So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1077: The purpose of the people behind the scenes

The purpose of the first thousand and seventy-seven chapters behind the scenes

"Perhaps, the people behind the scenes are not against you, but me." This time, Yang Ming's side is constantly emerging with various forces, and he wants to deal with him. Yang Ming is already nervous.

"What are you targeting? What do you mean?" Sun Jie curiously turned to look at Yang Ming.

"The third child said that the employer must have him assassinate you in the night or in the heavens. Then, in other words, if you have an accident in these two places, then who will your father dare to anger?" Turned around and looked at Sun Jie faintly.

When Sun Jie listened to Yang Ming’s words, he suddenly looked up and looked up at Yang Ming with some surprises. “You mean, these two places are yours. If I have something wrong here, then...”

Yang Ming nodded and said: "Yes, this way, I can justify the relationship between me and my grandson. No matter how good the relationship between us, you have an accident in me, and grandson can not return. Will be the same as before, then the forces of the East China Sea and Songjiang will have a rift, perhaps, because of this, the two gangs will fight each other."

Yang Ming’s analysis is indeed very reasonable. Even Sun Jie is so quick and agile, he has fallen down: “Of course, it may be the enemy of our family, provoke hatred between us, and kill a man with a knife!”

"Nature naturally has this possibility." Yang Ming laughed after listening: "This person's intentions can not be said to be insidious, you really have something wrong, even if your father has doubts, probably will also anger to me. This pain In the case of a loved one, people tend to lose their minds."

Sun Jieshen thought it was: "Yes, this person is grasping this psychology. Even if there is doubt, it will be ignored in grief."

"You don't communicate with your dad about this thing?" Yang Ming felt that this matter was quite different, so he suggested to Sun Jie.

"Nature, I have to call my dad now." Sun Jie said: "Because I also think that this thing is mostly for my family... because your identity is still in a confidential state, know you The identity is mostly the cronies around the possibility for you is relatively small.

But I am different, even if the person behind the scenes does not know your identity, he can also use this strategy. Because in the Ming Dynasty, the night sky and the heavens and the earth are all industries that are violent, and the conflict between our family and the violent triad can be provoked.

After listening to Sun Jie’s words, Yang Ming nodded. Indeed, Sun Jie said something. I did not offend anyone on the road. According to Yang Ming’s feelings, these three people are not like their former enemies.

The level of these three people is really a little too bad. The enemy of his own, besides the slain, the other basics have been clarified. And these three people are obviously not a grade with the slain.

Therefore, this matter is more like a dispute on the road. The method used is also the way the people in the underworld are used to hiring murder.

Sun Jie called Sun Hongjun and said something about what happened just now. Naturally, even Yang Ming’s process of repelling the people came over. Sun Hongjun’s heart was awkward and he was very glad that he did not look at Yang. Ming, I want Sun Jie to call Yang Ming, he wants to talk to Yang Ming.

"Hey? Sun Shu." Yang Ming picked up the phone.

"Yang Ming, I will investigate this matter carefully. However, during the investigation period, both you and Xiaojie pay attention to safety. When you are fine, don't go out." Sun Hongjun said.

"Do not worry, Sun Shu, I will find someone to protect Xiao Jie," Yang Ming said: "You can rest assured."

After this incident, Yang Ming naturally did not dare to take it lightly, and was prepared to find a good bodyguard as Sun Jie in Li Qiang. Originally, Yang Ming wanted to find a woman to be Sun Jie's bodyguard, but there was no suitable man in his hand.

It seems that in the future, Li Qiang really let them train a group of female killers.

Hanging up the phone, Yang Ming drove to the development zone where Sun Jie lived.

"During this time, don't go out to socialize. I may go to Africa in a few days. I can't protect you at all times, but I will send a good person to you as a bodyguard." Yang Ming said.

"No need? We have bodyguards in our family." Sun Jie thinks that Yang Ming is doing some small problems, but his heart is still a little happy. After all, Yang Ming’s nervous look is not fake.

"Not the same." Yang Ming shook his head and said: "My people are all trained by myself."

Sun Jie moved his mouth and saw a trace of surprise in his eyes. He wanted to say something, but he did not say it in the end. She also knows that if the real secrets of Yang Ming are involved, Yang Ming would not say anything to her, and she would certainly use some excuse such as being a woman to be his own.

Yang Ming’s shocking strength has made Sun Jie more and more surprised. Originally, Sun Jie thought that Yang Ming was just a small gangster who had a hard fight. Although he has the ability, there is still a certain gap with the real strong.

But today's business, Sun Jie has completely changed her views on Yang Ming! Yang Ming’s agility and calmness at the time of the incident left a deep impression on Sun Jie.

Especially when I found someone aiming at her with a gun, Yang Ming could respond quickly, and could kill the gangsters who rushed into the house, and then took the gun to the people who came in behind.

