So I went to Douluo

Chapter 620 Wang Qiuer

Is this Shrek City?

Wang Qiuer walked on the busy street, looking at the surrounding scene with suppressed curiosity in her eyes.

But even with the veil on, the eyes of people around her would still fall on her from time to time, making her very uncomfortable.

Since her birth, this was the first time she had seen so many humans, and she was walking among them.

In the past, that was something she would never dare to think about.

Because she wasn't quite used to it yet, she had to suppress her curiosity about the things around her and forced herself to keep a cold face, making herself look more intrusive.

But she couldn't stop muttering in her heart.

"His memory of this world is not detailed. The so-called 'original work' only has a few simple descriptions of the city. Although now it seems that even such an ordinary Shrek City is particularly attractive to me. If he had lived in it since he was a child The kind of place..."

As she walked, she suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a burning gaze staring at her from behind.

She turned around in surprise and saw a young man with black hair and blue eyes.

In just a short moment, she was invaded by some indescribable sense of instant vision.

Then when a certain "written memory" that did not belong to her emerged in her mind, she suddenly realized it.

It's him.

So what to do now?

By the way, she should run.

Thinking of what was going to happen to her and the person behind her in those "written memories", she felt extremely ashamed and angry.

Who wants to be a licking dog?

The body reacts instinctively faster than the mind. After recovering from those chaotic thoughts, she had already run away.

The guy in the back was still yelling, "Sorry, please wait!"

Wait for the hammer!

She obviously avoided the entrance of Shrek Academy on purpose, so why was she still found now! And she didn't bring the square scarf with her name on it, nor did she show her face in front of that guy!

Why are you still entangled?

Wang Qiuer was about to cry but had no tears, so she could only speed up her way through the crowd. Fortunately, that guy's current cultivation level is not as high as hers, even with that...soul guidance thruster? That's her name, I guess. She can't run as fast as she does.

But she didn't know if it was a mysterious attraction, or she was just lucky. As she ran, she spotted a familiar figure in the distance.

The expression under the veil was happy, and she immediately ran over there.


Although I haven't seen the girl's face with my own eyes, her long pink-blue hair is so iconic.

Even though I know it is rude and unreasonable to do so, but...

Well, even Huo Yuhao didn't know why he suddenly caught up with him. Perhaps it was the attraction to him from the Goddess of Light in his mind, or Wang Dong once said that he had a sister who looked exactly like the Goddess of Light...

In short, Huo Yuhao chased after the girl decisively after she ran away. He didn't mean anything else, he just wanted to ask the girl's name.

But the girl didn't seem to want to give him this chance and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

He tried to search for a while, but his infallible mental detection also failed at this time, and he could not find any trace of the girl.

It must have run out of the detection range.

Huo Yuhao thought with some regret, and then walked in the direction of Tang Sect.

No matter, Wang Dong is in the college anyway, and I have plenty of time to ask him.

After the young man left, outside a shop not far away, the space distorted silently for a moment, revealing two people who had been standing there without moving from the beginning to the end.

One raised his hand slightly, and there was a fading silver light in his palm. The other one is Wang Qiu'er, who has long wavy pink-blue hair.

After watching Huo Yuhao go away, Wang Qiuer breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the tall young man next to him, and said, "Thank you."

It was Dai Yunze who distorted the space to block his vision and mental detection.

He looked at the girl in front of him with a complicated expression, and after a while, he said: "Long time no see."

Wang Qiuer smiled, raised her hand and gently took off the veil, then pursed her lips and smiled, and suddenly it seemed as if a dazzling light bloomed from behind.

She said: "Yeah, long time no see."

Dai Yunze looked at the girl with her complete face revealed, and felt something strange rising from the bottom of his heart.

Without him, the girl's appearance is just too... too perfect.

At first glance, it feels like...

No, maybe he is the only one in this world who can experience that feeling.

Because the girl in front of me looks like someone who stepped out of a comic book. The exquisite facial features only constantly convey the concept of "beauty" to people.

Considering the eye of destiny on my forehead...

Wang Qiuer may have obtained his memory a long time ago. I just don’t know if Yuhao later performed a destiny-guiding ceremony with her.

Because the appearance of the girl in front of her was similar to that of Dancing Alone in the Frost, with long pink-blue hair and pink-blue eyes that were like neon clothes of light. But her appearance was different from the goddess of light he had seen before.

Just like how he felt before - completely coming from comics to real life.

Only this kind of unreal beauty can give people such a huge shock.

The young man in front of him just stared at himself and seemed to have forgotten to speak for a moment. Looking at this scene, Wang Qiuer couldn't help but feel proud of her. But she didn't understand why Dai Yunze only seemed to have appreciation and a bit of disbelief in his eyes.

She flipped her hair around her ears and said, "This is my first time in your human world. Can you show me around?"

Somehow, they both made a tacit agreement not to mention anything about the Eye of Destiny.

Wang Qiuer recalled everything in his memory.

It is said that a gentleman will not refuse an invitation from a beautiful lady, so Dai Yunze should do the same, right?

As a result, Dai Yunze hesitated for a while and said, "Sorry, I still have something to do urgently..."

Wang Qiuer stared at him with wide eyes, then immediately turned and walked away: "Okay, then I'll take a look around myself."

She looked a little angry and put the veil on her face again.

It's a lie, any gentlemanly demeanor is a lie! How come even memory lies? !

She thought angrily in her heart, it seemed that she still had a lot to learn, and it was still early for her to truly integrate into human society!

Dai Yunze looked at Wang Qiuer's leaving figure inexplicably, shook his head slightly, and then continued walking in the direction of Shrek Academy.

He was really anxious to report the current situation of Holy Spirit Religion to Poseidon Pavilion. He really didn't have time for shopping or anything like that.

But why did Wang Qiuer suddenly seem a little angry?

Considering that the other party's temper was somewhat unpredictable when he was still a three-eyed golden beast, Dai Yunze quickly felt relieved.


It turns out that after the characters in the comics are personified, they will look like this...

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