So I went to Douluo

Chapter 711 Two opposites

She didn't reply, but looked at the figure being crushed again and again in the picture, feeling like a knife.

The girl sighed boredly and helplessly: "What good is he? But since you decided to save him, then I will fulfill the agreement and delete all memories about him. After all, Tang Wutong is just Tang Wutong, Only Wang Donger can love him."

The speed at which the girl absorbed her memory became faster, and their figures became more transparent, even seeming to be about to merge together.

Until a certain moment, her eyes suddenly widened, and her almost dead eyes revealed the vivid light of joy.

Because the young man who had been crushed suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the hand that had killed him countless times!


Huo Yuhao didn't know how many times he was smashed to pieces and reassembled by the blue and gold figure opposite him.

He tried to resist, but the figure opposite him was so powerful that he felt completely unable to resist.

Just when he was already a little desperate, he suddenly heard a strange voice in his head.

It was a male voice, but it was not the voice of Tianmeng Iceworm.

The voice smiled lightly: "Do you know why he kills you again and again?"

He shattered into bloody foam again, but this time his consciousness did not stop with death. He could still think and hear the voice in his head.

"He is using his own way, through death, to make you grow quickly and integrate everything you have. The original intention is good...if it is not mixed with any selfishness."

The voice was still smiling lightly, but this time, there was a bit of sarcasm in the laughter.

"Without the power of destiny, without indirectly causing the explosion to kill a large number of civilians, without the name of Shura... you are still the son of living beings chosen by heaven and earth..."

He listened silently, and then his vision gradually filled with mysterious blue and black.

"He killed you again and again, 'cultivating' you in his own way, and wanted you to have the potential of Shura. If he is willing to give up in the end, that would be good. It's just a pity..."

"So let me teach you now."

"What is life, what is death."

His body was no longer under control, and at this moment he suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the wrist that was slapped again with great precision.

Then he shuttled dexterously, and when he stood up, his hand had already grasped the blue-gold figure's elbow, and then continued to slide upward, patting the blue-gold figure on the shoulder.

It didn't look like a very powerful palm, but it made the blue-gold figure that he couldn't resist before take several steps back.

The blue and gold figure looked at him, seeming a little surprised.

At this time, his body moved forward again, and he struck out with another palm.

The blue-gold figure was a little faster than before, reaching out to grab the wrist he slapped. However, when he just stretched out his other hand, he was easily blocked and pushed away by a light wave of his other hand.

In this way, the palm he took was firmly imprinted on the blue and gold figure's shoulder again.

This time it was even more exaggerated. The blue-gold figure's feet touched the ground and slid back.

"Life and death, like good and evil, life and destruction, are two opposite extremes."

Under his feet, the soul ring gradually rose.

A white million-year soul ring, and four black ten-thousand-year soul rings.

But at this time, after all the five soul rings he had, there was actually another strange, somewhat illusory, mixed green and gray soul ring.

“And what you have to learn is to pursue the bridge that connects the two.”

His eyes flashed with light like the eyes of living beings, and then he retracted his palms to his waist, and then shot out at the blue-gold figure at the same time.

At that moment, his left and right hands were smeared with turquoise and death gray respectively, and then they landed heavily on the blue and gold figure, submerging his entire body in these two colors of light.

“The handover between life and death is ‘reincarnation’ and ‘rebirth’.”

There was not much momentum, but the blue-gold figure looked shocked, and gradually dissipated in the gray-green light.

"This is the power you are looking for."

The voices in his head suddenly stopped at this time, and the blue-black light in front of his eyes also disappeared.

The power controlling his body left him, and he lost feeling in his legs again and fell limply to the ground.

But his eyes still sparkled, recalling all the wonderful insights that had previously appeared in his mind.

Life and death?

The living and the dead.

Only the soul enters reincarnation.

He was no longer unfamiliar with this kind of power.

Because it is the Eye of Living Things, plus the third martial soul, the Holy Law God of the Dead!

Even though he was unable to move, Huo Yuhao's eyes still shone with excitement.

He didn't even intend to stand up first, and remained sitting on the ground with his legs spread out until a golden light came down and took him away from here.

It seemed that he had passed the final test.

What about Wutong? How is Wutong doing now?


When she saw Huo Yuhao suddenly burst out and defeated the blue-gold figure, Tang Wutong shed tears of extreme joy.

But her own figure was almost transparent, and she was about to completely merge with the girl.

Before, she was afraid that Huo Yuhao would die, so she didn't resist and was willing to pay the price.

But at this moment, she wants to survive, she wants to find Yuhao, she doesn't want to forget everything she has with him.

So, she reached out and pushed the girl in front of her away.

But the memory bridge connecting the two minds is still there.

Her push not only failed to interrupt the fusion, but also caused her body to disappear at an accelerated rate.

There was a hint of sarcasm on the girl's face: "It's useless."

It was the first time she felt panic in this situation.

If she forgets everything, if the girl becomes a brand new self, appearing in front of him with the most familiar face, but does not remember anything about him...

How sad must he be?

She suddenly shouted to the sky, looking sad, angry and puzzled: "Dad!"

"Why are you forcing me like this?"

Opposite me, the girl looked a little surprised.

Then blue-gold light flashed, and she saw her father appearing next to the girl, with an apologetic face.

But I couldn't find even a trace of guilt.

"Sorry, Xiao Qi."

Tang San looked at his daughter's gradually fading figure and spoke softly.

Tang Wutong shook her head while shedding tears, her face full of sadness: "He has already taken off the lovesickness for me. Isn't that enough?"

Just in time, the girl's absorption of her memory also came to the moment when she placed a passionate kiss on the lovesick cheek that was close to her lover's cheek.

Tang San looked at all this and just remained silent.

Then slowly raised his hand.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Qi."

On Tang Wutong's forehead, the golden trident pattern lit up.

Suddenly, her figure quickly faded and disappeared.

"But daddy, this is for your own good."

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