So I went to Douluo

Chapter 645 Youyou was tricked

Huo Yuhao looked ugly. He closed the book and looked at Dai Yunze: "No, there is no way to increase the success rate of extraction!"

"No?" Dai Yunze pretended to be surprised, then narrowed his eyes and looked at Youxiang Qiluo Immortal with a dangerous look, "So you are deceiving us?"

Wang Qiuer and Huo Yuhao also looked at Youxiang Qiluo Immortal with unkind expressions.

Youyou expressed that she was under great pressure, and the whole flower began to tremble, and she apologized frantically: "I, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry! But, but that person told me that I must give this book away! That person clearly told me that one day His descendants would come here to get the book, and he passed the test to prove that he was indeed that person's descendant.

"But you are just here to pick up the heartbroken reds, and you didn't mention this book at all... I was so anxious that I made up an excuse... There must have been something wrong, because that person I said that if you want to pick the Acacia Heartbroken Red, you must first get this book before you can pick it, but you guys know the picking method directly. I didn’t know that this would happen, so I had to make this move..."

The more Youxiang Qiluo Xianpin talked, the more she felt aggrieved. She was obviously just an errand boy!

Dai Yunze frowned, thinking carefully about Youxiang Qiluo Xianpin's words, and quickly figured out the cause and effect.

It seems that everything has to do with the altered content of the letter.

If the content of the letter Huo Yuhao got from Tang Wutong is still the same as the original work, then according to the normal process, he must first get the Xuantian Baolu hidden in the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Product before he can know how to remove the Acacia Heartbroken Red method, and then it is possible to take off the Acacia Heartbroken Red and bring out the Ice and Fire Eyes.

However, in order to test him, the letter deliberately concealed the location of the Ice and Fire Eyes, and did not mention a word about Xuantian Baolu.

In order to avoid discovering the abnormality, he took Huo Yuhao to find the record of lovesickness in the Shrek Library.

This is not difficult, because ten thousand years ago Tang San personally brought out the heavenly materials and earthly treasures from the Eyes of Ice and Fire and gave them to the Shrek Seven Monsters. Even the master Yu Xiaogang was there at that time, and he was one of the several candidates for the adaptation of Lovesickness Heartbroken Red.

The first generation of Shrek's Seven Devils have all heard the story of lovesickness and heartbreaking red, and they also know how to remove the lovesickness and heartbreaking red.

This is a piece of history that actually happened, and it is not an unspeakable secret.

Therefore, history was recorded and stored in the Shrek Library for collection.

As long as you look carefully, anyone can know where the Acacia Brochure grows and how to remove it.

Tang San brought all kinds of heavenly and earthly treasures with him after returning from the Sunset Forest. This episode was related to Dugu Bo, who was friends with Shrek at that time, so it was naturally recorded.

Therefore, interested people only need simple reasoning to draw the conclusion from history that "Acacia Heartbroken Red was born in the Eye of Ice and Fire, and the Eye of Ice and Fire is located in the Sunset Forest."

As for where exactly it is in Sunset Forest, that involves another part of history.

The first generation of Seven Monsters also went to the Sunset Forest to obtain soul rings, and also tried the "Fragrance Soul Attracting Beast" there.

Masters Yu Xiaogang, Liu Erlong, and Dean Flender also went to Dugu Bo's residence in the Sunset Forest because of their search for Tang San.

Combining all the information in history, it is not difficult to guess where the Ice and Fire Eyes are located in the Sunset Forest.

He just led Huo Yuhao to reason step by step and come to the conclusion, and then he set off here.

But Youxiang Qiluo Xianpin didn't know that the content of the letter had been changed. She would only follow the process that the person told her step by step.

Since Huo Yuhao didn't mention Xuantian Baolu, she would find a way to get the book out.

Perhaps when she came up with the excuse of "increasing the success rate of picking the Acacia Heartbroken Red", she was still feeling complacent in her heart.

Little did he know that he had been tricked.

Dai Yunze sighed lightly.

In the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, these fairy grasses are like Youyou deceiving Huo Yuhao, Liehuo Xingjiaoshu cheating on the hot Yangquan, etc. It is a bit annoying, but they have only just begun to develop their spiritual wisdom, and their minds are relatively simple, and there is no such thing as A clear sense of right and wrong.

But let’s call them innocent, because this kind of “simple” and inadvertent behavior may very well kill people.

Just like he was worried about now.

If Youxiang Qiluo Immortal had not deceived Huo Yuhao and asked him to fight Liehuo Xingjiaoshu, then the Snow Emperor would not have had the chance to appear, nor would he have absorbed so much of the ultimate Ice Heaven and Earth energy, causing almost all the blood in Huo Yuhao's body to freeze. .

Without the above series of prerequisites, Huo Yuhao would be able to successfully remove the Acacia Heartbroken Red, and their trip would be successful.

It would be absolutely impossible for Huo Yuhao to drink the hot Yangquan to pick the Acacia Heartbroken Red.

If Huo Yuhao is dying due to the conflict between extreme heat and extreme cold, should Youyou be blamed?

It’s not theoretical, but it’s ultimately because of her.

Now Dai Yunze could only pray that Huo Yuhao would not be so stupid as to drink the hot Yangquan.

He said to Huo Yuhao: "Regardless of whether the method to improve the success rate really exists, you should go and pick the Acacia Heartbroken Red now. Even if you haven't picked it off, don't worry, we can take the Wu Jue Stone away with it directly. , I will slowly find a way to take it off in the future.”

Lovesickness, Red Root System, and Wu Jue Stone were information confirmed by Shrek before they came, so he dared to say it now.

But it was limited to this. He still didn't know whether the eyes of the God Realm were on this place, so he didn't dare to take the initiative to take away the Acacia Heartbroken Red and Wu Jue Stone directly. He could only wait for Huo Yuhao to pick them by himself.

Huo Yuhao nodded, closed the Xuantian Baolu, and stood up from the ground stiffly.

Now there was no need for Dai Yunze to threaten him with his eyes. Youyou consciously guided Huo Yuhao the way and led him to the sight of the heartbroken red.

Watching Huo Yuhao go away, Dai Yunze was still observing that direction with all his concentration. He was still a little worried, fearing that this boy with a bit of a love brain would rush to drink the blazing Yangquan without caring about anything on impulse.

But just when he was nervous, he seemed to catch a glimpse of a somewhat familiar blue figure out of the corner of his eye.

He turned his head to look in confusion and surprise, and even stepped closer in that direction. He looked around, but did not see that familiar figure again.

Just when Dai Yunze was thinking, "Is this an illusion?", he heard a strange explosion coming from the blazing Yangquan.

Turning his head suddenly, he happened to see a man kneeling on the shore, reaching out to hold a pool of red spring water to his mouth, and resolutely raised his head and drank it all.

Then the figure disappeared in an instant, and it was unknown where he was going.

At that moment, Dai Yunze's mind went blank.

But the body has already acted before the mind.

Possessed by the God-devouring Evil-Eyed White Devil Tiger, six blood-red soul rings rose from the soles of his feet. The two pairs of wings on his back flapped lightly, and the whole person quickly flew in that direction.

At the same time, tiger roars and dragon roars resounded in the valley.

It sounds like he is saying:

Damn it! ! !

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