This series of actions is so skillful that there is no trace of muddy water. Steady, ambiguous and accurate. This is Sun Jie’s three comments to Yang Ming. Later, what makes Sun Jie surprised is that Yang Ming seems to be very proficient in the use of guns!

Although Sun Jie has also played guns, there are few places where guns are used domestically. Most of the struggles between gangs use cold weapons. Most of the hot weapons are only used to scare people.

Although Yang Ming has already stood at the peak of the Songjiang forces, but after all, it is a newcomer. Sun Jie does not believe how many times Yang Ming has played, but now it seems that this is not the case.

When Yang Ming used a gun, it was the kind that was used directly without research. If it was not familiar to the gun, it would not be so casual.

What makes Sun Jie feel incredible is that Yang Ming can shoot the third and the boss through the door panel! This is not just a matter of guns, but... Sun Jie thinks that Yang Ming must have any special methods, such as listening to sounds, but she will never think of Yang Ming as an actor.

Everything Yang Ming showed, Sun Jie was very confused, so that Sun Jie couldn't figure out whether Yang Ming was a student or something else... However, according to Yang Ming’s current strength, Yang Ming It is no accident that success can be achieved.

The car passed through the shanty town near the development zone, which is the only way to the development zone.

“This is the land that your company wants to develop?” Sun Jie looked out the window and asked about the shantytown with a world of difference in the development zone.

"Well, according to the original plan of Dekang Real Estate, it was developed into a high-end villa area." Yang Ming nodded and said.

"When Wei Dekang lived well, how did he die?" Sun Jie looked at Yang Ming.

"Who knows, isn't it that he is **** and sleepy?" Yang Ming shrugged and said.

"Do you believe?" Sun Jie looked at Yang Ming with a smile.

This eye makes Yang Ming somewhat creepy: "What do you want to say?"

"Nothing." Sun Jie shook her head. Some things she even suspected, but did not want to say it. After all, this involves some things at a private level.

"In fact, there is nothing. Wei Dekang has offended me." Some things, Yang Ming does not need to take Sun Jie, Sun Hongjun, who was born in the underworld, is certainly not very clean. It is normal to have someone in his hand, and Yang Ming is in the grandchildren. Killing people in front of Jie, don't care about these little things.

What Yang Ming can't say is only his own abilities and the identity of the killer. Other things are really unnecessary to hide from Sun Jie.

"Guess it." Sun Jie said faintly: "But it is still very clean and worthy of praise. Even I am only skeptical. There is no evidence of correlation."

"Original, the company bought the hand from the normal channel, and there is no evidence that it is normal." Yang Ming said with a smile: "When the Wangshi Century Xiongfeng Group was merged, their hands still had an idle land in Xixing Mountain. If the shantytown development is successful, you can start the development plan of Xixing Mountain."

"The piece of land in Xixing Mountain is actually yours?" Sun Jie looked up at Yang Ming with a strange look.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Yang Ming wondered why Sun Jie had such a reaction.

“My company, a while ago, proposed a construction proposal for a large resort leisure club. The company’s top management agreed that it should be located in Xixing Mountain, but there is a whole piece of land in Xixing Mountain that was bought. The company has touched the land. The owner, the result was rejected." Sun Jie said: "The plan later had to be shelved."

"Inquiry? When did you ask?" Yang Ming was somewhat puzzled. It is reasonable to say that his company has not yet entered the real estate industry for a while. The land of Xixing Mountain is not idle, so it is better to sell it first. There are buyers who take the initiative to come to the door, there is no direct rejection, at least to discuss the price.

Besides, such an important thing, there is no reason not to ask for their own opinions, whether it is Guo Jianchao or Hou Zhenduo, it is impossible to not ask yourself.

"When the year ago." Sun Jie said: "The specific business department runs below, I did not ask."

"That's right." Yang Ming said after listening: "At that time, the Wangshi Century Xiongfeng Group did not go to the famous Yang, Wang Xifan was investigated because of the smuggling case, naturally no time to study what the land is. ”

"It turned out to be like this." Sun Jiedao: "The land of Xixing Mountain is a feng shui treasure. Don't look at it is very deserted now, but if you build a resort club, it will be first-class in the province. After all, it is a unique geographical location. The place is unmatched, with mountains in front, sea behind, and river on the left. This kind of environment construction resort club is perfect."

"If you are interested, you can develop together." Yang Ming does not know much about Sun Jie. Moreover, Sun Jie is destined to become his woman in Yang Ming’s opinion, so this kind of good thing is cheaper. Cheap yourself.

"Okay." Sun Jie did not refuse. For Yang Ming, she was always rude. This guy not only took possession of himself for the first time, but also continued to shameless possession for the second time, the third time... even the nth time.

Therefore, Sun Jie’s possession of his cheapness is also quite strong.

"When I let people make plans, we are responsible for the construction, you are out of the land, half of the shares." Sun Jie said.

"Well, how can I do it." Yang Ming said indifferently.

"I don't want to give you a share of the shares?" Sun Jie saw Yang Ming's indifferent look, some annoyed.

