So I went to Douluo

Chapter 967 4th floor, entertainment area

Underneath the large slogan with bloody words, there is a picture of a gloomy monitoring room.

A figure dressed as a tourist stood in front of a table with surveillance equipment, seemingly controlling the surveillance equipment.

Above his head, the dark cold light emitted by several snowflake surveillance screens slightly illuminated the dark room. The few surveillance screens that could work normally displayed the black and white images they captured.

On a screen that was showing normally, an unknown figure seemed to be photographed standing in a dark corner.

In the room that was slightly illuminated by the light from the screen, there seemed to be a human face peeking out from the ajar door.

All in all, it’s an illustration that fills the air with a thrilling atmosphere!

The perspective of the composition is also very subtle, as if there is someone in the monitoring room silently watching all this happen, and the tourist facing the monitoring has no idea that there may be a pair of invisible eyes behind him.

In addition, there are many details drawn in the illustrations, including some common facilities and equipment in the control room, as well as other things that don't look like they should be in the control room.

For example, in the lower left corner of the picture, only half of it is exposed, a delicate gold-embroidered shoe stained with some blood.

Chen Fei read the brochure all the way. When he saw this part, he immediately slapped his thigh, stood up from the gaming chair, looked at the camera excitedly, pointed to the illustrations in the brochure, and said, "Let's take this I came down to play with this project, it looks interesting. And my gut tells me we might find some clues here!”

The barrage also became excited.

[Will it be a hidden plot? look forward to! 】

[Come on, come on, it’s about to come to the part where the anchor is best and the most exciting! 】

[What are you waiting for, bring the brothers up quickly! 】

[Go, go, go! 】

Chen Fei looked at the content of the barrage, smiled, and said, "It seems that everyone is looking forward to it as much as me. Okay, let's go now!"

The tipping special effects filled the entire live broadcast room again, and Chen Fei's smile became even bigger. He chanted the audience ID to thank for the tip, and walked out of the room at a leisurely pace.

Of course I didn't forget to bring my room key and lock the door.

After all, it is equivalent to spending real money to buy a room. Although I don't know if there are other people living around, you should be careful not to let people with ulterior motives take advantage.

Stepping into the corridor again, some viewers in the live broadcast room discussed the layout of the hotel and Chen Fei's speculation just now. They all wondered whether they might get any useful clues in a while.

Chen Fei had no time to pay attention to the barrage now. He just walked quickly towards the elevator, looking forward to going to the 4th floor as soon as possible to play the project called "Six Minutes of Shock in the Monitoring Room".

He was lucky. When he arrived at the elevator door, the elevator happened to be a few floors above and was going down.

The elevator arrived, and after opening the door, no one was seen inside. However, Chen Fei didn't care. He quickly entered and pressed the 4th floor button.

The elevator door closes and goes down quickly.

The decoration on the 4th floor is a bit too gorgeous.

When I got off the elevator, I felt like I had entered a large luxury casino like those in the movies.

Perhaps this has something to do with the gambling halls and other entertainment projects I saw at the beginning.

Chen Fei's destination was not here, so he didn't pay too much attention and followed the road signs towards the depths of the fourth floor.

However, some viewers expressed pity in the barrage. After all, this place is quite attractive, and most people don’t have access to places like casinos. Now that they see a place that can be related to it, and is very likely to be the place, they will naturally curious.

Of course, the quality of netizens nowadays is generally higher, and everyone can discuss and read it calmly, instead of just lashing out like a mad dog biting someone if something doesn't suit their liking. The unknown creatures that came in before and somehow got involved with Qingtian Douluo and Holy Spirit Douluo were only a few.

This is naturally inseparable from the Star Luo Empire's vigorous supervision of the network environment, and the fact that today's netizens use personal brains to surf the Internet, and personal brains are highly bound to personal identity information, which is basically equivalent to a complete real-name system for surfing the Internet, and each Imperial citizens have only one online account.

This alone can make many people who are not clear-headed restrain themselves from making noises.



It's just that the Star Luo Empire has a population spanning three livable planets. With such a huge base, even if the number of people who can't be counted accounts for only a very small proportion, it is still a quite high number.

But the diversity of species is an established fact that is generally accepted by society today and is inevitable. People in the Star Luo Empire will not be troubled by these guys, causing trouble and trouble to their now considered beautiful and stable days.

This is because advanced artificial intelligence will immediately nip all intellectually subdued comments in the cradle as soon as they appear, and send cordial greetings from the Internet Police to the account that posted the outrageous comments in real time.

If the situation is serious, the police may come to your door to send you some warmth. It will definitely be a very honorable experience~

However, these are all trivial matters. The most harmonious, joyful, and positive network environment that the Star Luo Empire can have today is most inseparable from the joint efforts and construction of all the citizens of the empire.

Of course, this is also because the current Internet atmosphere is more open and the tolerance of netizens has generally increased.

Otherwise, the live broadcast content produced by Xiang Chen Fei would not be completely popular.

In short, although Grandma did not take them to visit this part of the area in detail, the pictures captured by the camera along the way allowed them to appreciate the scenery.

The audience discussed theirs, and Chen Fei went his own way.

After bypassing many poker halls, mahjong parlors, and many board games that he had only seen on TV, such as rolling dice and guessing the size, Chen Fei went deeper into the venue.

The painting style suddenly changed deep on the 4th floor. From a very punishing style where minors were not allowed to enter, it suddenly turned into a place like a children's paradise.

There are everything from slide castles to trampoline parks to ocean ball pools.

But it was very deserted, with no people around at all. Unlike the area just now, you could still see some tourists wandering around with interest.

And the strange thing is that there is not even a staff member nearby. Maybe it is because there are no customers at all, so the staff are not looking here?

Although Chen Fei felt strange, his steps did not stop.

After passing this children's paradise, the surrounding buildings and furnishings changed again in style. This time it became very much like the underworld style in the brochure.

Skulls, dolls, dark-toned portraits, and spooky decorations are all strictly prohibited to minors.

But contrary to the empty children's play area, there were a little more tourists here. Chen Fei had already seen several people running out of the gloomy buildings around them with frightened expressions.

They gathered around the staff, who looked like they were dressed here, and noisily told their own experiences. The staff's style is the same as that of the front desks of banks and hotels. They appear to be normal but have a strange appearance.

Chen Fei didn't expect that there were so many people here, and he didn't see anyone walking this way on the way here.

He looked around and asked a lone staff member, only to learn that there was more than one entrance here.

This is normal. From walking all the way just now, I know that with such a wide space, this hotel must be quite big. If there is only one entrance and exit, it will be impossible to pass the fire protection test in the first place.

I just don’t know if this common sense applies to this “map” as well.

Chen Fei pointed the brochure in his hand to the staff: "Okay, where is this project? Can you give me directions?"

The staff looked at it, then seemed to be stunned for a second, looked at Chen Fei and smiled: "Of course, "Six Minutes in the Surveillance Room" is one of the most popular projects in the entertainment area of ​​our hotel. If you keep walking this way, you will see that my colleagues will be there to receive you. "


After Chen Fei thanked the staff, he walked in the direction he pointed.

But he didn't know if it was his misunderstanding. He always felt that the staff member's smile was a bit strange, as if it was mixed with a little pity for him? gloat?

Chen Fei thought uncertainly.

The staff waved at his back with a slightly weird smile.

"You're welcome, please walk slowly."

Staff: Sir, have a nice journey~


The last chapter has been updated with some content that I didn’t finish yesterday. Friends, don’t forget to read it~


Try to finish this part before Chapter 970~

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