So I went to Douluo

Chapter 735 The third coffin push

In order to eliminate time chaos and save Dai Yunze, Wang Qiuer chose to launch a sacrifice.

Even if he had obtained some time power from Dai Yunze, sacrifice was no longer a completely irreversible process.

But it is undeniable that she still made the ferocious beasts in the Star Dou Forest sense that she was about to die for a moment.

Naturally, this was the "cause" of Di Tian launching the beast tide.

If there is no change, there will be no suspicion.

But unfortunately, there is one thing, and that is that everyone is a traitor.

Tang Liu took out all the soul bones he had collected over the past ten thousand years, and used them with the puppet talisman to stimulate the soul power in the soul bones, forming soul beast puppets that could act independently, in order to bear the price of the two hundred thousand soul beasts that died in the original work. .

And some soul beast puppets that have not exhausted their soul power still have soul bones left behind, which are also gifts he gave to Shrek.

The soul beast has no losses and the soul master gains gifts. It is the best win-win situation.

The end of the beast tide still relies on Huo Yuhao's negotiations using souls as bargaining chips.

But this was not what really convinced Di Tian.

So the "dead" Emperor's auspicious beast returned to the Star Forest. After Brigitte told Ditian about this, Emperor Tian decided to end the beast tide.

When the incident ends successfully, the souls will still be promoted according to their original trajectory, and the Spirit Transferring Tower will also be established.

"With your 'borrowing ring' here, they will definitely look down on the soul." Qian Renxue said, "But the three-eyed golden beast was not sacrificed to Huo Yuhao, so we have to achieve the goal of 'the soul appears smoothly and the beast tide stops smoothly'" Due to the situation, Wang Qiuer has to go back and show up."

Tang Liu smiled: "It's just the hard work of those ferocious beasts. But..." He touched his chin and laughed out loud, "I asked them to help me finish the work. I also You don’t have to pay feels really good.”

Qian Renxue hummed and said, "The capitalists will all worship you."

Jin Chen·One of those who was squeezed: "..."

"Let's go, it's time for Dai Yunze to push the coffin for the last time. This time is no better than before, I have very little strength left." Tang Liu stood up from the chair, opened the door and walked towards Haotian Sect.

Qian Renxue did not follow: "Be careful."

Tang Liu turned around and smiled: "Don't's just hide and seek."

After Jin Chen also walked out, he closed the door.

In this way, the space passage between Haotian Castle and the wooden house hall was completely cut off.

As a result, all contact was severed.


It turns out that a two-dimensional visual illusion like the hanging soul ladder can really be made in reality.

Dai Yunze was currently in the dimly lit staircase passage, thinking back to what happened when Tang Liu opened the secret door of this passage for him with a mysterious look on his face and let him walk in.

Obviously the stairs in front of him were just a straight path going all the way up with no corners visible, but he walked along the stairs for a long time and still couldn't see the end.

He remembered what Tang Liu said before coming in. The magnetic field and gravity here were changing at any time and could easily disrupt people's perception. You think you are climbing up, but maybe you are actually walking down.

Light inside is of no use. Instead, it will further interfere with vision and make more wrong judgments.

It's just that the soul-hanging ladder he knew needed to be curved to prevent people from easily seeing its flaws. But the stairs in front of me are impossible to get out even by flying.

The principles are obviously not something that can be explained at will.

If Tang Liuzhen really came from the same world as him...

But none of that matters now. He needs to leave the passage in front of him and enter where the coffin is to push the coffin for the last time.

The vision brought by light and the physical sensation are no longer credible. Fortunately, in the dark, his perception was never wrong.

The darkness that enveloped the entire passage at this moment was the guarantee that he could easily find the correct route.

This was probably the reason why Tang Liu didn't directly tell him how to move.

Closing his eyes and following the guidance of the darkness, he wandered up and down the stairs, and soon he suddenly became enlightened.

Opening his eyes, he saw an extremely heavy door in front of him. There was only a gap open, which looked like it should be big enough for a person to squeeze in sideways.

Dai Yunze tried it, but it got stuck and he couldn't squeeze in.

Hmm...the breasts are a bit bigger!

But this is not a problem. Since the door has been opened, he can teleport directly in.

With a flash of his body, Dai Yunze, who was stuck in the crack of the door, disappeared and appeared in the spacious secret room behind the door as if nothing had happened.

The secret room was cylindrical, filled with darkness, except for a long wooden box placed in the center, with bits of blue mist emitting from the edge of the lid.

Darkness was not a factor that affected his vision, so he could see the words engraved on the long wooden box at a glance.

Seven unique cold plums, Gu Fang Douluo.

It should be a soul master whose martial spirit is plum blossom or something like that, right?

Dai Yunze guessed, walked to the long wooden box, stretched out his hand to hold the lid of the coffin.

The coffin has been pushed twice before, and both times it was pushed by two people at the same time. Now that there is only one coffin for the last time, Dai Yunze doesn't think it will be difficult.

As soon as the result was pushed, the time and years transmitted from it were so huge that his mind lost control in an instant, and he was extremely passive and fell into the hallucination picture.

But those majestic years did not harm him. Instead, it seemed as if he was being controlled by someone, slowly merging with his own power of time, further strengthening his talent for time.

After pushing the coffin for the first time, he was able to go back in time.

After pushing the coffin for the second time, he can make time go back within a certain range.

What about after this third time?

Is it possible to use the time clone that I guessed before?

Dai Yunze thought, without resisting or struggling, and allowed his consciousness to sink into the illusion of majestic years.

Just like...when the coffin was rolled out for the first time.


Spirit world.

The alarm sounded throughout the entire God Realm Committee, alarming many gods in an instant.

This is an alarm set up by the gods to pay attention to the threats in the lower realm. The purpose is to enable the gods in the gods to respond promptly and send gods to the lower realms to clear up the threats to prevent the possible destruction of life.

Today's sirens seemed to be too loud, and could even be heard far away from the God Realm Committee.

Ah Yin and Xiao Wu sat on the bed in the bedroom and looked together in the direction of the sound.

Xiao Wu said: "It's the alarm sound again... It's the third time. What did they find in the lower world?"

Ah Yin, with a hint of worry in his eyes, looked at her at this moment: "Didn't San'er tell you what they are investigating?"

Xiao Wu shook her head: "No. Looking back now, since he saw Xiao Qi's situation one day, he has started to hide many things from me." As she spoke, her eyes darkened again.

Ah Yin hugged her and comforted her: "Don't be afraid."

"It will work out."

A little further away, under the waterfall.

Tang Hao looked in the direction of the God Realm Committee, pursed his lips, and clenched his fists.

The memory is still very vague.

But he still had instinctive hope.

Don't let anything bad happen again.

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