So I went to Douluo

Chapter 749 Heaven and Earth are unkind

"Please, I still have a child to take care of, please let me go, please!"

The woman with disheveled hair was lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment. The tears from her bloodshot eyes had smeared her delicate makeup.

One of her arms has disappeared, it was the arm that was stretched out to the young man before.

But strangely, no blood flowed out from the broken arm.

It's as if the woman doesn't have that arm in the first place.

"Let you go?" Tang Liu glanced at the others around him.

Most of the residents who were originally scrambling to seize the prey had already hid in the shadows again after the blue light wiped off one of the woman's arms. It was not known whether they were still watching.

Only a few people were still watching, looking either fearful, excited, crazy, or interested.

Tang Liu looked at the woman at his feet again. She had already been pinned to the ground by the Haolan force field and could not move.

"You said you have a child to take care of?" he asked.

The woman seemed to be grasping at straws: "Yes, yes! He is very cute, but occasionally disobedient... But now he has become good!"

"Really?" Tang Liu thought, then suddenly smiled, raised his left hand and waved with his fingertips, and the next second, the building next to him melted in the blue light, revealing the cruel scene inside the house.

The ground was covered with solidified purple-black blood, as well as some unknown sticky objects that were either minced meat or bone residue.

But ignoring these disgusting and intrusive sights, the layout of the room is quite clean and tidy.

Maybe it was because of the boy who was tied to the chair with his head hanging down.

He was wearing tattered clothes, which were just enough to cover his body. As for the skin that is bare on the outside, blue-grey spots have appeared in many places.

Every joint on the body is even more horrifying, with traces of stitching with blood-stained black silk threads.

The young man's face was ashen, his eyes were lifeless, his lips had turned black, and his body was full of deathly silence.

Tied to a chair, like a puppet.

Lifelike, yet lifeless.

"Is he your child?" The corners of his lips were always curled, and he walked casually to the boy's side. With his fingertips, a blue light appeared on his own initiative, lifting the boy's chin, revealing the boy's lifeless face. In front of you.

Tang Liu took a few steps away, letting the young man's face completely fall into the eyes of the woman lying on the ground.

Then he smiled: "But...why does he seem to have been dead for a long time?"

His tone was innocent, as if he simply didn't understand the matter.

But the woman seemed to have been suddenly stimulated, screaming crazily: "Don't touch him, stay away from him!"

He even began to struggle continuously, with his only remaining hand constantly grabbing at the ground, as if trying to crawl over. But even when his fingertips rubbed blood on the ground, he still couldn't break free from the shackles of Hao Lan's force field.

The blue-haired young man laughed loudly, and then starting from the blue light that held up the young man's chin, a flame of the same color ignited on the young man: "Those who have passed away should leave in peace."

When she saw this scene, the woman's already red eyes were about to bleed. She struggled harder and harder, and the piercing screams coming out of her mouth could make people dizzy.

Just when the young man laughed loudly, even on the verge of tears.

The Haolan force field that restrained the woman suddenly shattered. The woman lying on the ground rose up, and a sharp knife condensed in her hand, which instantly slashed through the blue-haired young man's throat.

A large amount of blood spurted out from the wound, and his laughter stopped abruptly. When he reached out to cover the wound, his body fell softly.

The woman ignored him and just rushed to the young man's body, which was burning with blue flames. She slapped it with her hands and tried her best to extinguish the scorching flames.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid..." After finally extinguishing the flames, the woman hugged the boy's charred body tightly in her arms, "I will never let you leave me..."

Then she looked at the body in her arms that was full of scorched marks, with disgust and hatred in her eyes.

The body that was tightly held in her arms one second was pushed away by her heavily the next. Then she crawled over with a look of horror on her face, holding up the lifeless face: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, child. Mom didn't mean it, it's just that you look too ugly now... But don’t worry, your new body has been prepared by your mother..."

She laughed sickly and carefully lifted the boy's body up and placed it on the overturned chair. Then he turned around, wanting to see what was going on with the blue-haired young man whose throat had been cut with a knife, and whether he was completely lifeless.

Only after life has passed completely, can that perfect body be worthy of her child.

But when she clearly took in the scene behind her, a look of surprise appeared on her face. Because there was no trace of the young man on the ground, not even a trace of blood.

She took two steps forward without believing in evil and looked around, but still found no trace of the young man.

At this time, a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind him.

And because I haven’t heard it for so long, I feel a little strange.

The voice shouted: "Mom."

There was a dull sound of an object falling to the ground behind him.

She quickly turned around and saw the young man's twisted body lying limply on the ground.

It was making some rather ominous "crack" sounds, like bones hitting each other.

Then the originally weak palm suddenly pressed firmly to the ground.

The cheek lying on the ground, driven by the head, immediately cast a deathly glance at her.

The woman screamed and fell to the ground, not quite understanding what was happening now.

And the dead body, pieced together from the body parts of an unknown number of people, suddenly twisted towards her.

"Isn't this what you like best? Isn't this what you want me to be?!"

"Break my bones, tear apart my flesh, embed the bones you like into my body, sew other people's hands and feet...Have I not become what you want me to be? ?!”

The woman screamed and kicked her legs to the ground, forcing herself to retreat, but the twisted corpse quickly caught up with her.

Then the corpse fell limply on her. She waved the dagger in her hand, kicked the corpse away with her eyes tightly closed, and screamed: "Go away, go away!"

But the weight on her body was gone. She opened her eyes, and her twisted body was still sitting on the chair, her head hanging feebly.

It seemed like it was all an illusion.

She gasped violently, but still stepped back in surprise, and then her fingertips suddenly touched something warm and soft.

She turned around in shock and saw the boy's body lying next to her hands, with a big gaping hole in his throat.

His dead eyes stared at her tightly, and a broken voice came from his throat: "Look, mother."

"That's how you slit my throat."

"Isn't this look what you want to see the most?"

In a blink of an eye, the body on the ground disappeared.

Then the next moment, a charred face suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Then why are you scared now?!"

"Didn't you say that you like me the most as long as I get better?!"

"Ah!" the woman screamed and backed away, "No, no... It's all your fault for being disobedient. Who told you to disobey me! If you were as good as others, how could I do this? What a situation!”

she cried.

Then wake up from the hallucination.

The blue flames on the boy's body were still burning.

She was still on the ground, restrained by the Haolan force field and unable to move.

The blue-haired young man looked at her with an expression neither happy nor sad.


He just said this.

Then a blue light flew out and fell on the woman, erasing her from this world without any pain.

Then he looked at the body of the boy next to him that was about to burn up - he didn't even know if it was still the boy's original body.

"You've been in pain for too long," he said.

In the blue light and ashes, a pure white soul gradually emerged.

"Go ahead."

A faint light shone on the young man's body, spreading all the way into the distance, guiding the painful soul on its way back.

"From now on, you are not bound by anything and can fly freely."

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