So I went to Douluo

Chapter 771 Anxiang Soul Song

The Star Luo Empire is currently the country with the longest history on the Douluo Continent.

It is the only empire that has been inherited from thousands of years ago.

Although the royal family changed midway, there were still many important officials in the court who existed thousands of years ago, and they were passed down smoothly relying on the huge family relationships behind them.

The most famous among them is the Nether Civet Family, which is a lineage of ministers from the Star Luo Dynasty.

In addition to the Nether Civet lineage, there are also many forces in the Star Luo Empire's dynasty that have continued from ten thousand years ago to the present day. Although it is not known how closely their bloodlines are related to those of those ten thousand years ago. .

I don’t know how much of the inheritance from thousands of years ago is still left.

Dai Yunze's current targets are those very important people to the Star Luo Empire.

He was the kind of big shot whose disappearance could cause shock throughout the entire planet.

What's more, it's still at this time when the frontline war is tense.

It's totally provoking civil strife.

That's why he was so shocked and confused, thinking that Tang Liu was absolutely crazy for asking him to do this.

Fortunately, his first few goals were all cooperative, so at least for now, the undercurrent hidden under the surface stability has not yet surfaced.

But maybe it can only last until after tonight.

Because of the target in front of him, when he looked at the blue-black rune in his hand, he obviously suddenly recalled something important, and an imperceptible look of shock flashed across his eyes.

This had happened several times before, and he wasn't surprised.

But this time, the shock expressed by the target was quickly covered up.

The targets in front were either so excited that they fell to their knees and kowtowed to the blue rune. Or just excitedly say to him, "This day is finally coming."

Or, just ask him curiously: "I have heard my father say since I was a child that we have always been on a great mission to serve the real dynasty...Does that refer to you? Or is it in your hands? This strange rune?”

He didn't answer because he didn't have an answer yet - even though he already knew the situation on another continent, he felt a little numb.

He just said: "The Imperial Master has an order."

As it is now.

Dai Yunze looked at the person behind the table with fine wine and delicacies. Previously, he was surrounded by dancers and the flattery of a bunch of stooges.

But when he arrived, the realm of lightless silence quietly sent away those irrelevant people. Now in the huge hall, he and that person were the only ones looking at each other.

The man's eyes would glance at the rune in his hand from time to time.

He didn't care. After all, when he first started this job, he had already buried all the emotions that might affect his judgment deep in his consciousness.

He just said calmly: "The Imperial Master has an order, can you answer the call?"

The man's eyes flickered for a moment, and then he smiled and said: "What is the order of the national master? When did our Xingluo Empire have a national master? Who are you, and why did you suddenly break into my house in the middle of the night?"

Dai Yunze remained calm: "It seems that you are the one who chose to abandon your oath."

He closed his palms and lowered them naturally, and the blue rune disappeared. He then slowly walked towards the man, and something transparent began to condense in his right hand.

Finally, it turned into an extremely fierce-looking ghost-headed sword.

There were several rings pierced through the broad back of the broadsword, which made a "ding-dong" sound as he stepped up and down.

The man's expression changed and he stared closely at the machete in Dai Yunze's hand. He backed away and said, "What are you going to do?"

"Someone is coming, someone is coming! There is an assassin!"

He shouted loudly, hoping to attract attention from the outside world.

But he saw Dai Yunze's figure flashing forward, and the next moment he appeared in front of him, raising the big knife in his hand high, as if to chop it down.

The man screamed in fright and fell to the ground.

But at this moment, soul rays struck one after another from not far away.

Dai Yunze had been waiting for a long time. The ghost-headed sword in his hand disappeared in an instant. Then he flew forward on his horse and dodged the first soul-guiding ray with great dexterity. He then performed several back handsprings in a row, dodging all the rays that attacked him. This distanced them.

The last kite turned over to stabilize his body, and he also saw the true face of the attacker.

It's a bit unfamiliar, but he should be a certain titled Douluo from the Star Luo Empire. He should be still studying the soul guidance system and has achieved certain achievements in it.

Dai Yunze straightened up and looked quietly at the Titled Douluo who suddenly appeared: "Are you controlled by him, or are you willing to sacrifice your life for him? If it's the former, I will spare your life."

With the Realm of Lightless Silence opening the way and keeping the mental detection turned on, he knew from the beginning that there was another person hiding in the hall. The previous forcing posture was just to reveal the hidden person.

The titled Douluo didn't reply, he just frowned, watching his every move while protecting the man behind him.

When this happens, it means that no further inquiries are needed.

Dai Yunze slowly twisted his neck, making a crisp sound.

Then a beautiful and moving figure suddenly appeared behind the titled Douluo and sang a horrifying lament.

The titled Douluo was shocked and pale. Just when he was about to resist, his eyes widened and he fell limply to the ground, refusing to rest in silence.

The lamentation also ended abruptly at this time.

The man sitting on the ground was also extremely frightened. Looking at the body of the titled Douluo with wide eyes and a horrified expression in front of him, he screamed and kicked his body back with his legs.

"I am called, I am called! Spare me, spare—"

His frightened words were not finished yet.

The beautiful figure spoke another syllable, which sounded a lot like snapping fingers.

In the golden light, the man's soul screamed and left his body, annihilating into countless light spots and disappearing.

The beautiful figure disappeared at this time, just like her sudden appearance.

Dai Yunze cast a last faint glance at the two corpses lying limply on the ground, and then disappeared into the silver light.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. Maybe many people will usher in a new life, and of course many people will rush towards death.

And he didn't mind playing the lament of the dead souls for those guys.

The eighth soul skill of Lingmu is Anxiang Soul Song.

Songs sung by dead souls cannot be heard by strangers.

Otherwise, the singing will stop and the vitality will disappear.

The darkness that shrouded the entire mansion disappeared because of Dai Yunze's departure.

Many people rushed into the hall immediately, but they only saw deathly silence and the two dead bodies with stunned expressions.

No matter who does it.

At least one thing is clear.

In the Star Luo Empire, a minister of the dynasty was assassinated.

And this is just the beginning.

Douluo Continent is about to become unstable.

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