So I went to Douluo

Chapter 88 Eight people cooperate

Originally, the thirty-eighth level Dai Mubai suffered some hidden losses under the attack of the thirty-nineth level Flame Lion Soul Master. But at the moment when the two were about to collide, two auxiliary skills fell on Dai Mubai at the same time.

"The seven treasures are famous, and the second one is: power!"

Thirty percent of the power increase instantly fell on Dai Mubai, making his power instantly surpass that of the Flame Lion Soul Master.

At the same time, a section of blue Void Spirit Blue Silver Emperor was wrapped around Dai Mubai's left arm.

"The first soul skill, the control of virtual spirits!"

The Flame Lion Soul Master's fist immediately passed through Dai Mubai's body. With such suddenness, the Flame Lion Soul Master had no time to withdraw his strength, so his whole body fell forward.

But although Dai Mubai's fist also passed through the Flame Lion Soul Master's arm, it actually landed on the Flame Lion Soul Master's chest.

As a result, Dai Mubai was unscathed by this attack, but the Flame Lion Spirit Master was blown away by his punch that increased his power by 30%.

Just as the Flame Lion Soul Master flew upside down and had no time to control his body, Dai Mubai's second soul ring also shone.

The second soul skill, White Tiger Fierce Light Wave!

The platinum beam of light instantly fell on the Flame Lion Soul Master's chest, knocking him far away in the air again.

But at this time, the Wolf Soul Master and Leopard Soul Master of the Eight Heroes Team also arrived, and then attacked Dai Mubai from both sides.

The wolf spirit master's spirit is the Nether Wolf, and the leopard spirit master's spirit is the lightning leopard. They are both spirits known for their speed, and they are extremely fast.

Seeing that he was being targeted by two agility and attack type soul masters, Dai Mubai did not dodge and rushed forward. After all, he still has the effect of the Void Spirit Control on his body, and he is not afraid of the two people's attacks at all.

Dai Mubai punched the Nether Wolf and the Lightning Leopard respectively. As a result, both the Nether Wolf and the Lightning Leopard took more than ten steps back, but Dai Mubai was not harmed at all.

The moment the Nether Wolf Soul Master and the Lightning Leopard Soul Master were repelled, Xiao Wu not far away from Dai Mubai also moved.

The third soul skill was teleported, and in the blink of an eye he was behind the Nether Wolf Soul Master, then stepped on his waist with both feet, and then launched the first soul skill, waist bow.

The Nether Wolf Soul Master was immediately kicked away by Xiao Wu like a cannonball.

The waist bow could have an extremely terrifying increase in Xiao Wu's strength, not to mention that before she took action, Ning Rongrong's increase in strength also reached Xiao Wu.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the Nether Wolf Spirit Master passed Dai Mubai and Tang Liu and came to Tang San.

Tang San immediately used his first soul skill, Entanglement, on the Nether Wolf Soul Master. While the Blue Silver Grass tied him into a rice dumpling, the paralyzing toxins and corrosive toxins were also rapidly consuming his soul power.

At the same time, Tang San also stepped forward on the ghost shadow, and Xuan Yu's hand immediately slapped the Nether Wolf Soul Master's chest.

The Nether Wolf Soul Master felt a strong force coming from his chest, which made his throat tingle and blood ooze from the corners of his mouth.

Xiao Wu's blow just now hadn't allowed him to recover, but now Tang San landed another blow on him, causing his combat effectiveness to plummet and making him unable to break away from the Blue Silver Grass.

Tang San smiled slightly, then took the Bluesilver Grass in his hand and threw the Nether Wolf Spirit Master towards the outside of the competition stage.

At the same time that Tang San took action against the Nether Wolf Soul Master, Han Feng and Han Yu behind the Eight Heroes team also released their long-charged soul skills.

The three soul rings on their bodies lit up almost at the same time, and a total of six soul skills were released at the same time.

The targets are Oscar, Ning Rongrong, and Ma Hongjun at the back of Shrek!

A strong wind suddenly blew on the field, and the air became extremely humid.

Oscar, Ning Rongrong, Ma Hongjun and the other three people in the rear felt it was difficult to breathe under the blow of the wind. At the same time, the increasingly humid air around them also made the weight on their bodies become heavier and heavier.

Being blown by the strong wind, Ma Hongjun did not dare to use his soul skills at will, fearing that the wind would blow his flames towards Oscar and Ning Rongrong beside him and hurt them.

Fortunately, they are not in trouble, because they all still have a piece of blue silver grass tied to their bodies.

Tang San pulled hard, and the three of them immediately rushed forward and came to his side.

As soon as he landed, Oscar kept making large recovery sausages for several people to eat, restoring their consumed physical and soul power.

Seeing that the three of them escaped from their attack range, Hanfeng and Hanyu quickly controlled their soul skills to catch up with the three of them.

But at this moment, a faint light flickered quietly behind the two of them.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't know when he appeared behind the two of them, and then released his second soul skill, Netherworld Hundred Claws, towards the two of them.

Hanfeng, Hanyu and the female auxiliary soul master were shocked because they really didn't understand why Zhu Zhuqing appeared next to them without them noticing at all.

The soul skill of the auxiliary soul master whose martial soul is Yuzhu is healing. Seeing that Han Feng and Han Yu, because their main attacks are at Shrek's rear, have no way to defend themselves for the time being, they must be attacked by Zhu Zhuqing. When she was injured, she wanted to use her soul skills to heal the two of them.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt her vision go dark, and she was thrown high into the air, and finally landed outside the competition stage.

When he came back to his senses, he happened to see Xiao Wu disappearing again and rushing towards Han Feng and Han Yu.

What's going on? Didn't Dongdong pester her?

The Yuzhu Soul Master thought doubtfully in his heart.

Dongdong is the Lightning Leopard Spirit Master from the Eight Heroes Team.

The Lightning Leopard Soul Master indeed attacked Xiao Wu after Xiao Wu knocked away the Nether Wolf Soul Master.

But when he just took action, Xiao Wu disappeared immediately.

But time did not allow him to be confused, because Dai Mubai came to him again at that time and attacked him, so he had to resist.

The female soul master whose martial spirit was a long whip, together with the flaming lion soul master who rushed back, attacked Dai Mubai again.

Therefore, the rear of the Eight Heroes team fell into emptiness.

Zhu Zhuqing, who had already become invisible under the effect of the Void Spirit's Hidden Soul, and Xiao Wu, who had just become invisible, rushed towards Han Feng, Han Yu, and the Jade Pearl female soul master respectively.

By the time the Eight Heroes team came to their senses, the Yuzhu Female Soul Master and the Nether Wolf Soul Master were already out. Han Feng and Han Yu were also struggling to hold on under the attacks of Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu. .

Therefore, the whip female soul master immediately gave up on Dai Mubai and wanted to go back to rescue Han Feng and Han Yu, while the flame lion soul master continued to move towards Dai Mubai.

But at this moment, Dai Mubai was pulled back by Tang San's Blue Silver Grass, far away from the charging Flame Lion and Lightning Leopard.

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