So I went to Douluo

Chapter 740 Where is it? exist……

The God of Destruction has absorbed the last of his power.

From this moment on, his strength seemed to have exceeded the realm that a god king should possess. It's just that he suppressed it very well and didn't show any clues.

The dull-looking second-level god in front of him still took out a purple-red rune from his consciousness and threw it into the earth of the God Realm like the previous two.

Suddenly, in his perception, a negligible gap appeared in the barrier of the divine realm.

The alarm of the God Realm Committee sounded, and for a moment, he thought it was the breakage of the God Realm barrier that was noticed.

His expression was tense, but fortunately, it was just a warning bell to summon the God King to a meeting.

The God of Destruction glanced at the second-level god in front of him and waved his hand to let him go back.

After that, he flew in the direction of the God Realm Committee.

When they entered the majestic palace, the goddess of life, the two god kings of good and evil, and...the Shura god Tang San had already taken their seats.

He did not feel guilty about being late, and his face, shrouded in the shadow of the purple robe, could not be seen by others.

As soon as he sat down, he heard Tang San in the front seat take a deep breath, and then said: "Everyone, I'm very sorry for calling everyone together suddenly. We have received an alert about outsiders from the lower world for the third time before, and this time Once I personally went down to explore the situation. Needless to say in detail, the specific situation was similar to the previous two times, but this time I had contact with the "people" who came out of the small world. After testing it, I found that their strength may be related to We are about the same. And such 'people', based on the small world discovered earlier... there may be four others."

After hearing what he said, the youngest Ji Dong and Lieyan looked a little surprised. It was hard for them to imagine that there could be a creature in the lower realm that could rival a god king, and that he was also the Shura God who was the best at attacking in the god realm.

The God of Destruction snorted: "Have you never thought that it's because you are too weak?"

"Destruction!" The goddess of life opposite looked at him angrily and stopped him.

"No matter what, we cannot let those unknown beings move around in the lower realm. We must pay attention to them and find them as soon as possible." With the overall situation in mind, Tang San had no intention of arguing with the God of Destruction anymore.

His expression became serious, and then he revealed the real purpose of holding this meeting and what he was most worried about.

"...Plus, on top of that."

"That outsider is very likely."

"Still alive."

After he finished speaking, he ignored the surprised looks on the faces of the other God Kings.

A cold light flashed in his eyes.

"If this matter is determined...necessary,"

"Please help me activate the sword of judgment of the three realms."


After the meeting was held, various orders were issued, and the God Realm began to operate urgently.

But right now, he still has one more important thing that he hasn't figured out yet.

That was the last coffin. Where would he put it?

Tang San thought about everything.

The place where the coffin was first discovered was in Noumenon Sect.

This was a sect that he had never heard of thousands of years ago.

Perhaps it was because of this that he chose to leave two coffins there. Because he doesn't know, it means absolute safety.

The coffin found for the second time was in a city in the Star Luo Empire.

That's where the Jiuxin Haitang family is located, and during the thousands of years in the lower realm, the Jiuxin Haitang family has always been a very high-profile force. At the same time, the Qibao Glazed Sect and even the Haotian Sect had retired for a long time. Haotian Sect has no descendants walking around in the outside world.

Tang San couldn't understand why he chose this place, but it was undeniable that because of the Jiuxin Haitang family's reputation, he had never doubted that this family might be hiding secrets related to outsiders.

So this time, is it the so-called "darkness under the light"?

The lamp Jiuxin Begonia is emitting light, hiding the secret very well.

The third time was at the old site of Haotian Sect.

Although he didn't know this, it was certainly a quite famous place in the minds of others at the time.

It was even the place where he personally made defensive measures.

The barrier covering Haotian Castle and the real phantom reflected by the mirror.

It seems that he has long expected that he will personally descend to the realm this time, so the defensive measures here are the best.

So good that he could successfully make the two people whose faces were unclear slip away right under his nose.

So, where will the last coffin be placed?

How strong will the defense measures he deployed there be?

But this may also be one of the clues he is looking for.

As long as you find those difficult-to-enter locations on Douluo Continent, you may be able to find the last coffin he placed.

It would be possible... to find him.

But is it really that simple?

Thinking about it on the other hand, what if his resurrection needs to wait until all the coffins are opened naturally?

Now that he has opened the fifth coffin, he will definitely not sit still and wait to die.

And those places that are difficult to enter are not difficult to find, and if you want to get in, it is not impossible.

Judging from the previous rules, there is a certain time interval between the opening of each coffin, but it is getting faster and faster.

So as long as it is not yet time for the sixth coffin to be opened, there is still a possibility that it will be found in advance and then destroyed and stopped by every possible means.

And if it is placed in places that are difficult to access, it will undoubtedly be too conspicuous.

It's not even as hard to find as the small basement in Haixin City.

So...where would he put the last coffin?

He tried to use the power of the God Realm Center to look into the future, but the outsiders had already disappeared from time because of that death, so no matter how he looked, he couldn't see anything about the outsiders.

Even he could only see a very vague future, which could only be called a premonition.

Their killing behavior at the time now seemed like they had tricked themselves.

Tang San thought silently, and began to try to stop being a god king.

But it was the one he hadn't been in contact with for a long time.

As a brother.

He actually knows him very well, knows his little habits, and has seen his little movements when he is sleeping.

Because they grew up together, and he took care of his younger brother.

The moment he thought of this, a great feeling of depression and suffocation suddenly swept through his chest.

But he continued to think.

So...if my brother wants to hide something.

Where will you put Dong XZ?

No, he never hid anything.

He has always been above board.

Whether it's the money his father earned from blacksmithing, or the money his father exchanged for wine.

He had always just kept things at home that were necessary to support the lives of the three of them.

Put your room.

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