So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1095: Bitter results (below)

The first thousand and ninety-five chapters of the results of bitterness (below)

Xia Xue's work efficiency is very fast, and now Yang Ming can understand the background of Xia Xue, no wonder this gimmick is incomparably no one cares? It turned out that there was a summer breeze cover. As for the power of Xia Bing on Xia Bingyu, Yang Ming is not known.

Soon, Xia Xue learned from the staff of the night and the manager of the lobby, Mr. Zhang, that Shen Yuxi had a conflict with a person named Xie Shao today.

As for the name of Xie Shaoquan, Zhang and his staff are not very clear. They have always called this person Xie Shaoye. However, even then, there is an important breakthrough.

This Xie Shaoye became the key suspect of the police. However, when Xia Xue was preparing to report to Chen Fei, the accident was sudden.

Songjiang’s famous lawyer, Mr. Li Li, took medicine with three young people to the police station to reflect the situation! Li Myrrh is a very powerful lawyer in Songjiang. He worked in the judicial field in his early years. He later resigned and opened a law firm. He is a legal consultant for several famous companies. It is said that the case of his handling, the dead horse can become alive.

Therefore, Li Wuji is favored by some bosses involved in illegal business. At the beginning, Sanli wanted to ask this person to be the legal counsel of the company, but it was rejected by Hou Zhenyu.

Because the companies that were originally famous are in the process of transformation and whitewashing, and developing to the formal industry, there is no need to ask another such lawyer, but they have been criticized by others.

The notoriety of Li Myrrhy has been raised in the police station, and he has been familiar with the process of handling the case because he has done it in the judicial field in his early years. What you do is a light car.

The drunkenness in the previous box also became a relationship between Xie Wenjin and Shen Yuxi. Recently, because of the heavy rain, he planned to break up with Xie Wenjin. Xie Wenjin did not want to, so the two talents quarreled.

The trousers grabbed something, because the two were male-female friends, and did not propose a formal breakup, so Xie Wenjin had a sexual relationship with Shen Yuxi under the emotional excitement, Shen Yuxi disagreed, and finally, Xie Wenjin was angry. Next, I would like to tell her parents about the ugly thing of climbing the rain. The Shen Yuxi was forced to die with emotion, and Xie Wenjin did not give up, so Shen Yuxi really jumped...

Although there are still some loopholes in the middle, under the touch of Mr. Li, it has become a situation that seems reasonable. In this way, whether Shen Yuxi is a virgin or not, Xie Wenjin will not take any responsibility.

I have to say that Li Myrrh considers things more comprehensive than Xie Wenjin and others, and does not let go of any details that can go wrong.

Because the sinking rain has not yet woke up, and Mr. Li said that it is reasonable and reasonable, the three parties have a word of mouth... Oh, yes, in the arrangement of Mr. Li, Liu Zhaojun and Qi Zhide are no longer parties.

The two of them appeared as witnesses, because the conflict was limited to Xie Wenjin and Shen Yuxi, both of whom were onlookers.

Although Xia Xue is very skeptical about the authenticity of the things described in Li’s mouth, in this case, there is no way to do anything else, and everything can only be said.

When Xia Xue told the two police officers in the hospital, the police officers told the parents of Shen Yuxi after the incident, Shen Yuxi’s parents sighed and seemed to have expected this result: “ Shen Yuxi's big money? Why don't we know? Besides, is the boyfriend of the rainshake not Yang Ming?"

Through conversation, they already knew Yang Ming’s name and misunderstood that Yang Ming was a boyfriend of Shen Yuxi. After all, if Yang Ming had nothing to do with Shen Yuxi, he couldn't be busy running before he ran and then comforted them.

Just a general friend, if you can’t hide from this, can you go forward? And Yang Ming said that to kill the murderer behind the scenes, let the parents of Shen Yuxi be convinced!

Otherwise, what is the relationship with Yang Ming? Why is Yang Ming so angry to kill the bad guys? What they don't know is that Yang Ming wants to kill the murderer behind the scenes is really a simple thing.

