So I went to Douluo

Chapter 68 Tracking Xiao Wu

At the moment of becoming invisible, Tang San also quickly took the mushroom sausage made by Oscar and ate it.

Before anyone could react, Tang San had already flown into the sky.

Zhao Wuji reacted the fastest and directly released a gravity squeeze in the sky, trying to keep Tang San.

However, because Tang San has the protection of the Void Spirit Control, he is not affected by his soul skills.

However, Tang Liu still took the initiative to remove the Void Spirit Hide on Tang San so that Ning Rongrong could increase his speed.

Revealing his figure, Tang San thought he was out of hiding due to Zhao Wuji's attack. Without thinking much, he looked at the people below and said, "I'm sorry, Teacher Zhao, I'm going to find her, even if I only find her." corpse."

"The Seven Treasures are famous, and the second one says: Speed!"

Ning Rongrong's clear voice also sounded at this time, and the light of increased speed instantly fell on Tang San.

"Xiao San, go ahead, I support you. I have increased my soul power output, and the speed-increasing effect should last for one minute after leaving my soul power range. You must find Xiao Wu, she is also my roommate. "

Ning Rongrong ignored Zhao Wuji's murderous gaze and said to Tang San.

Tang San didn't say anything more, looked at her deeply, and then flew towards the direction where the Titan Ape disappeared at high speed, disappearing into the night in the blink of an eye.

"You, you guys..." Zhao Wuji looked at Oscar and Ning Rongrong and was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Oscar smiled bitterly and said: "Teacher Zhao, you have also seen Xiao San's eyes. If we don't let him go, I'm afraid he will chase after him even if he leaves. I can understand his mood. If you want to blame, blame me."

Zhao Wuji roared angrily: "Weird? What's so weird! Why don't you hurry up and get your mushroom sausage out for me? Since we're going after you, let's go together! If you want to die, let's die together. Whoever doesn't want to go, just go Get out of the Star Dou Forest!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the remaining six monsters suddenly became determined.

However, Tang Liu's movements were faster than them.

After hearing what Zhao Wuji said, Tang Liu cast the Void Spirit Hide on himself, and then said: "In that case, I will take the first step."

As soon as he finished speaking, he switched to his third martial spirit, Hao Lan Spell, and then ran at full speed in the direction Tang San left. It doesn’t matter how Zhao Wuji and the other six monsters feel.

Four circles of blue-black soul rings rose gradually, and then, the blue-black soul ring at the end of the array began to shine.

Wuhun 3: Hao Lan Spell

Soul Ring Four: Skill, Hao Lan·Restoration [Specify any 4 (can be promoted) units within 150 (can be promoted) meters of yourself, and instantly restore their physical strength, soul power, mental power, etc. to full (the target unit's current The worse the state, the more soul power is consumed). You can use this skill on yourself 4 times (can be upgraded) without any consumption within a day. After the number of times is used up, the skill will not be available for you within 24 hours (after the fourth time on the same day is fully used up) Start counting. If the number of times has not been consumed in the same day, the number of uses will be refreshed at zero o'clock). If your soul power is less than 40% of your maximum soul power, this skill cannot be used on others. 】

His body instantly shone with blue-black light, but due to the hiding place of the Void Spirit and the fact that he had run far away, no one could see it.

After restoring his condition to its peak, Tang Liu activated his Haolan Teleportation.

And the destination of the teleportation...

It's Xiao Wu.

A blue-black light flashed, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed. At the same time, more than half of Tang Liu's soul power was consumed in an instant.

So, without any hesitation, he released Hao Lan·Fu Yuan on himself again.

The soul power is full again.

The moment he appeared here was also the moment the Titan Giant Ape roared to drive away the soul beast.

He patted his chest, Xiao Fu Ni, who had been trembling since the moment the Titan Giant Ape appeared, withdrew his martial spirit, and then Tang Liu showed his body.

In fact, the Titan ape had already discovered him the moment he appeared.

However, due to Xiao Wu, the Titan Giant Ape just looked at him warily and made no move.

"Xiao Liu, you..." When Xiao Wu saw his appearance, her expression was surprised at first, and then turned ugly.

Tang Liu knew what he was thinking, so he said aloud: "Don't be nervous, Sister Xiaowu. You are going to be my future sister-in-law."

After hearing what he said, Xiao Wu calmed down, looked at him with a somewhat lonely expression, and said, "You know?"

Tang Liu smiled, neither denying nor confirming, but said: "My father is a titled Douluo."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu's expression became even more ugly.

The mountain-like Titan ape on one side sensed Xiao Wu's sad mood, let out a low cry, and was about to attack Tang Liu.

"Er Ming, don't hurt him." Xiao Wu stopped him quickly.

It was at this time that Tang Liucai continued: "But, my mother was also transformed from a hundred thousand year old soul beast."

After hearing what he said, Xiao Wu immediately raised her head and looked at him blankly for a long time before speaking out: "You mean..."

Tang Liu smiled and nodded, giving her a definite answer, "Yes, my brother and I both have one-half soul beast blood in our bodies. Moreover, my father has nothing against you two."

Xiao Wu instantly raised her hand to cover her red lips and looked at him in disbelief. Her face suddenly turned red, "What are you talking about? I don't like mistresses."

After hearing what Tang Liu said, Xiao Wu's heart was filled with secret joy, but she still said this.

"It's okay, I will always like you in the future anyway. You don't know, my brother almost went crazy after seeing you being captured by it. Do you know? Now that we are away from Teacher Zhao, they are looking for you." Tang Liu deliberately To take things a step further, he unceremoniously gave his elder brother points in front of his foreign sister-in-law.

"Third brother, will he be okay..." Xiao Wu couldn't help but worry about Tang San's safety when she heard that Tang San actually ate mushroom sausage and came to look for her alone.

"Don't worry, those who can't die can still get his third soul ring." Tang Liu shook his head and said, "It's up to you to quickly complete the condensation of the third soul ring, and then you can go find him."

Xiao Wu nodded, and then sat down cross-legged, ready to start condensing the third soul ring for herself.

"By the way, Sister Xiaowu, don't tell my brother what I just told you, okay?" Tang Liu finally explained.

Xiao Wu nodded, then closed her eyes and started practicing.

Tang Liu looked at the Titan Giant Ape who was looking at him curiously, and then said the purpose of his coming, "Titan Giant Ape, besides you, are there any other powerful hundred thousand year soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest? "

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