So I went to Douluo

Chapter 746 Passing the position

Huo Yuhao looked at the neat military tents and listened to the muttering of the young man beside him.

I finally figured out who the brother Dai Luoli was talking about.

It turned out to be him.

Dai Luoli looked at the black-haired young man next to him. His side face was quite handsome, and he seemed vaguely familiar.

"Brother told me that you are the future heir to the Poseidon Pavilion."

Huo Yuhao looked at him.

The young man continued: "In that brother disappeared in Shrek Academy. Have you ever had any news about him over the years? But...have you been looking for him?"

Huo Yuhao thought of the time when he was in school, the time when he competed when he was disabled, and the things that Mr. Xuan told him.

Unconsciously, a smile appeared on his lips.

He said to the boy beside him: "Don't worry."

"He's just accomplishing some... really great things."


Huo Yuhao's investigation was completely stopped because of a letter.

The Tianhun Empire was violently attacked by the Sun and Moon Empire. Tiandou City had fallen, and almost the entire territory had been occupied, declaring the country was destroyed.

The Tianhun royal family suffered heavy losses. Almost all the elite members of the Noumenon Sect of the Protecting Sect were killed in the battle while covering the royal family's retreat. The leader of the Noumenon Sect was seriously injured when poisoned.

Fortunately, one person came to the rescue in time and led the remaining members of the Tianhun royal family and the disciples of the Noumenon Sect to escape.

However, the Tianhun Empire no longer has the power to resist again, and it is only a matter of time before it is completely occupied by the Sun and Moon Empire.

The Star Luo Empire is now under greater pressure.

Not only must we face the Sun and Moon Empire in the west, we must also beware of the encirclement and flanking attacks by the Sun and Moon armies in the north.

Dai Hao and Xu Jiujiu blocked the news as soon as possible to prevent the news from spreading in the military camp to avoid damaging morale.

Huo Yuhao was urgently called to a combat meeting. After discussing with Dai Hao and everyone in the Tang Sect, he decided to launch a general attack on the Mingdou Mountains.

At the same time, the Noumenon Sect is located in the Heavenly Punishment Area.

A large swath of silver light flashed, revealing a large number of injured figures.

Many people even fell to the ground unconscious.

Even the energy is like a gossamer, and the vitality is almost cut off.

Wei Na knelt down beside the bloody Long Hanyu and held his palm tightly.

The healing light of the snow lotus continued to shine, but it was unable to restore the gradually weakening breath of the person in front of him.

Just as tears were falling from her eyes, a young man with a transparent vertical eye on his forehead appeared next to her.

"don’t worry."

That strange vertical eye emits a mysterious light.

"No one is leaving."

There was a flash of light, and all the injured and dying Noumenon Sect disciples within the range stood there with confused expressions in the next second.

And intact.

Wei Na looked at the red-haired young man standing in front of her, who was still a little confused, and threw herself into his arms and cried loudly.


"Luckily you arrived in time, ahem." Du Buushi covered his chest and said to the young man in front of him with a smile. The result may be that he was too excited and caused injuries on his body, so he coughed violently.

The Eye of Time stared at the past, instantly reversing the state of being poisoned and undead to before being injured.

So the old man, who was still coughing and his face was red, was a little overwhelmed by his sudden recovery.

He stared at the young man in front of him with wide eyes and cursed in a low voice, "It's so damn magical."

Dai Yunze closed the Eye of Time and sighed softly: "You'd better take a good rest first."

There were footsteps behind him, and when he looked back, he saw other Noumenon Sect disciples.

Long Hanyu held Wei Na's hand and walked at the front.

His face was full of gratitude: "You saved us again."

Dai Yunze shook his head: "The ones in the secret realm don't count."

Before the disciples could say anything more, Du Bushui said something to attract everyone's attention to him: "Children."

Everyone looked at him.

He took a deep breath and said: "I have to say that the current soul guides of the Sun and Moon Empire are too powerful. As pure soul masters, we are already tired of dealing with them. In any case, you were almost killed in the previous battle. Death is worthy of the Heavenly Soul Empire. Wei Na."

He finally called the girl's name, and when her eyes fell on him, he continued: "I deeply regret the sacrifice of Your Majesty, and hate the Sun and Moon Empire like a jackal, tiger, and leopard. But our Noumenon Sect can no longer Show up and sacrifice... you know what I mean?”

Wei Na nodded and said softly: "Grandpa, I understand. Although I am the princess of the Tianhun Empire, I am also a member of the Noumenon Sect. Everyone in the sect is my family, and I can no longer just watch. Everyone died for the Empire."

She looked at Dai Yunze again and bowed deeply: "Thank you, Yunze. Thank you for arriving in time, thank you for saving me, saving Hanyu, and thank you for saving everyone. But I still have something to worry about. Please... There is still the last territory left in the Tianhun Empire. My brothers have retreated there under the escort of other disciples and are still resisting. Can I ask you to help me take them with me? Come back? I understand that Tianhun...has no power to return to heaven."

"Don't worry, Wei Na. Someone is already looking for them." Dai Yunze said.

After all, there were disciples of the Noumenon Sect over there, so he had already separated from Qingya Bing.

He came to rescue the elites of the Noumenon Sect who were fighting fiercely on the front line, while Qingya went to find the disciples of the Noumenon Sect who were weaker in the rear.

Wei Na was about to bow deeply to him again, but Dai Yunze stopped her halfway.

The princess who used to be very lively in the sect, and her highness who was generous and decent in front of outsiders, now looked quite heavy.

But she said: "As long as everyone is still alive and Hanyu is still with me, I am very satisfied. But the people who don't know Tianhun..."

Long Hanyu comforted her: "No matter how crazy the Sun Moon Empire is, they will never take action against civilians. Since their goal is to unify, they must win the hearts and minds of the people."

Wei Na just nodded slightly and said no more.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Du Bushit said loudly: "In this case, I will announce one last thing as the sect leader."

The disciples' eyes fell on him again.

And Dai Yunze suddenly had some bad premonitions.

As soon as the omen of the future came into his mind, he saw Du Bu Shou's face turn around with a subtle smile.

"Dai Yunze, a disciple of my sect, will take over as the head of the Noumenon Sect with immediate effect!"

Before Dai Yunze could say anything, Du Bushu said again: "Do you have any objections?"

Then all his voices were drowned in the loud shouts of the disciples.


Du Buushi looked at the nervous young man and said, "You have been recognized by our sect's inheritance, and you truly deserve the position of sect leader."

He made a gesture of invitation.

"Announce your first order, Sect Master."

As the most talented disciple of the younger generation of Noumenon Sect, Long Hanyu was also the first to express his stance, clasping his fists and bowing: "Sect Master, you can arrange our whereabouts."

All the disciples behind him followed him with the same movements and words.

Dai Yunze's head suddenly got big.

But in the end he just took a deep breath and held his heart.

There is the inheritance seed of Noumenon Sect.

Since it was completely integrated with his heart, after pushing the coffin for the third time, I finally saw the appearance of the seed again.

He looked at everyone in front of him and solemnly said: "Then..."

He looked toward the distant southern sky.

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