The two police officers also smiled. They did not expect that this would be the result, but the famous lawyer Li Wuji intervened. This result is not a rare thing.

"Now, let's go back to the police station. The party Xie Wenjin is also there. If there is any problem, you can make it clear in person." The police officer said to Shen Yuxi's parents.

"This..." The parents of Shen Yuxi care more about the illness of Shen Yuxi than the murderer. After all, the other party will shirk their responsibilities, even if they go, what can they do?

"Let's go, look at the past." Yang Ming stood up and said faintly. In Yang Ming’s eyes, what a **** Li Myrrh lawyer, as long as he is upset, go straight to the head.

Yang Ming naturally knows that some non-laws are illegal activities with criminal suspects, so naturally you have to go and see for yourself what Xie Wenjin is.

"That... the old man, let's go and see, there is Yang Ming, and it is good." Shen Yuxi's mother is more active than his father's mind, want to see if there is any possibility of turning the situation.

However, in the parking lot at the entrance of the hospital, the parents of Shen Yuxi were really surprised! They thought that Yang Ming was a wage earner like Shen Yuxi, but he didn't expect Yang Ming to have his own car. Although he didn't know what brand it was, it didn't look like a cheap car.

"Yang Ming, this car is..." After getting into the car, the mother of Shen Yuxi couldn't help but ask.

"It's mine," Yang Ming did not deny, saying: "Actually, there is nothing. I am like the Shen Yuxi, who belong to the company's top management. It's just that Shen Yuxi has just been promoted to the foreman."

Yang Ming did not explain this. He was originally a senior executive. The night-time foreman, the monthly salary is more than 30,000, and it is not a rare thing to buy a BMW for a few years, and there is also a year-end bonus.

It’s just that Shen Yuxi has just been promoted to the foreman for less than a month, and he has not received a salary.

After listening to Yang Ming’s explanation, the mother of Shen Yuxi also remembered it. The day when Shen Yuxi seemed to be promoted to the foreman, he said that it seems that the monthly salary can be over 10,000. At first I thought that the sinking rain was just to talk about it, but I didn’t expect it to be true.

Yang Ming drove the car and followed the police car in front of him, heading for the police station.

"That Xie Wenjin is... Do you know?" In the car, the mother of Shen Yuxi asked carefully.

"I don't know, I have never heard of it. Who knows where the bird is coming out? But auntie, don't worry, if things are really related to him, I will never let him go!" said Yang Mingxi.

Although Shen Yuxi had no specific relationship with himself, but things made Yang Ming meet, Yang Ming did not care, and his heart was uneasy. It is true that there are many unfair things in this world, and Yang Ming can't control it even if he wants to manage it. But those Yang Ming don't know, so if they don't see their eyes, Yang Ming knows, then you can't care.

"Oh, I blame the rainshake myself, I will say her, I usually dress up and do what I do! It’s a disaster now..." After the contact, the mother of Shen Yuxi naturally understood that it was definitely because of Shen Yu. The beauty of the past is causing trouble.

"Oh, aunt," Yang Ming said after listening: "Which girl does not love beauty, does not love beauty? This age is the age of dressing up, nor can it be her fault..."

If Chen Mengyu or Zhou Jiajia and others dress themselves up, or if Sun Jie wears more **** and hot, isn't there no one dare to provoke? If a beautiful girl does not have a strong backing, it is indeed a headache.

After all, there are too many people who are coveted by the beauty of the United States. Yang Ming does not know what background this Xie Wenjin is, but since he has met himself, he has to let him peel off the skin. Of course, it means that if he really has nothing to do with him, if he is telling lies, then Yang Ming will make him very comfortable.

In an office of the police station, Yang Ming saw the legendary Xie Wenjin, could not help but glimpse! Actually he? And the two people around him, Yang Ming is also very familiar.

One is Qi Zhide with Xie Wenjin, and the other is Liu Zhaojun, deputy director of the school Taekwondo Society. When Yang Ming saw these three people, his heart was disgusted.

These few are not good birds. Yang Ming’s heart is even more suspicious of it. If there is no problem in this matter, Yang Ming does not believe it.

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