So I went to Douluo

Chapter 64 Promotion to Soul Lord

Zhao Wuji looked at her and said with a smile: "Sister Chao, what do you think?"

Chao Tianxiang said lightly: "I am willing to admit defeat. If you lose, you lose. The thousand-year-old crested snake is yours. However, I will remember what happened today."

Zhao Wuji ignored her threat, turned to Oscar and said, "Oscar, why are you so stunned? Hurry up."

Oscar was overjoyed and hurriedly walked up to Zhao Wuji and used the short blade in his hand to finish off the crested crested snake.

After the bright purple soul ring appeared, Oscar immediately began to absorb the soul ring non-stop.

Zhao Wuji kept watching Chao Tianxiang to prevent her from making any changes.

After helping Meng Yiran recover his soul power, Chao Tianxiang took Meng Yiran away.

But before leaving, she did not forget to threaten Zhao Wuji.

Similarly, Meng Yiran also glared fiercely at Tang San and Tang Liu next to him.

She didn't like Tang San who defeated her, and even less fond of Tang Liu who proposed a duel.

After the two disappeared, Zhao Wuji secretly breathed a sigh of relief and began to concentrate on protecting Oscar.

It took Oscar half an hour to absorb the spirit ring, while Tang San and Tang Liu were still cultivating.

"Congratulations, Xiao Ao." Zhao Wuji looked at Oscar who woke up and smiled lightly.

"Xiao Ao, congratulations, let us see what your third soul skill is." Dai Mubai walked over and said with a smile.

"Uh, let's forget it." Originally Oscar looked energetic, but when the soul skills were mentioned, he suddenly said a little embarrassed.

"Come on, Xiao Ao, use it quickly and show it to us. Are you still afraid that we will laugh at you?" Ma Hongjun also said.

"Okay, but you have to promise not to laugh." Oscar looked at them warily and said.

"Don't worry, we won't laugh at you." Dai Mubai said.

"Then let me start." Oscar glanced at them warily again, and then activated his third soul skill, "I have a mushroom intestine."

Upon hearing his soul spell, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun couldn't help but laugh. Then, after seeing the sausage made by Oscar's third soul skill that looked very familiar to them, they couldn't help laughing. Laughed out loud.

"Don't laugh. Why are you laughing? What about the one who promised not to laugh?!" Oscar's face was full of grief and anger.

"Okay, Xiao Ao, tell me quickly what the effect of your third soul skill is." Zhao Wuji also walked over with a smile, patted Oscar on the shoulder and said.

"Hmph, just laugh. From now on, no one else except Xiaosan and Xiaoliu will eat my mushroom sausage." Oscar threatened first, and then revealed the effect of his third soul skill, "I The effect of this mushroom sausage is to fly!"

As soon as he said this, the laughter around him suddenly stopped and there was silence.

Ning Rongrong, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help but cast her eyes on Oscar, slightly absent-minded.

Even Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but take another look at Oscar.

"Xiao Ao, is the effect of your third soul skill really flying?" Zhao Wuji couldn't help but asked in surprise, his eyes flashing with light.

"Yes, but it can only fly for one minute." Oscar nodded and said.

The crowd immediately booed.

"If you didn't tell me earlier, my excitement would have been in vain." Dai Mu rolled his eyes at Oscar and said.

"If you can only fly for one minute, I'm afraid you won't be able to fly across a wider river or canyon." Ma Hongjun frowned and said, "Xiao Ao, your third soul skill is a bit useless."

Ning Rongrong also looked away, feeling a little better.

But then, Oscar's words surprised everyone again.

"Why are you so anxious? I haven't finished speaking yet." Oscar said slightly dissatisfied, "What's the matter with only being able to fly for one minute? What if this flying speed is calculated based on the speed of a crested crested snake?"

"According to the speed of the crested snake?" Zhao Wuji thought for a while and said, "That means it can fly at least two thousand meters in one minute? Not bad, not bad. Finally, the effort was not in vain."

He said with a smile, patting Oscar's shoulder, obviously very satisfied with Oscar's third soul skill, "Since the effect is so good, what about the consumption of soul power?"

Oscar thought for a while and said: "Mushroom intestines consume more soul power than the first two. In my current situation, I can only make ten at most at one time. After that, my soul power will be exhausted. I must use all my soul power." It can only be made again after recovery.”

"Ten is enough. Moreover, as your soul power increases, this number will increase. Now, your sausage martial soul can be classified as a powerful auxiliary martial soul. Okay. Okay, everyone, get ready. When Xiao San and Xiao Liu wake up from their training, we will leave here and return to the academy immediately." Zhao Wuji said with a satisfied look on his face.

"No, we will stay here for a while." At this time, Tang Liu's voice came over.

Everyone looked at him and found that he had woken up from assisting Tang San in his cultivation. He stood up and said.

"My brother is already level 30. It's not too late to help him obtain a soul ring before leaving." Tang Liu's words resolved everyone's doubts.

At this moment, Tang San also woke up and said with a smile: "Yes, my soul power has also exceeded level 30. Teacher Zhao, why don't you help me get the third soul ring first, and then return to the academy?" .”

At this time, when he said these words, everyone around him was stunned.

Fortunately, since Tang Liu, the jewel, was in front of them, it was much easier for everyone to accept Tang San, the twelve-year-old soul master.

Zhao Wuji suddenly looked at Tang San seriously and said, "Tell me how old you are this year, accurate to the month."

Tang San said without hesitation: "Twelve years and seven months."

Zhao Wuji nodded and looked at the others, "You have all seen it, especially those who have not yet reached level thirty. Tang San is as old as you, but he is about to enter another level now. Twelve Years and seven months old, I think this record will remain on the record of Shrek Academy forever."

"And me, I'm twenty minutes younger than my brother, but I'm already a soul...master." Tang Liu said a little unconvinced at this time, "I'm the fastest to break through level 30, okay? good."

Although this record in Shrek Academy will soon be broken by Xiao Wu, this does not prevent him from satisfying his vanity first.

What's more, he is currently the youngest soul sect on the mainland!

Hearing this, Dai Mubai didn't want to talk to them anymore.

Are all the people in Tang San's family monsters among monsters?

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