So I went to Douluo

Chapter 713 Monarch?

That blue-gold light was so powerful that it was unimaginable.

It even alarmed the Titans who were observing everything in secret.

He instantly ducked to his elder brother's side and watched as he slowly floated in the air, his figure blurred in the bright light until only an outline remained.

Huo Yuhao stared blankly at this scene, feeling as if his heart was being strangled.

Hope this will be a miracle.

I am also afraid that this is the last farewell.

With this extremely nervous mood, he watched the blue-gold light gradually dissipate, and watched the girl close her eyes tightly, make a prayer gesture with her hands, and slowly fall to the ground to stand still.

Then open your eyes.

At first, Huo Yuhao felt his heart sink when he looked at those dull pink-blue eyes.

Until his shadow appeared in those eyes, and then tears suddenly fell.

Only then did he feel his heartbeat again.

The girl also rushed toward him like a gallop.


Watching the boys and girls calling each other's names and then hugging each other tightly.

Qian Renxue was a little silent, while Tang Liu sighed.

"Why take such a big risk to help her break through the seal of memory?" Qian Renxue asked aloud.

That is the spiritual sea of ​​the God's Daughter. If you are not careful, your existence will be completely exposed.

Tang Liu smiled softly: "Because this is really a very serious matter. To use an analogy, by the way... let's also think about everything that happened in that battle of ten thousand years."

Qian Renxue was silent for a moment: "Okay."

Tang Liu sighed softly and looked seriously at her golden eyes: "To this day, do you still have a grudge against your mother...?"

Qian Renxue's fists clenched suddenly.

She opened her mouth for a long time and finally said two words: "...of course."

"Then if I can make you forget this, would you be willing?"

She was silent for a long time, and finally shook her head, with a bit of bitterness in her eyes.

"Yes, what if I don't follow your wishes and forcibly erase these memories of yours? No matter what, when you know the truth, you will have a little hatred for me, right?"

Qian Renxue did not refute.

"The continuity of memory allows us to have a self, and ultimately achieves each of us. If a certain period of memory is missing, what happens to be lost is a very important memory for establishing personality and world view... Then 'I', Is it still 'me'?

"Tang San took action this time to seal all of Wutong's memories about Huo Yuhao, and the past few years she had been related to Huo Yuhao had already quietly changed her a lot. In this way, when these memories disappear... will Is it equivalent to directly erasing a person?

"Just like you, without considering gender differences, if someone erased all your memories of 'Qian Renxue', what would you become?"

"...I will firmly believe that I am Xue Qinghe, the crown prince of Tiandou."

"It's a bit scary, right? But what's even more terrifying is that he just sealed this memory, and the seal will eventually be broken. Let's use your situation as an analysis. If one day, you are sealed as a 'Qian Ren' All means of memory have failed when it comes to snow, so what will happen to you who firmly believe that you are 'Xue Qinghe'?"


"If you have enough ability to gather your consciousness, determine who you are, and firmly identify this... then you are lucky. But this cannot be concealed. The essence is that Artificially creating the dirty truth of split personality. This move is too much."

Tang Liu's face was solemn and he had to exercise great restraint in order not to sound disgusted in his tone.

What's more, the person involved in this matter was Tang Wutong, his niece.

Moreover, it was Tang Wutong's biological father who took action.

Even completely disregarding her wishes and feelings.

Just tell her "This is for your own good".

Qian Renxue looked at the projection on the table. In the picture, the girl had already flown away with her lover and friends.

She said: "Do you want to comfort her?" After all, in a serious sense, this is equivalent to being stabbed by the person you are closest to, coaxing and deceiving, without allowing resistance or rejection.

Even if he survives.

It will also feel very painful.

But Tang Liu held her hand.

"This matter... let's leave it to her mother, or my parents, or my mother." He looked at the blond girl next to him and smiled.

Qian Renxue raised her eyes and looked at him: "You...notified them?"

Tang Liu smiled: "I have always disliked his destruction, so I probably won't miss this good opportunity to smear him."

Qian Renxue nodded clearly, then lowered her head.

After a while.

Only then did she speak again.

"You said...if there is really reincarnation..."

"Where will she be now?"

"Have you...been better?"

Tang Liu knew very well who the "she" in her words was referring to.

He just increased the strength in his hands so that the girl around him could truly feel his presence.

Then he said: "Why does it have to be reincarnated?"

Qian Renxue suddenly raised her head and looked at him.

I only saw a strong smile on his face.

"It won't be long before it's the '10,000th anniversary' of that battle."

Tang Liu smiled.

" promised me the ten thousandth anniversary of your 'sincerity'."

A hint of disbelief gradually appeared in Qian Renxue's eyes.

"By the time."

"Maybe you can receive a very big 'surprise'?"


Much earlier.

When Wang Qiuer escaped from the Qiankun Wenqing Valley by rewinding time, it happened to be the time when Mr. Xuan escaped from it.

However, before the two of them had time to communicate the situation, they were attacked by the evil soul master who had been lying in wait for a long time.

But with Mr. Xuan's strength, it takes no effort to deal with these guys.

Wang Qiuer didn't need his attention. When the evil soul master found out that he couldn't defeat Mr. Xuan and wanted to arrest her and threaten her, she disappeared with a cold face. It wasn't until Old Xuan had wiped out all the evil soul masters and beaten them away that she reappeared.

Mr. Xuan asked her: "How?"

Wang Qiuer first raised his head and glanced at the sky, making sure that no one was watching here, and then said: "It should take some time for them to come out."

"So what are your current arrangements...?"

"I will go back to the academy with everyone first to make sure that everyone in the Shrek team has arrived safely." Wang Qiuer said, "This is a promise and must be fulfilled. After that... I will go back to the Star Dou Forest ."

Mr. Xuan nodded, and then said with some embarrassment not long after, "I never had the chance before... I'm sorry about that time."

Wang Qiuer glanced at him and shook her head amusedly: "It doesn't matter. If it hadn't been for that time, I wouldn't have learned how to turn back time now. And..." I wouldn't have been able to see myself clearly so easily.

Because from beginning to end, it was the answer she gave to that person.

It is "a brand new Wang Qiu'er".

But now, what she lacks is an answer for herself.

In fact, there is no need to worry about anything.

Because she is the emperor's auspicious beast and the darling of heaven and earth, she is not immune to heaven's punishment.

As long as there is enough time, she will definitely reach the level of "god".

But it's also because she is the Emperor's auspicious beast.

So she will consider all her fellow soul beasts.

To become a "human" or to become a "fairy"?

And this question is for her.

It's time to go deeper.

It’s about choosing to be someone who may belong to someone alone.

Or do you choose to become an immortal who leads all your compatriots in search of immortality?

In other words... he is the king.

The emperor who rules over all beasts.

All soul beasts——


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