So I went to Douluo

Chapter 979 After the national sacrifice?

Chapter 979 After the national sacrifice...?

Chen Fei didn't know how he got back to the hotel later.

The impact of what I just learned was really too great.

It wasn't until he was lying on the soft bed in the hotel room that he barely regained consciousness, but he was still staring blankly at the ceiling.

After being idle for a while, Chen Fei stood up again and took out the yellow paper to read.

As his fingertips rubbed the blood-red runes on the yellow paper, he slowly calmed down the turmoil in his heart.

"The dead" is real.

They really exist in this "phantom of Fengdu Ghost City"!

So what about them, are they also somewhere here?

Or were those four dolls transformed by them?

Since the "dead people" are real, are they the ones who gave me this talisman?

The owner of that shop said this was an amulet to ward off evil spirits.

Judging from the boss's reaction and the game, it seems quite appropriate.

But why would they give themselves an apotropaic charm? Is this something the murderer used? Will the murderer's fingerprints remain on it?

But now that he has been touched, will his fingerprints cover the murderer's fingerprints?

Too many thoughts were mixed in his mind. Chen Fei turned over and over again, looking at the magic talisman with quite complex eyes.

After a long while, he casually threw the talisman on the bed, got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

He promised his fans that he would go explore the abandoned amusement park in the western suburbs in the evening, so he would catch up on some sleep while it was still early.

Let’s talk about everything after we wake up.

But Chen Fei didn't expect that he slept quite peacefully.

When he suddenly woke up from a deep sleep, turned on his brain in a dark room, and saw that the time was "00:04", the remaining sleepiness completely disappeared.

Is it already the second day?

He reached out to turn on the light in the room, closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, waiting for his eyes to adapt to the light and for his brain to regain consciousness.

If you say that, is the National Memorial Day over?

Chen Fei sat up with a dull expression, and the duvet slipped off his body.

After a while, he raised his hand and pressed his head, then turned over and got out of bed.

You should set an alarm clock.

He was now only wearing a vest and underpants, and wore the disposable slippers provided by the hotel to go to the bathroom to relieve himself.

As a result, when he was washing his hands, he saw the magic talisman and somehow it stuck to his arm.

He tore it off from his skin suspiciously and twirled it tentatively with his fingertips.

Not sticky?

Or is he sweating while sleeping?

Chen Fei stood in front of the mirror for a long time with a chicken coop on his head and a magic talisman before going out to get dressed.

After slowly packing himself up and checking that no belongings were missing, he planned to leave.

Since the national sacrifice has ended, he should not be in the Huangquan Road Hotel now.

But which place in reality does this hotel correspond to? Is it a hotel nearby in real life?

But none of this matters.

The most important thing now is to explore the abandoned amusement park in the western suburbs.

The moon is dark and the wind is high. If there is really something somewhere, this time could not be better.

Because he had a good rest, Chen Fei could be said to be full of energy and ready to do big things at any time.

He walked to the door of the room, took out the room card, and put his hand on the door handle.

With a slight twist, the door opened.

Step out, turn around and close the door again, all in one movement.

Then when the door locked with a bang, he looked at the familiar, seemingly endless corridor, slightly dumbfounded.

The corridor was pitch dark, with an emergency light coming on every once in a while, providing faint light.

Chen Fei stood in the middle of the corridor in a daze, at a loss.

Is it an illusion? Why does it feel like this is still the Huangquan Road Hotel?

It must be an illusion, after all, the national festival is over.



Maybe the Huangquan Road Hotel is that hotel in reality? It’s not surprising that the structure is the same.

Chen Fei shook the chaotic thoughts out of his head, suppressed the fuzzy feeling in his heart, and walked slowly towards the elevator.

Because of the darkness, the actual length of the corridor felt inexplicably much longer than in memory, but Chen Fei didn't worry about it and just walked slowly.


He felt as if someone was following him.

Chen Fei stopped and looked back in confusion.

The faint light of the emergency lights faded away, leaving the rest in darkness, and he didn't see anyone in the darkness.

He shook his head, wondering if he hadn't woken up yet, so he was suspicious.

But after taking a few steps forward, his expression suddenly became serious.

Because, although they overlap, there is indeed the sound of another person's footsteps behind them.

Being experienced, he could never get it wrong.

He stopped again, and the footsteps behind him stopped at the same time.

Chen Fei turned around suddenly, but still didn't see anything.

He was indeed the only living thing in the empty dark corridor.

But he didn't take it lightly. Instead, he faced the direction he came from and slowly backed away.

Almost as soon as he moved, another footstep sounded, which coincided with the sound of his landing.

But there was clearly nothing in sight.

Chen Fei was a little confused, but he was not distracted. Instead, he became more cautious and slowed down his breathing as much as possible, but retreated slightly faster.

He passed beneath an emergency light, its light briefly illuminating his face.

Continuing to retreat, he slowly fell into darkness again, halfway to the next emergency light.


An old man with a pale face and a numb expression suddenly appeared under the last emergency light and was exposed to his sight.

Chen Fei's pupils shrank violently.

At this second, he felt the talisman in his pocket begin to heat up slightly.

If he hadn't experienced what he had experienced today, Chen Fei might not have taken this strange old man to heart, and might even have gone over to ask him if he needed help.

But now Chen Fei knew very well that this old man was not necessarily dangerous.

But it certainly doesn’t mean safe!

run? !

This is probably the first thought most people have when encountering such a situation.

But Chen Fei quickly realized something very crucial.

The old man's footsteps completely overlapped with his.

Does this mean that the old man is only as fast as he can run?

Will the old man catch up with him in the end?

Chen Fei is not only very careful, he is also quite bold.

So at a time when most people would choose to turn around and run away immediately, he chose

Take a step towards the old man!

He was nervously anticipating how the old man would react.

Will it be a step back?

As a result, the old man continued to take a step forward and immediately disappeared into the darkness.

Judging from the range of the emergency lights, the old man obviously took a big step.

Therefore, walking towards the elderly will not only prevent the elderly from retreating, but will actually bring the elderly closer.

In other words, the old man would have been getting closer and closer with his pace, no matter how fast he was traveling. Unless he doesn't move at all.

Chen Fei: ""

Then who dares to try this?

Chen Fei said he couldn't afford to offend him, and immediately strode back, trying to get to the elevator as soon as possible.

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