So I went to Douluo

Chapter 778 All stigma is a great reputation for me

An excited person, a decisive person, a curious person, a betrayal person.

After running around the entire Star Luo Empire for several days, Dai Yunze finally met the person he least wanted to deal with.

Even though Tang Liu didn't say it explicitly, he could already clearly see it.

What he is participating in is probably a "dynastic war."

When he recruits people, he still remembers the so-called oath.

Cleanse them of those who betrayed their oaths.

There will be no frustration in this process.

Because the betrayers are all poor people polluted by desires and status quo.

But ten thousand years.

After all, it is a long enough time.

Some people make their children think about that oath all the time, waiting for the day when the order of the national teacher comes.

Some people are already satisfied with the glory and wealth bestowed by the current emperor, and are afraid that on the day when the true emperor returns, everything they have now will disappear.

The former is the "old department" he wants to gather.

The latter are scum that can be crushed to death at any time.

But everything is not clearly polarized or black and white.

For those who have these two opposites, there is something in between.

They remembered the oath passed down from generation to generation, but they had doubts during the long wait.

Just right.

Have a heart of recognition for the current emperor.

Compared with an uncertain "true emperor", a country whose strength is uncertain.

This star is managed by them jointly and conscientiously.

Undoubtedly, it is more worthy of giving everything than a so-called "pledge".

After all, most of their efforts have already been invested in the land they are standing on.

So the first of these people, after seeing the mysterious blue rune.

Didn't take a stand, didn't take sides.

Just say: "My allegiance has never been to the person on the throne, but to this country."


As long as anyone can sit on the throne and not be an enemy of the country and the people.

He will continue to work for whomever.

So should he be on the must-kill list? He was not recaptured after all, and that was the truth.

Dai Yunze followed his heart.

But if you choose to listen to your heart, most of the time you have to be prepared to pay the price.

Because there are moderates and centrists.

Then there must be radicals.

With the same diligence and conscientiousness, the Star Luo Empire cannot be as prosperous as it is today without them.

They also received the oath passed down from generation to generation.

On one side is the person to whom the ancestors swore true allegiance.

On one side is Xing Luo, whom he has served for many years.

After an extreme struggle.

In the end, they chose the Xingluo that they could now see with their own eyes.

So after leaving again.

Not surprisingly, the traces of Dai Yunze, what he is doing, and the "true emperor" in the oath.

All exposed.

And coincidentally, some "rumors" about the third young master of the White Tiger Duke's Palace also spread rapidly at this time.

The third young master of the Duke's Palace who had been missing for a long time suddenly became known as the Holy Son of an evil soul master who had killed countless people.

Someone mentioned that the disappearance of the third young master earlier seemed to be related to the evil soul master.

Later, the third young master was rescued by Dragon King Douluo Long Xiaoyao and accepted as his disciple.

But the subsequent news was already known to almost everyone in the entire continent.

Dragon King Douluo Long Xiaoyao was actually a member of the Holy Spirit Cult composed of evil soul masters.

So naturally, some guidance from people with ulterior motives was added.

They have recently committed the death of many important officials in Xingluo, the scam of the so-called "Guo Shi Ling", and various charges of inducing internal divisions in Xingluo.

All of them were placed on the third young master of the Duke's Palace.

Someone slammed the table angrily and said, "I already knew that boy was not a good person! He has simply lost the Duke's face!"

When these people even started to turn their fingers on the White Tiger Duke himself.

A piece of news from the Duchess quickly spread again.

My wife was seriously ill and was very worried after hearing the news.

She confessed that Dai Yunze, the third young master of the Duke's palace, was actually the son of a servant in the palace who used despicable means to seduce the Duke. The servant ran away soon after giving birth to Dai Yunze. She felt sorry for him and adopted him under her name. Now that Dai Yunze has degenerated into an evil soul master and committed such a heinous crime, it is also her fault that she has failed to discipline him properly.

Three words instantly caused the third young master, who was still missing, to fall into the mud.

After that, he became a "despicable bastard" and "an ungrateful bastard"... In short, it was as unpleasant as possible.

In the teahouse, Wang Qiu'er was trembling with anger as she listened to the storyteller on the stage yelling and swearing.

Dai Yunze took one of her hands into his and smiled reassuringly.

Wang Qiuer was quite puzzled: "Aren't you angry at all?"

Of course she knew that these were all written by the duchess, after all she had the memory of Dai Yunze.

So she had never had such a strong desire to kill someone as she did now.

Even though she was greatly affected by Dai Yunze's memory, she still had the violent temperament of the three-eyed golden beast in her essence.

There was still no anger on Dai Yunze's face, only a plain smile: "It's just the cicada's last cry before its death. It's a bit irritating, but you don't need to pay attention."

He showed a funny smile: "Besides, that's more to the point. I am the most evil person in the world, and all the stigma is just a compliment to me."

Wang Qiuer was still angry: "Do you think this sounds good to you?"

The smile on Dai Yunze's face grew stronger, and he quickly comforted him: "Do you know why I'm not worried?"

Wang Qiuer raised her chin, signaling for him to continue.

Dai Yunze smiled and said: "Because our first goal is not actually the 'first'."

Wang Qiuer was stunned.

"Before we took action, Tang Liu had already personally brought the Imperial Master's Order to meet someone."

He raised the corners of his lips: "Guess who that person is?"

Wang Qiuer looked at his smiling face and suddenly said: "I don't know. How many people are left to find? This time I will take action, and you will watch from the side."

Dai Yunze said helplessly: "Don't be so impatient..."

Wang Qiuer's eyes widened: "Who am I doing this for? Who do you think I am doing this for!"

"Okay, okay, my fault, my fault." Dai Yunze laughed and said, "Do you really want to find someone to fight?"

Wang Qiuer cast a cold glance: "What do you think?"

Dai Yunze smiled again: "Actually, there are only the last two goals left. But I believe that you will definitely have fun. Because..."

He raised his fingers and tapped his forehead gently: "You feel it too, right?"

Wang Qiuer's expression paused: "That one?"

Dai Yunze nodded lightly: "The time has come."

Then Wang Qiuer stood up immediately and led the person outside the teahouse: "Then what are you waiting for? Go quickly!"

"Slow down, slow down..." Dai Yunze let her pull him, his eyes full of smiles.

"You don't know something. Dai Yunze must have killed countless living beings, so others would hear the wails and cries of women when he was close. So he is simply a beast...!"

The two of them had just stepped out of the teahouse, which was also when the storyteller on stage was speaking most energetically.

Then a bunch of gold soul coins flew quickly like small fixed soul cannonballs, directly smashing his stage to pieces.

He was instantly too frightened to say a word.

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