So I went to Douluo

Chapter 58 Heading to the Star Forest

However, Zhu Zhuqing was the most hesitant among them.

"Zhu Zhuqing, if you want to defeat Dai Mubai one day and trample him under your feet, don't hesitate now." Flanders suddenly spoke up at this time.

Zhu Zhuqing was stunned, while Dai Mubai smiled bitterly.

Flanders looked at Zhu Zhuqing with deep eyes and nodded to her.

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes instantly became firm, and without hesitation, he ate the sausage made by Oscar in a few seconds.

Dai Mubai was a little distracted and said with a wry smile: "You really want to defeat me?"

Zhu Zhuqing glared at him fiercely while chewing the sausage, and didn't have much to say.

Flanders nodded with satisfaction and said: "All of you have passed, and you must remember that when you are together in the future, Oscar will be your logistical supply. Forget those meaningless soul curses, save your lives, The most important thing is to make yourself stronger and exert your full strength, even to a super level.

"Now, each of you go back to prepare and give you a day to rest and adjust. Tomorrow morning, we will all set off. Teacher Zhao Wuji will lead you to the Star Dou Forest to help Oscar obtain his third soul ring.

"This is not Oscar's fault alone, but also the experience of all of you. Before encountering the thousand-year soul beast, Teacher Zhao will not take action easily. Everything depends on you. Okay, let's disband now."

After returning to the dormitory, Tang San and Tang Liu both started practicing. Tang San might have been a little stimulated by Oscar's entry into level 30, and wanted to get his third spirit ring quickly.

As for Tang Liu, it was all a matter of sudden interest.

After all, his soul power has now begun to compress for the third time, and his cultivation speed is not much faster, so there is no rush. What's more, he is now a Soul Sect.

However, every time he practiced, little Funi would quietly crawl out from his clothes, crawl on his knees, and start practicing with his eyes closed.

When little Forni was practicing, Tang Liu's body would emit some blue-black light spots from time to time, and as Little Forni breathed, they slowly merged into its body.

This is why Xiao Funi said that by following Tang Liu, it would be able to quickly break through the 200,000-year bottleneck.

Since Tang Liu also mentioned the Star Dou Forest when he told Tang San a story before, Tang San didn't ask again like in the original work.

Another day passed.

After breakfast, when a group of students arrived at the playground, they found that Zhao Wuji was already standing there waiting for them.

However, when they saw Zhao Wuji, all the students wanted to laugh, but they did not dare to laugh.

Of course, Tang Liu, who knew the truth, laughed unceremoniously, not giving Zhao Wuji any face.

Zhao Wuji glared at Tang Liu with a panda face, and said angrily: "Why are you laughing? What's so funny? Didn't I just fall and fall a little hard?"

He was embarrassed to tell the fact that he was beaten by Tang Hao, and he did not dare to say it.

"Yes, yes, you fell. I'm not laughing at you, I just want to laugh."

Tang Liu paid no attention to the weird look in the other people's eyes and said to himself.

In the end, Tang San couldn't stand it anymore and touched him, which made him stop laughing.

Zhao Wuji glanced at Tang Liu depressedly, and then said: "Okay, everyone is on the way. Mubai, you will lead the team."

Dai Mubai nodded and said sternly: "The Star Dou Forest is not a place for fun. There are many soul beasts there, and they are extremely aggressive. They don't like us humans at all. We must be careful when dealing with them. Don't be careless in the slightest.

"Tang San, you go to the front, Oscar, Tang Liu, Ning Rongrong, the three of you follow Tang San. Fatty, Xiao Wu, you two are on the left and right, and Zhu Zhuqing and I are at the back.

"After entering the forest, you must maintain this formation and be alert at all times. That's it, let's go!"

After Dai Mubai made the arrangements, he led everyone and ran out of the academy, while Zhao Wuji stood aside and watched coldly, with no intention of intervening.

Along the way, thanks to Oscar's supply of sausages, everyone's energy remained high even though they were running fast.

Finally, everyone arrived at a small town, and Zhao Wuji also ordered to stop advancing at this time, preparing to rest here for a night before continuing to the Star Forest.

After finding the hotel and checking in, the few of them were ready to have lunch.

Zhao Wuji, on the other hand, returned to the room alone and had no intention of participating.

This is also one of the rules of Shrek Academy. Teachers will not accept any benefits from students.

Coming to this place again, Tang Liu was obviously sighing.

Because when he came to get the second soul ring, it was because he had never been able to find a suitable soul ring, and he and Tang Hao had lived here on and off for a while, so he felt a little nostalgic.

The continent-wide advanced soul master academy soul fighting competition, hurry up and start.

The first floor of the hotel was the restaurant. Everyone found an empty table. After taking their seats, Ma Hongjun called the waiter to order.

Although eight people sat at one table, the atmosphere was not harmonious. It is probably because people are not that familiar with it yet.

This is normal, they are all calculated, and they have only known each other for about four days.

It was at this time that Tang Liu, who had been paying attention to the door of the hotel, spotted the Canghui Academy group walking in.

After seeing them, Ma Hongjun's eyes fell on the only female student, and then he and Dai Mubai began to discuss without concealment.

Tang Liu couldn't help laughing.

Then, just like the original work, the people from Canghui College came to look for trouble, but Tang San and Dai Mubai showed off their faces respectively.

Is it mediocre to dare not cause trouble?

Tang Liu suddenly felt a little itchy in his heart.

It is a kind of slight change in human nature that has been living in a strict rule system, but suddenly one day it is basically completely freed from that restraint, and it also has the power that I only dared to think about before. Throbbing.

I don’t know what kind of mentality it is out of, maybe it’s a bit fun, maybe it’s just a little curious, maybe it’s intentional, or it’s just a simple slip of the hand, and the brain suddenly cramps.

In short, Tang Liu took action.

Green flame patterns appeared around his left eye.

The psychedelic gaze shrouded everyone in Canghui Academy at the same time.

The crushing soul emperor-level mental power caused everyone in Canghui College, except the leading teacher and the female student, to fall into a fantasy.

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