So I went to Douluo

Chapter 673 Seven rings laugh at the mortal world!

Compared to the seven-ringed soul saint Xiao Hongchen who shocked countless people, the five-ringed soul ring rising from the soles of Dai Yunze's feet still seemed quite thin even if it exceeded the optimal ratio.

The people were even more puzzled as to why the female soul emperor just now ended up being replaced by a soul king with a lower cultivation level.

But then they gloated.

There must be something wrong with Shrek's tactical arrangements. Who knows that there is a Soul Saint hidden in their Sun and Moon team?

With the Soul Saint here, it is not impossible for the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy to defeat Shrek!

Thinking of this, the people of Sun and Moon became even more excited, cheering loudly.

Even though his cultivation has accumulated a lot in recent years, Xiao Hongchen's fighting style is still that of a soul master, and his additional soul skills are mostly auxiliary types.

But given the special nature of his three-legged golden toad martial spirit, soul mentor is the profession that best suits him.

I saw the soul ring flashing around his body, and a large amount of metal powder spontaneously condensed into a soul cannon under his control, and then they all fired at Dai Yunze in the distance.

It was just a tentative attack, with hundreds of thousands of soul guide rays being shot out densely. In addition, he had already entered the huge level of soul saint. If the person standing opposite the cannon had no real ability, this attack would be impossible. Wave can send people away directly.

As for Dai Yunze, his current fighting style still fits the "Dai Aide" persona he has established for himself.

Sprint, close quarters, simple and direct combat!

The third soul ring lit up, and the mental power formed an insurmountable barrier around the body, and he just rushed forward withstand the hundreds of artillery fire.

The soul guidance ray caused ripples on the barrier of mental power, but no matter what special effects it came with, it could not pass through the invisible barrier, nor could it play any role in blocking Dai Yunze.

Every time the young man's legs hit the ground, his entire body jumped forward more than ten meters, so the distance between him and Xiao Hongchen was rapidly shortening.

Seeing this, Xiao Hongchen also showed seriousness in his expression, and all the hundreds of soul cannons around his body melted into metal powder, and under his control, a huge new soul cannon was condensed.

After charging up, the muzzle of the cannon fired an astonishing energy beam just as Dai Yunze rushed in front of Xiao Hongchen.

The terrifying artillery fire directly engulfed the young man's figure, completely disappearing.

Xiao Hongchen watched Dai Yunze being submerged by gunfire, and couldn't help but smile.

He had to admit that Shrek was Shrek after all. Even a Soul King could resist the thousands of artillery fire coming in front of him without any pressure.

But that’s about it.

This giant soul beam that can directly engulf people is already infinitely close to his full blow.

But the little soul king must have been annihilated into ashes with the huge energy in it.

A fist poked out from the gunfire and hit Xiao Hongchen hard on the side of his face, which was already looking a little proud. The force was so strong that Xiao Hongchen flew away and his saliva even came out.

This not only broke his illusion, but also destroyed his face.

Just like no matter how fast the water flows, when it encounters an immovable rock, it must obediently separate on both sides.

The beam of light, which is enough to completely engulf an adult's body, will also be torn in half under the power of mental power.

Now this is the power of thought released with tangible and intangible spiritual power. There is only one realm left before the power of thought can be solidified.

It's no problem to resist this soul cannon beam.

With a thought, the huge soul cannon in front of him shattered into countless fragments and completely misfired. Dai Yunze's figure also emerged intact from the light dissipated by the gunfire.

He looked at Xiao Hongchen who was getting up from the ground not far away, his face still expressionless.

Xiao Hongchen felt that his jaw was about to be dislocated after the blow just now. He stretched out his hand and rubbed it for a long time before it slowly recovered. He looked at Dai Yunze and cursed bitterly: "Don't you understand the principle of hitting someone without slapping them in the face? Are all the guys from Shrek so rude?!"

Dai Yunze's response was to rush towards him at full speed again.

Xiao Hongchen was shocked and turned pale. He controlled the metal and returned to defense, turning into weapons and soul cannons to block Dai Yunze's steps.

However, it is difficult to take effect due to the rejection of mental power.

The punch he received just now made Xiao Hongchen realize that this opponent's strength was very unusual and far beyond what he could contend with.

But he is also a seven-ring soul saint, which does not mean that he is afraid of this guy with extraordinary power!

And isn't it powerful? It will make you unable to use it!

Xiao Hongchen stopped retreating, followed by waves of metal powder, and instead took the initiative to rush forward towards Dai Yunze.

Dai Yunze's eyes narrowed, and his whole upper body suddenly leaned forward. He put one hand on the ground, twisted his waist, and pulled his two powerful long legs towards Xiao Hongchen, even blowing a whining sound in the air. wind.

Xiao Hongchen's expression changed, and his intuition told him that he must not let those shining golden legs kick him, otherwise he might die miserably.

He immediately stopped, kicked forward slightly, and then retreated a little. In this way, Dai Yunze's wheels fell into the air.

Just looking at the dense cracks on the ground, Xiao Hongchen couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, and felt a sense of fear in his heart.

But his movements did not stop. The wave of metal powder that was already ready to go turned into countless sharp tentacles and stabbed at Dai Yunze from all directions, completely blocking all Dai Yunze's dodge space.

If the person standing here at this moment is not "Dai De" in disguise, then he only needs a simple space teleportation to get out of the predicament. It's a pity that he can't use any of the abilities of the God-devouring Evil Eye White Devil Tiger, and losing those ever-changing methods will also be a great limitation on his own strength.

But whether it's the God-Eating Evil Eye White Devil Tiger or the Spirit Eye.

The direction he chose for them all was the same.

A strong attack, an unstoppable strong attack!

The power of his mind forced him to block the metal tentacles that were stabbing him, and bought him a very short-lived gap. Immediately, the young man's figure jumped out of the gap as nimbly as a cat, rolled on the ground to relieve his force, and stood up again. Then he reached out and struck at Xiao Hongchen who was not far away. Under the influence of his mental power, he flew towards Dai Yunze irresistibly.

Xiao Hongchen's expression changed drastically, and he quickly used his soul power to let himself take off, thus resisting the inexplicable pulling force.

But even so, his figure still flew towards Dai Yunze slowly but firmly.

Due to his combat experience, Xiao Hongchen made the most correct decision at this time and once again controlled the metal powder to solidify and attack Dai Yunze. You don't want to hurt him, just want to interfere with his control over yourself.

But then he saw Dai Yunze leaving all his attacks behind and running towards him again.

Even his figure was still slowly flying towards Dai Yunze.

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