So I went to Douluo

Chapter 656 Autumn and Begonia

This is the early part of the story, but what is more important is what happened later.

The girl, who learned the truth and was relieved of her knot, begged the blue-haired young man to erase all memories of her father.

But the blue-haired young man asked her to take people to take revenge. After the day when the enemy is destroyed, if the idea does not change, he will take action to erase her memory.

The girl agreed.

Then came the hard years of revenge.

Even with their father, whose body and strength have returned to their peak, they will never have an easy life while being hunted.

The boy sacrificed his life several times to protect the girl who was not strong in fighting ability in life and death dangers.

So feelings gradually arise.

After countless trials of life and death, the girl became smarter and the boy became stronger, finally wiping out all their enemies.

That day, the girl saw the blue-haired young man again.

On the way to another continent, the blue-haired young man asked the girl again as agreed on the carriage running in the sky: After experiencing so much, do you still want to erase the memory related to your father?

The girl recalled all her previous experiences with sadness and sadness.

The experience of revenge is not easy, it is a matter of life and death. Even though his father had a cultivation level close to that of a titled Douluo, he still encountered fatal crises several times.

But even if he fights to the death, he always takes care of girls and boys. Gradually, bit by bit, it accumulates in the girl's already soft heart.

She deeply realized that the man who cruelly sent her into the hands of human traffickers despite her cries and the man who was willing to fight for her safety were two people from beginning to end.

The girl's concept changed, and she began to covet the only memories related to her father during those days of revenge.

So she finally said to the blue-haired young man: Erase any memory he has about me.

Don't remember the painful memories, let only these beautiful moments of life and death remain in your mind. It would be the best outcome if only Xiao Feng existed in his memory.

Don't let him know that you are his daughter.

I will never fall into that dark time again.

The blue-haired young man smiled and agreed, so the girl seemed to let go of any restraints and went back to the room alone to cry.

When he came out again, he had become more cheerful than ever before, looking forward to the other continent he was about to reach and what the scene would be like on it...

This is their story.

The light and shadow in front of him disappeared, and Dai Yunze woke up from his trance.

Jianshi looked at him: "Did you find the answer you wanted?"

Dai Yunze was silent for a long time, but what he said was: "It seems that the time is almost up, I have almost pushed the coffin away. Take me to find them, and I will say goodbye."

Jianshi smiled and did not refuse: "Come with me."

They walked deeper into the crabapple forest until they emerged from the lush crabapple forest.

Ahead is an open space with many crabapple tree seedlings growing there.

Not far away, Lu Qiufeng and Ye Lingling squatted together in front of a piece of land without crabapple trees, and planted a branch of crabapple tree together.

Afterwards, the girl held the white begonia flowers in her hands, and bursts of white light floated on the planted begonia branches.

The boy gently cut his finger and squeezed a drop of blood into the soil of the crabapple branch.

Suddenly, the branches took root and sprouted.

The boy sucked his fingers, and the girl looked at him with a smile.

They looked at each other, their eyebrows conveying affection, and they naturally had a good understanding.

What a beautiful picture.

The sword consciousness turned into a stream of light and returned to Lu Qiufeng, and he also noticed Dai Yunze's arrival.

He exchanged glances with Ye Lingling, stood up amidst the smile on the girl's face, and walked quickly to Dai Yunze.

Dai Yunze looked at him: "Why do you plant crabapple trees like that?"

Lu Qiufeng smiled and said: "In order to deal with the slander of the gods, the inheritance of the Nine-Hearted Begonia outside cannot be easily cut off. So we planted the Begonia and replaced her with a clone of the Begonia flower. However, ten thousand years is too long, so unknowingly, We have planted a forest of crabapples.”

It turns out that this lush crabapple forest actually comes from here.

"The pushing of the coffin is almost finished, right? Remember, when you get out of here and push the coffin completely away, you must leave immediately. You cannot stay for a second longer, otherwise you may run into the gods who came to investigate the situation. "

Lu Qiufeng said, raised his hand and showed him a purple-red rune that was surrounded and sealed by several sword-shaped sword energy rules: "This is what will attract the gods to come and check it out. With the captain's power hidden, the gods The enemy will not notice them. But as the number of coffins you push away increases, the hidden power will become weaker. The last time you had enough time to dodge, this time you may only have a few seconds left. Next time, it is very likely that you will meet directly with the gods who come to investigate, so be careful."

Dai Yunze nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

"In this case, there is no need to say more. We will see you later." Lu Qiufeng took back the purple rune and said to Dai Yunze with a smile.

But before leaving, Dai Yunze suddenly asked: "Have you never thought that you would not reach this point?"

Lu Qiufeng was stunned for a moment, and then, this shy boy who was still embarrassed to talk about these things even after so many years, scratched his head and said: "I don't know. She is the noble Jiuxin Begonia, and I am just a Ordinary soul master. But the captain said that if you really like it, then speak up boldly. Even if you are least, I have no regrets."


The boy looked over at the girl who was singing to Haitang in a low voice with a gentle look on her face.

"Then...we talk to each other and ask about love in the universe."


Consciousness is no longer affected by tens of thousands of years.

He raised his hand and exerted force, and the coffin boards of the two coffins were lifted far away.

All the blue light disappeared, leaving only the fairyland-like small world in the coffin.

He glanced at the small words engraved on the two coffins, remembered them in his mind, and immediately disappeared into the underground secret room.

Just like the two coffins in Benwu Pavilion, the two coffins in this underground chamber are also engraved with writings that reveal the identity of their owners.

With one mouthful, the book "Nine Hearts Begonia, National Beauty Douluo" was written.

With one mouthful, he wrote "White Emperor Sword Immortal, Qiu Feng Douluo".

Shortly after Dai Yunze left, two rays of light flew out of the small world in the coffin, quickly escaped and disappeared into the underground chamber.

Immediately afterwards, a figure covered in divine light appeared out of thin air in the underground secret room.

He frowned and flew into the small world in the coffin to explore.

Within a moment, a violent explosion occurred in the small world. He escaped before being affected by the explosion, looking quite embarrassed.

But there was no panic in his expression, just a mechanical indifference.

The god's eyes flashed with blue light, and he hid a purple-red rune deep in his consciousness.

In this way, even the God King cannot detect the whereabouts of the rune.

After that, his expression returned to normal and he disappeared into the secret room.

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