So I went to Douluo

Chapter 71 Threaten Duke Long

After hearing his affirmative answer, Duke Long and the Snake Lady next to him looked at each other in silence, both of them a little surprised.

Duke Long turned over the body of the Man-Faced Demon Spider. After seeing the eight completely smashed eyes of the Man-Faced Demon Spider, he was even more sure that Tang San was not lying. At the same time, he couldn't help but show a hint of appreciation in his eyes. color.

"Grandpa, you have to make the decision for me!" Meng Yiran quit and immediately said to Duke Long.

Duke Long smoothed her hair and comforted her, then looked at Tang San and said: "Tang San, I, Duke Long Meng Shu, have been in the soul master world for so many years, and I am not an unreasonable person. Facing the Man-Faced Demon When a spider attacks, everyone will choose to protect themselves, so you can be forgiven for killing it. However, you can't let it go just like that because you destroyed my granddaughter's ability to obtain the soul ring. I'll give you two choices now. , after you listen, make a decision."

Tang San started to string the Zhuge Divine Crossbow again, and at the same time silently restored his soul power and physical strength, "I don't know, what are the two choices that senior gave me?"

Duke Long said: "The two choices I give you are very simple. The first choice is that you join my family and become a member of my family. As long as you join, we will be a family. Since we are a family, Let’s forget about the fact that you still got a soul ring after destroying it twice, and the Man-Faced Demon Spider’s soul ring was wasted.”

"Don't think about it, old guy, it's impossible for my brother to join your family." At this time, Tang Liu saw that the time was right and walked out, saying with a touch of sarcasm in his tone.

Seeing him, Meng Yiran's eyes turned red again, and he yelled: "Why are you here too!"

After hearing what he said, Duke Long's eyes flashed with murderous intent, but he still turned to look at the Snake Lady beside him.

Chao Tianxiang understood and immediately told him about Tang Liu's situation.

Tang Liu glanced at Meng Yiran lightly and said, "Why can't I be here?"

He signaled Tang San not to worry, then looked at Longgong Meng Shu again, and said: "Old guy, if you are a titled Douluo, or if the spirit ring ratio is not so bad, then I can still consider joining your family. . But with your strength, you are not qualified enough to let my brother join."

Duke Long looked at Tang Liu with great interest and said, "Oh, not qualified? Although I only have the strength of Contra, it's still very easy to kill you two little guys."

Tang Liu curled his lips in disdain, thinking: What does a Contra mean? Believe it or not, I will call a Titled Douluo to beat you to death in minutes?

Although he thought so in his heart, he did not say it out loud. Shaking his head slightly, he smiled contemptuously: "If we really want to leave, you can't stop me. Even if it's a titled Douluo here, it won't work. Believe me, as long as I am willing, I will pay a little price." You can leave anytime later.”

"In that case, why don't you leave?" Mr. Long found that he was even more interested in these two little guys who had appeared.

"The reason why we haven't left yet is because one of our friends had an accident and was captured by a powerful soul beast. We are chasing him here just to find our friend. In fact, if you can help me, senior, If I get that friend back, there's nothing wrong with joining your family." Tang San smiled bitterly at this time.

"Well, not only can my brother do it, but I can also join you." At this time, Tang Liu still knew how to agree with his brother.

"Tell me, what spirit beast was your friend captured by?" Hearing this, Duke Long couldn't help but feel a little moved.

If just saving one person can be exchanged for a twelve-year-old genius, it is not impossible, and it is very cost-effective.

He subconsciously thought that the spirit beast that captured Xiao Wu was not strong.

"It's the King of the Forest, the Titan Giant Ape, whose cultivation level is at least ten thousand years old." Tang San said quickly when he saw that there was a way. After all, Duke Long Meng Shu is the most powerful soul master he has ever seen.

After hearing his words, Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang stiffened at the same time, showing expressions of extreme surprise.

"Haha, it can't be done." Tang Liu scoffed unceremoniously, "I can understand it, after all, it's an ancient alien species like the Titan ape. Even a titled Douluo may not be able to get a good deal from him, let alone You are said to be a Soul Douluo and a Soul Emperor."

Hearing this, Duke Long suddenly felt a little embarrassed and said, "Boy, your Titan ape is here to make me happy, right? I don't have time to waste time with you here. If you join my family, you can steal my granddaughter. Let's forget about the two soul rings. Otherwise, you can only choose the second path and leave one arm as compensation for my granddaughter."

"An arm? You have a pretty good idea." Tang Liu sneered, "How about we change things and I give you two choices? For the first choice, you take your old sweetheart and your granddaughter and leave immediately. , if you said you wanted my brother's arm before, I can just pretend you didn't hear it and forget it. The second option is that all three of you shake hands with me once, and then use your own ability to take our arms. How about that? ?”

After saying that, he extended his left hand very gracefully, making a "please" gesture, and looked coldly at the Unparalleled Dragon Snake family opposite.

Although he seems to be in a stable position now, he is actually very anxious in his heart, and is a little surprised why Zhao Wuji and the others haven't arrived yet.

If Zhao Wuji didn't come, he would have no choice but to let Xiao Funi take action.

However, once Little Forney takes action, the three people in front of him must die.

He didn't want the news that Little Forni was a hundred thousand year soul beast to be spread. If it fell into the ears of Wuhun Palace, it would cause countless troubles.

Tang San is not strong enough yet, so it is not the time to break up with Wuhun Palace.

"Ha, what an arrogant boy." Duke Long laughed, but his eyes were full of murderous intent. He looked at Tang Liu and said, "I will choose the third way now, which is to kill you directly!"

"Senior Long Gong, please show mercy!"

Just when Duke Long was about to take action against Tang Liu and Tang San, the voice of Zhao Wuji that Tang Liu had been thinking about finally rang out, making him let out a long sigh of relief.

A series of figures arrived very quickly, it was the Six Shrek Monsters led by Zhao Wuji.

After seeing Zhao Wuji coming, Tang Liu no longer hesitated and immediately helped the already extremely weak Tang San to the end of the team.

After handing Tang San to Dai Mubai, Tang Liu quietly released his third spirit, then used his fourth spirit skill Hao Lan·Restoration on Zhao Wuji, and then used the last free Hao Lan today. The recovery was used on himself, restoring the soul power consumed when recovering for Zhao Wuji to its peak.

The reason why Tang San was not restored was to wait for Zhao Wuji's arrival and then give him the restoration.

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