So I went to Douluo

Chapter 664 Confusion

Fengling shook her red wine glass and glanced at the hotel door.

Four people came there at some point, one of them in a wheelchair.

The servant just reported that he was a soul master who suddenly bet a huge amount of gold soul coins on himself to participate in the competition.

She looked back and looked at the man in black robe opposite with a fierce face: "The Holy Son seems to be very interested in those people? What, do you know them?"

Under the mask, he cast an abyss-like dark look at her, and then Fengling heard the man opposite smile lightly: "The deputy leader is so elegant. He is almost drunk but still has the energy to pay attention to me."

Feng Ling curled her lips and smiled, leaning forward with her graceful body and placing one hand across the table: "You haven't answered my question yet, Holy Son."

After saying that, she raised her head and drank another sip of red wine, but whether intentionally or not, a stream of blood-red wine flowed down the corner of her lips, flowed through her white neck, delicate collarbone, and flowed all the way into the taboo ravine further down, painting Drawing lines that are seductive but fatal.

"The deputy leader's cultivation level is higher than mine, so his hearing ability should naturally be better than mine. Didn't you just hear that the young man in the wheelchair was so swearing, saying that he would help your Xishui League win the championship? How dare you? If the guy who says this is not a clown who overestimates his abilities, then he is a truly capable genius. Doesn’t the deputy leader dare to be interested?"

Fengling placed the wine glass casually on the table, and the remaining wine sloshed violently, spilling a little on the edge of the glass.

"I'm not interested in these falsehoods that I haven't witnessed with my own eyes," she said, standing up and walking unsteadily towards the fierce-faced man in black robes, with the corners of her lips slightly hooked and her eyes blurred, "On the contrary... it's still the Holy Spirit Your supreme noble body attracts me even more."

She knelt on one knee next to the man in black robe with a fierce face, supported her head with one hand, and quietly traced his chest with the tip of one finger, all the way up, gently hooking his Adam's apple, trying to pull his cold and hard chin Gently pinch it into the palm of your hand.

But before that, the fierce-faced man in black robe had already raised his hand and grabbed her wrist, stopping her fingertips just a few inches in front of her chin.

But Fengling took advantage of the situation and pressed directly against him. Her other hand touched his waist, and her left leg was already firmly inserted between his strong thighs.

She leaned forward, her graceful body wanted to fit into the black-robed man, and her red lips wanted to kiss the ferocious mask.

"Deputy Master."

The other hand of the fierce-faced man in black robes had already grasped Fengling's fair and fragile neck at some point.

"If you want me to crush your throat right now, you can go ahead."

His voice was filled with sarcasm, faintly coming out through the mask.

Fengling completely ignored it and continued to move down forcefully, with strange gray evil flames coming out of her body.

Especially at the neck, the flames are so powerful that they can easily burn the skin to pieces.

But the hands of the fierce-faced man in black robes were not affected in any way, and he even allowed the gray flames to coil around his arms.

He suddenly turned over, grabbed Fengling's throat, and pushed her back onto the sofa.

Gray flames spontaneously gathered in the other hand he raised, condensing into a terrifying fireball with terrifying momentum in his palm.

"It's really funny, deputy leader. If leader Zhongli sees his wife like this, I wonder what he would think?"

The black-robed man's tone was mocking, and he attracted all the evil fire from Fengling's body into his hand, compressing it into a gray-black ball.

"I even dare to betray Shrek's Yan Shaozhe, let alone him?" Fengling smiled charmingly, "What's more, I am the evil phoenix, and you, the Holy Son, are the king of all evils in the world... .I should have been attached to you."

A low laugh came from under the fierce face, contemptuous and sarcastic: "I'm afraid that seeing that he is accompanied by the Blue Silver Saint, you feel that your status is not guaranteed... don't you?"

The woman whose throat was strangled froze.

The man in black robe's mocking laughter grew louder.

"Do you think I will believe your story easily, Deputy Hierarch?"

He grabbed Fengling's neck and began to tighten his grip until she began to struggle.

"I'm not like you guys who are ungrateful, immersed in sin, depraved by desire, and can only see the present... I am sin itself, the ultimate referent of desire in your heart, evil. The most evil... is your god.

"I was born destined to go to the top of the world. Now I just happen to be interested in cooperating with you. So, let Zhong Liwu take back his little tricks as soon as possible. Don't annoy me. He will still be my respected leader, and I will still be my leader. His Holy Son of the Holy Spirit.”

He let go of Fengling's neck, but the next moment he pinched her cheek and forced her to open her mouth.

"If today's temptation to overestimate one's ability happens again..."

He slowly put the gray-black ball in his other hand, which was compressed from a large amount of evil flames, into Fengling's open mouth. No matter how hard she struggled, she could not resist the control of the ultimate evil.

"——It won't be as simple as it is now."

He smiled evilly and coldly. After watching the gray-black ball being swallowed by Fengling, he suddenly snorted, let go and turned around, striding away with his black robe fluttering.

The evil phoenix flames that were compressed to the extreme suddenly burst out. Even with Fengling's ninety-seventh level of cultivation, his body trembled violently at this moment, and he couldn't help but groan, and a wisp of blood slowly flowed from the corner of his mouth.

This was also because she was the owner of the evil phoenix flame, otherwise the injury she suffered just now would have been more serious and even directly killed her.

She raised her hand to wipe away the blood from the corners of her lips, and looked at the direction in which the man in black robe was leaving, her eyes flickering.

As he said just now...all her previous actions were a test under Zhong Liwu's instructions.

The temptation is now complete.

The Holy Son is still the same Holy Son.

Her expression returned to indifference, as if she was not the one who seduced the Holy Son regardless of her dignity just now.

But this Holy Son is really strong. Even with her ninety-seventh level of cultivation, she can't break away from his hand. It seems that there is a strange power that suppresses everything in her.

Is this the ultimate evil?

I hope the leader can suppress him in the future.


With the strength of Huo Yuhao and He Caitou, it was quite easy to cope with this qualifying competition. Even though they entered the competition at the end of the competition, they still completed the production of a third-level soul guide much faster than those who were still on the field. .

After that, Huo Yuhao used undead magic to kill a person, confirming that he and He Caitou were evil soul masters, so that people in the Xishui League would no longer have any doubts about their identities, nor would they be able to use a wheelchair because of This characteristic links Tang Wu with the identity of "Huo Yuhao".

The four people who came here left the Qingse Hotel together. Now they only need to come to compete every night from now on.

The plan is well underway.

But on the way back to Mingyue Hotel, they encountered an accident.

Huo Yuhao didn't know yet whether it would cause trouble for them.

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