"Give me yours, I want the share to do?" Yang Mingyi said as he should.

"Dream you." Sun Jie was so angry and funny: "Is your appetite bigger, and you are eyeing the entire Sun family's industry?"

"I don't need money." Yang Ming smiled and said: "Actually, I am more interested in you than the whole Sun family."

"Really? Do not believe." Sun Jie snorted, although she also knew that Yang Ming is rich, but who does not want to have more money? All the Sun family's industries add up, no more than Yang Ming's.

Of course, Sun Jie will naturally not think of Yang Ming and the income of being a killer. If you know it, you will understand that Yang Ming’s words are not empty. At present, Yang Ming is really not in the eyes.

Naturally, these things Yang Ming can't say with Sun Jie, so Yang Ming is just a faint smile.

Just after such a thing, Yang Ming and Sun Jie did not wait to eat, they hurriedly rushed back, and near Sun Jie's house, Yang Ming's stomach was called up, only to think that he had not eaten yet.

"You are hungry?" Yang Ming asked Sun Jiedao.

"I was not hungry, but I was so hungry when you said it." Sun Jie smiled and said: "Would you like to find a place to eat something?"

Sometimes, people are like this. If others don't say anything, they can't think of it. If Yang Ming doesn't mention the food, Sun Jie will not feel hungry naturally, but Yang Ming mentions that Sun Jie naturally thinks. Did not eat at night.

“What's delicious nearby?” Yang Ming asked.

"There is nothing nearby. There are wealthy classes living here. There are no snack bars nearby, and the prices here are not enough for the snack bar." Sun Jie spread the stalls and said helplessly: "Almost every family has a full-time babysitter. When cooking, I figured out that I went to eat, and I went to the luxury hotel and didn't go to the snack department."

Yang Ming looked around, and indeed, as Sun Jie said, there are no snacks nearby, and there are several commercial clothes, such as pharmacies, small supermarkets and professional laundries. There are no snack bars.

No matter how rich, it is impossible to buy medicines, not to buy some necessities of life, and some furs and the like that cannot be washed at home can only be sent to the laundry. But the snack bar is different. There is a full-time babysitter at home. When you go out, you will drive to a luxury hotel. The snack bar is superfluous. It won’t make money here.

“Don't you have a full-time babysitter at home?” Yang Ming asked.

"I live alone, what is the full-time babysitter?" Sun Jie said with helpless smile: "I take a casual meal near the company every day, or eat a canteen in the school, how can the family ask for a babysitter?"

"This way..." Yang Ming thought for a moment and said: "Yes, my eldest sister Yang Lijia is not at your house. She has a babysitter in her family. It is good to let her family's babysitter send a few dishes."

"You are really cheeky, go to trouble people, have this effort, not as good as driving around to eat elsewhere." Sun Jie did not want to trouble others, I feel a little embarrassed.

"Nothing," Yang Ming did not care, after all, the big man family received too much favor from him. Yang Ming first picked up the phone and called Yang Li: "Big sister, how are you, have you left the police station?"

In addition to Yang Ming and Sun Jie, other people present were invited to the police station to make transcripts. However, when Chen Fei summed up the transcripts, all the places involving Yang Ming were kept secret. Yang Ming’s current status is not the same as before, so everything about Yang Ming cannot be made public.

Because the case is very obvious, these three guys took the gun to kill the hostages, do not need to interrogate, the guy named the third is all recruited. Anyway, the third child has been recruited once, and now it is also a bachelor, and ask what to say.

Yang Li was naturally allowed to leave when she was asked a few words.

"Yang Ming, I am leaving, how are you doing, I have never seen you?" Yang Li said with some concern: "But don't worry, the policeman who handled the case has already said that your behavior is justifiable and justified. Defence, there is a gun in the other hand, you can't do it."

"I have nothing to do." After Yang Ming and Yang Li's relationship was repaired, Yang Li was a sister who was very embarrassed to be a sister. She was very concerned about Yang Ming. "I am going to Xiaojie's house now. We haven't eaten yet. We are going to go to your house to eat rice!"

“Xiao Jie?” Yang Li apparently had a strange opinion about Yang Ming’s call to Sun Jie Xiao Jie. She wondered the relationship between Yang Ming and Sun Jie, but said: “Welcome, I am going home soon, you are at my doorstep. Me, advanced, it’s not an outsider!”

"That line, we are waiting for you at the door. It is not cold in the car. If you go in, your family should be suspicious." Yang Ming said.

"That is also said, my mother and I said to eat with Sun Jiejie. If you go back first, she must ask." Yang Li said: "Yes, Yang Ming, are you not going to tell the story? Uncle them?"

"Well, don't tell me." Yang Ming didn't want to worry about his family.

"Well, I listen to you." Yang Li has been listening to Yang Ming since she was rescued by Yang Ming. Yang Li, who had experienced life and death last time, did not show much fear in the face of danger.

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