the wind, some of it is absorbed and used by plants to produce nutrients, and some of it is inhaled by animals and becomes a part of the body. .

So in theory, as long as there is enough time, the entire material on Douluo Planet will eventually be occupied by Tang Liu's Hao Lan mark, and then controlled by him.

For thousands of years, Tang Liu's Hao Lan mark has long been scattered in the global atmosphere. Naturally, at this time, he could catch up with the line of dawn and dusk and ignore the soul power consumption of Hao Lan's teleportation.

Because each transmission was within the low soul power consumption range of the Hao Lan Mark, thus completing what Dai Yunze now sees as a "miracle".

One day later, Tang Liu and Dai Yunze returned to Haotian Castle.

He said he would take Dai Yunze to practice for a day, but Tang Liu actually took him to practice for a whole day. Dai Yunze's Purple Demon Eyes also successfully moved from the Perspective to the Subtle Realm.

The first time he returned to Haotian Sect, Dai Yunze rushed towards the cafeteria.

After practicing non-stop all day, he now felt very hungry and in urgent need of energy replenishment.

Fortunately, when practicing the Purple Demon Eyes, his eyes can be warmed by the purple energy, so even if he hasn't blinked his eyes all day long, Dai Yunze doesn't feel uncomfortable now.

Of course, the continuous absorption of purple energy also made him feel very comfortable. His mental power increased a lot and he gained a lot. Even without rest, he felt a hundred times more energetic at this time.

After filling his stomach, Tang Liu began to teach Dai Yunze the remaining Tang Sect secrets.

Letting Dai Yunze learn the Tang Clan's unique skills was not to improve his strength, but just to see him come to this world and leave a souvenir for him. Moreover, after all, Dai Yunze did not join the Tang Clan, and it would not be convenient for him to use the Tang Clan's secret skills in front of others, otherwise he would just fight for his life, but he believed that Dai Yunze knew what he knew, so Tang Liu gave his knowledge to him without any reservation. he.

Then, there is the last thing to be completed on Dai Yunze's trip.

Contract with the Emperor's Golden Tiger and obtain the fifth soul ring of the second martial soul, the God-devouring Evil-Eyed White Demon Tiger.

Different from Qingya, the Emperor's Golden Tiger, also known as Jin Chen, only has a contractual relationship with Dai Yunze and is responsible for giving Dai Yunze the soul rings and soul bones he needs. In addition, he will not be summoned by Dai Yunze at any time and has more Great freedom.

This was not because Tang Liu was partial to Jin Chen, because Qingya originally needed to follow Dai Yunze and grow up with him. Although Jin Chen is also a tiger soul beast, and he is also an emperor's golden tiger with the ultimate strength attribute, but after all, it is not particularly suitable for the attributes of Dai Yunze's second martial soul. It is not as completely compatible as Qingya, so Jin Chen followed Dai Yunze There will be no more growth around him, so it is better to let him continue to develop a relationship with Funi.

Qingya was once only a ten-thousand-year-old dark demon evil tiger. After being rescued by Tang Liu, he reshaped his body and was resurrected. During these ten thousand years, he successfully cultivated into a two-hundred-thousand-year-old ferocious beast, able to transform freely. The first soul ring Tang Liu borrowed from him had a lifespan of two hundred thousand years. Combined with the power of Hao Lan's spell, Dai Yunze allowed Dai Yunze to completely absorb it and turn it into the first soul ring of the God-devouring Evil Eye White Devil Tiger.

After making the contract, Qingya once again provided Dai Yunze with two soul rings, both with a life span of 200,000 years. In addition, he also provided Dai Yunze with two arm soul bones.

These two soul rings and two soul bones were transformed by the power of the contract and had no effect on Qingya himself. Specifically, it is equivalent to the contract omitting Tang Liu's "borrowing rings" and "borrowing bones" process, and directly letting part of Qingya's power turn into soul rings and soul bones on Dai Yunze. It is very strange, very simple. .

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