So I went to Douluo

Chapter 690 The Hongchen Brothers and Sisters Reappear

Shrek's and Tang Sect's rest areas are adjacent to each other. I don't know if it was a deliberate arrangement by the Sun Moon Empire. The Holy Spirit Sect's rest area is opposite them and far away from them. It is really not easy to see clearly the situation on the other side across the entire field.

But it's not difficult for the two soul masters with spiritual eyes, and even everyone in the Tang sect to know the secret skill of purple devil eyes.

And they also saw that next to the Holy Spirit Sect was the Mingdu Soul Master Academy, and they also saw two acquaintances inside.

"Those are Xiao Hongchen and Meng Hongchen. Why did these two brothers suddenly go to Mingdu Soul Master Academy?" Tang Wutong's eyes lit up with purple light, and his pretty face was full of surprise.

Huo Yuhao also had a strange look on his face, and said: "It seems that the Sun and Moon Empire has no intention of losing face in order to make the Mingdu Soul Master Academy appear... But this is the Sun and Moon Empire after all, as long as the people don't They can do whatever they want. Even if it means temporarily merging the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy with the Mingdu Soul Engineer Academy, I think they can do it."

"It's just two more team members. This is easy to explain. Just think about it, there are several reasons. It's just that the Mingdu Soul Tutor Academy, after Xiao Hongchen and Meng Hongchen joined, is it strong enough to compare with the other four? Have you formed a team?" Beibei said.

"Eldest brother, don't underestimate those two brothers and sisters. Even if Xiao Hongchen's strength is accumulated with drugs, he is still a soul saint, not to mention Meng Hongchen's extremely troublesome ice toad poison. And, eldest brother, have you forgotten Who was it that failed to withstand even one move from Meng Hongchen five years ago?" Huo Yuhao joked.

Beibei patted him on the shoulder and scolded with a smile: "Junior brother, I didn't expect you to learn how to expose other people's shortcomings."

Huo Yuhao smiled, and then sighed: "If the Noumenon Sect had not abstained, it would be hard to say who would be the final winner in this battle. But now, I can be sure that the winner in the end must be the Mingdu Soul Master Academy. In the big brawl between twenty-eight people, Meng Hongchen’s poison can be said to have encountered the most favorable situation. It is estimated that many people will be poisoned without knowing it."

"Don't forget the long-lasting Star Crown Martial Soul. In this competition, her troublesome fourth soul skill, Star Guardian, has not been used yet." Tang Wutong said.

"But Xiao Hongchen and Meng Hongchen also have martial soul fusion skills. Now one of them has seven rings and one has six rings. The power of their martial soul fusion skills should be as powerful as that of Contra. I think even Princess Jiujiu's Star Guardian might be able to I can’t resist it for long.”

Tang Wutong thought thoughtfully: "That's true...but the competition will start soon. Everything depends on the final result."




"Did you see the players from the Mingdu Soul Engineer Academy?"


"The two behind Xu Tianzhen are Xiao Hongchen and Meng Hongchen."


In the Shrek rest area, Wang Qiuer looked at the four participating teams that had entered the four corners of the venue, especially those from the Mingdu Soul Master Academy, and said aloud.

"It seems that what you said yesterday was right. The last one to qualify today must be the Mingdu Soul Engineer Academy." She said, and then glanced at the young man sitting upright next to her.


The young man paid full attention to the situation on the field, and gave only brief answers to her questions every time.

Wang Qiuer sighed silently.

Even after a day passed, she still didn't see who the young man next to her was pretending to be, and she was a little annoyed.

She also couldn't figure out what kind of power could make another person become herself. Even the breath, soul power fluctuations, etc. were the same.

If she hadn't sensed the third eye on the young man, she probably wouldn't have guessed that the young man next to her was someone else pretending to be him.


Tomorrow is the final. Regardless of the outcome of today's resurrection match, the Holy Spirit Sect and Shrek Academy teams will definitely be present.

In this case, how will Dai Yunze take care of both sides at the same time?

Wang Qiuer felt a little curious, but also a little worried.

If the young man continues to do this... will he accidentally get himself into that...

Fine | points?

Well, the associative memory that comes with this word... What is the novelty of crazily criticizing beauties? She wants to take a good look...

After Wang Qiuer fell into the ocean of knowledge and couldn't extricate himself, he had no intention of talking to the young man next to him.

So she couldn't notice that the young man was secretly looking at her from the corner of his eye.

The auspicious beast three-eyed golden eagle......

This aura obviously had a strong complementary flavor to him.

But why didn't he find out?

Logically speaking, they should be able to...

As the young man was thinking about it, the battle for the resurrection match on the field had already begun.

The four teams rushed towards the center of the field almost at the same time, their soul rings shining simultaneously.

Because there were too many people participating at the same time, the number of referees on the field was increased to six. Two of the titled Douluo are responsible for observing the overall situation, and the remaining four each follow a team in the air, observing the situation of the seven people they are responsible for at any time. If anything goes wrong, they will immediately rescue them and leave.

If these four referees are unable to rescue a player in time, the two chief referees will take action. It can be said that this is to ensure the freedom of this big battle to the greatest extent, and at the same time, it is also trying to protect the safety of every contestant as much as possible.

However, when the four teams collided at the same time, the intensity of the scene was beyond everyone's expectations.

It was also the first time for the contestants to encounter this kind of competition. Although they had intended to form an alliance before the start of the competition, after they collided with each other, they discovered that the situation did not give them any time to think about the layout. You can only do your best to protect yourself from other people's indiscriminate attacks, and at the same time use your soul power to attack others with your soul skills.

Not everyone has Huo Yuhao's mental detection and mental sharing, which can quickly contact all teammates in any situation and give them the most accurate and effective command.

Everyone who was nervously watching this twenty-eight-person brawl had only one feeling at this time, and that was chaos.

But I have to admit, it’s very enjoyable to watch!

For example, just a second ago, you saw Tianlongmen's Jade Tianlong burst out to show off his power, but not long after, he had to defend himself in a panic from a large number of soul-guided rays.

All the players on the field were as confused as red-eyed, with only a little sense left to restrain themselves and not let indiscriminate attacks fall on their teammates.

In the rest area outside the stadium, several people from the Tang Sect looked a little solemn.

"In this kind of chaos, it is really stupid to attack others blindly. Everyone has their own rhythm, so when they are mixed together, there will be this kind of helpless and unorganized attack situation. In any case, it should be First try your best to get out of the chaos, and then act when the opportunity arises." Beibei said solemnly.

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