So I went to Douluo

Chapter 609 Evil Intention

Qingya walked up to him and looked at him apologetically.

Dai Yunze smiled and said he didn't care. Then he looked at the villagers standing blankly.

After the three people left, they gradually woke up.

There was also a cracking sound above our heads.

Not long after, a group of heavily armored soldiers appeared behind the group of villagers, surrounded by a man in white armor.

Qingya silently put on Dai Yunze's hood, and then looked coldly at the soldiers holding soul cannons over there.

The villagers completely woke up.

"Where am I?"

"What's going on? We're not..."

"what happened?"

Someone saw Dai Yunze in black robe in front, and his expression suddenly became horrified.

"E-evil soul master!"

Someone saw the soldiers and generals behind.

"Help, help, save us!"

They rushed towards the soldiers, but were stopped by all the soldiers holding guns and yelling: "Don't move! If you dare to take a step closer, you will be killed on the spot!"

Dai Yunze watched all this happen calmly through his hood. Of course, the appearance of the man opposite him was something he didn't expect. He was a little confused about Tang Liu's intention of doing this.

Duke White Tiger stopped the White Tiger bodyguard beside him, looked at the man who looked like the village chief, and asked: "Fellow, we are soldiers of the Star Luo Empire. What's going on?"

The village chief looked horrified. He looked back at Dai Yunze for a while, and then looked at Duke White Tiger cautiously: "Sir, sir, are you really soldiers of the Star Luo Empire?"

The White Tiger Duke calmed down all the villagers: "Don't be nervous, we are indeed soldiers of the Star Luo Empire. I am the White Tiger Duke Dai Hao, the marshal of the Empire's Western Army Group. You may have heard of my name. In any case, my soldiers and I We will keep everyone safe.”

The village chief and the surrounding villagers all looked happy, talking about how they had met two evil soul masters before, and that the two evil soul masters had killed a family of three... and all sorts of other things.

Dai Hao glanced at the black-robed man and Qing Ya opposite him. For some reason, he always felt that the black-robed man seemed familiar. He asked the village chief again: "Are the two of them the evil soul masters you are talking about?"

The village chief hesitated for a while and said awkwardly: "No, I don't know..."

An aunt who must have been too frightened screamed loudly: "It doesn't matter if they are, since they are dressed like evil soul masters, they must be evil soul masters! Please don't let them go, your lord!"

Many men echoed: "Yes, sir, we must kill them. You must make the decision for us!"

Qingya's expression looked colder at this time. He looked at the villagers who wanted to kill them with a thousand knives, snorted, and took a step forward.

Dai Yunze stretched out his hand to stop him in time.

But the anger of the ferocious beast is not so easy to contain. Even if it is only for a short moment, the villagers still seem to be greatly frightened, and some people even urinate. Even the White Tiger Duke and the White Tiger guards beside him changed their expressions instantly.

"There is no need to be angry about this." Dai Yunze communicated with Qingya through consciousness, "They are just innocent mortals who just want to live."

"But..." Qingya replied angrily, but was interrupted by Dai Yunze.

"But thank you anyway," no matter what, the feeling of being protected and favored is always good. So Dai Yunze smiled and said, "Qingya."

Qingya stopped talking. This was the first time Dai Yunze called him by his name instead of adding "elder" after it.

Dai Yunze looked at the silent villagers and thought of his own extreme evil.

We cultivators should be based on inner integrity. Although we do not take saving the world as our own responsibility, we cannot bear to be alone, so why not take the lead?

However, the road to salvation is difficult and dangerous, with many ups and downs, and evil spirits and people with evil intentions emerge in endlessly. In order to wish peace and tranquility to those whom we cherish, we should kill them with thunderous means.

If evil continues and resentment persists, it will turn into the most evil of evils, the most evil of evils, use evil to control evil, and use evil to control evil.

Now perhaps one more sentence should be added.

Even if he is feared by all living beings and despised by the world.

He just wants a clear conscience, that's all.

He took one last look at the people opposite who looked either scared, wary, or wary, and planned to let Qingya take him away.

But at this time, the sound of someone's running footsteps came from behind.

"Wait, wait a minute!"

The husband, holding the child in his arms, rushed over panting, stood in front of Dai Yunze and Qingya, and shouted to the villagers.

He seemed to be unable to hold the child, so he put the child down first and just held his hand.

"Sir, don't do anything, they are the saviors of our family." He said this while looking at the White Tiger Duke.

Although the wife was gasping for air, she still said to the villagers and the White Tiger Duke: "Yes, don't get me wrong, they are the ones who saved us from the evil soul masters, not the evil soul masters who harmed us!"

"Are they also from your village?" Dai Hao asked the village chief beside him.

The village chief scratched his head and said yes, and then called to the family of three: "Come here quickly, don't stand with the evil soul master!"

The husband said eagerly: "Village chief, why don't you believe me! They are really the saviors of our family!"

The two sides are confronting each other over a meaningless topic.

But a child with a simple mind didn't care about that. He let go of his father's hand and trotted up to Dai Yunze, looking up at his elder brother who was much taller than him. And because of the perspective, he could also see the face covered by the hood that others couldn't see.

"Brother, thank you for saving me."

Listening to the childish and innocent voice, he looked at the couple standing in front of him. At this moment, Dai Yunze thought to himself: "This is all worth it."

He squatted down and put his hand on the child's neck, which still had fingerprints on it. With the guidance of the soul, the bruises quickly disappeared.

He touched the child's furry head, and when he stood up again, his soul power had already broken through the sixty-level bottleneck.

There was still a faint golden light shining on his legs.

Those are the contracts from the Emperor Golden Tiger.

He looked past the villagers and looked at Dai Hao, who was surrounded by white tiger guards.

Some things must be done, after all, he will stay in the Holy Spirit Church for a long time. Didn't Zhong Liwu hope that he would be forced to stand against Shrek and the three original empires?

As he wished, even if today's incident did not bring many hidden dangers to him, he still had to consider everything and eliminate all possibilities. After all, if they really wanted to find out, the Holy Spirit Sect could still easily find out that he saved many people today. And that doesn't fit his character as an evil soul master.

"You are wrong." When the young man spoke, the light around him seemed to dim, the temperature seemed to be biting, and there was faint thunder in the sky, "I am indeed an evil soul master."

He paused, "I'm very fierce."

Unseen by others, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

He turned around and left with Qingya. After taking a few steps, they disappeared into the silver light.

Children don't care what adults think in their hearts, whether the expressions on their faces are confusion, hatred, or something else.

He just waved towards the place where Dai Yunze disappeared.

"Goodbye brother!"

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