So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1181: Shocked and excited

Chapter 1 181 is shocked and excited

"I...nothing, then I will call again later. When will General Kars come back?" Li Zhizhen and General Karls’s secretary naturally had nothing to say, so he asked.

"I don't know this too." The secretary said, but the truth is, where does he have the right to stipulate the travel time of General Kars?

"Well, thank you." Li Zhisheng had no choice but to hang up the phone.

"What's wrong? Father, is General Karls not there?" When Li Zhisheng hangs up, Li Tianjia quickly asks.

"His secretary said that he went to visit a very important guest..." Li Zhisheng shook his head and said: "I don't know who, so General Karls pays so much attention, and I have to visit in person."

"Is that Yang Ming? Hahaha..." Li Tianjia made a joke.

"Ha ha ha, that's so funny!" Li Tianyu also laughed.

But Li Zhisheng, but he can't smile, don't know why, suddenly, uncomfortable in his heart.

This is a very depressing feeling. It seems that something bad happened. However, at this point, there is no sign of it. It is only General Karls who has gone out. It is not a big deal to visit today. It is not a big deal, however, Li Zhizhen always feels that something is going to happen.

"Father, what's wrong with you?" Li Tianjia also noticed that his father's expression was somewhat wrong.

"Nothing..." Li Zhixi waved his hand. Although he felt very bad, he only felt it, so he didn't want to say anything to cause unnecessary panic.


General Kars came to Li Qiang’s station early, which is the gold mine of the Huang family. Every time he saw this gold mine, General Kars regretted it. How did he be so stupid? The gold mines of others have not moved, but they want to move the industry of Yang Ming’s wife’s family. Is this not a death?

Fortunately, Yang Ming did not care about it. However, General Kars did not think that this was the case. Although Yang Ming did not say anything, his heart must still be somewhat rude.

Therefore, this time Huang Jialai came here as a guest, General Kars felt that the time for his performance had arrived, and it was not too late to make up for it. As long as this time, showing the attitude that should be, I believe that Yang Ming will not blame him.

In particular, General Kars learned that Lao Buffon had bought the land of the country x from Africa, and his heart was sincere and fearful. Before, it can be said that Yang Ming only conquered the land by force, but now, at the international level, Yang Ming has actually become the master of this land, which is protected by international law.

In other words, country x has now become a private land of Yang Ming, and Yang Ming can exercise all rights on the island. General Kars wants to continue to serve as the president of the country of x, that is, Yang Ming’s general steward. How can he not please Yang Ming?

After receiving the call from Li Qiang, General Kars was looking forward to the gold mine. Of course, knowing that Yang Ming is coming, in addition to Li Qiang driving to meet Yang Ming, Liu Chao, Wang Peng, Jin Niu and Lu Xinyang also waited at the door of the gold mine along with General Kars.

For a time, the characters in the upper level of the x countries have gathered together. If there are businessmen from the x country, they will be shocked and inexplicable. However, they obviously do not have this opportunity. Since the gold mine has become Li Qiang’s temporary base, it has been martial law outside, and ordinary people cannot get close.

Even if General Karls came, he had to pass the layers of inspection.

Looking at the familiar road, Huang Xiaofang's mood is inexplicable. The front is the gold mine of my own family, the place that once carried all of my dreams.

Huang Xiaofang is a powerful businessman who invested in gold mines here and explained this. However, it is impossible to work hard. If you want to operate in such a place, without strong contacts and armed forces, it will not work at all. Therefore, this will lead to the tragedy that follows.

Although Huang Xiaofang had searched for General Karls several times, but there was no result, he finally had to turn to Li Zhizhen of the Li family. The result was also put together by Li Zhizhen.

Thinking of the sad past, Huang Xiaofang was somewhat emotional. This time, I once again set foot on this land, sitting in Yang Ming’s car and heading to the gold mine that once belonged to me.

Of course, this gold mine eventually returned to the hands of Huang Xiaofang, but Huang Xiaofang was filled with emotions. If Yang Ming did not appear, then Huang Jia this time, is it already finished?

This is not impossible. Since being deceived by Li Zhizhen, the Huang family has been devastated. Look at Zhang Jingyi around, aren't these all brought by Yang Ming?

At this moment, Zhang Jingxuan is also very emotional. He is not sure what relationship Yang Ming and General Kars have in the end. However, since he has already taken this step, he has no choice but to show the meaning of remorse. Then Yang Ming will definitely kill him.

"How is the alert here so strict?" The more the car approached the gold mine, the more the whistle was, but there was no soldier to intercept Li Qiang's car.

When Li Qiang’s car passed by, the soldiers greeted the long guns in their hands and watched Li Qiang’s car go far.

Both Huang Xiaofang and Zhang Jingyu had this question in their hearts, but they did not ask it. However, Huang Lele and Yang Ming’s relationship were too familiar, so they would ask without any scruples.

"They are all of us." Yang Ming explained: "They are all Li Qiang's men."

"Oh!" Huang Lele nodded, she was just curious, so she didn't think much.

However, Yang Ming’s words made Zhang Jingyi and Huang Xiaofang suddenly stunned, and Li Qian’s eyes changed. From the initial ridicule and disdain, they became awe.

Li Qiang is not just a driver!

Perhaps, in front of Yang Ming, he is a driver, but in front of others, he is a strong strongman.

Think about what Li Qiang said before, but it is not like bragging. However, Huang Xiaofang and Zhang Jingyu did not think that General Kars would come to personally visit Yang Ming.

After all, Yang Ming and General Kars are not subordinate relations. Even if Yang Ming has more money and no more connections, they can only be private friendships.

However, when Huang Xiaofang saw that at the entrance of the gold mine, standing tall and white, Huang Xiaofang’s body suddenly slammed! He was shocked!

That person, not General Kars, who is it? Huang Xiaofang met General Karls. Because of the gold mine, he and General Kars met not only one side, but did not reach any agreement.

General Karls at the time was strong and unreasonable. I will not listen to Huang Xiaofang’s explanation at all, and unilaterally, it has toughly recovered the gold mine.

However, General Kars at this time was a solemn and pious face. It is like a believer waiting for his **** to come.

This kind of expression made Huang Xiaofang’s heart inevitably cause a wave of waves... Is it really that he came to visit Yang Ming? Thus? What is the identity of Yang Ming?

Huang Xiaofang is getting more and more confused about his son-in-law... It’s not too old, it’s very common to wear, but his body seems to have endless secrets.

Everything, in his hands, seems to find a solution.

Look at my daughter... Huang Xiaofang is really full of emotions. Huang Lele’s gimmick looks so embarrassing, actually let her pick up the treasure? Can this be done?

As the car got closer and closer, Huang Xiaofang finally saw it, and it was indeed General Kars! At this moment, Huang Rongtian also saw the appearance of General Kars, and immediately exclaimed: "Father, really General Kars!"

At the time, Huang Rongtian did not care much about the African gold mines. He also came here with his father, Huang Xiaofang, and negotiated with the General Kars to deal with the gold mine. However, General Kars is very cattle, and he does not care much about them.

But now, Huang Rongtian feels that General Karls seems to be welcoming him to the top! This expression, this stance... makes Huang Rongtian look dazzled.

Zhang Jingyu also heard Huang Rongtian’s exclamation. Although he did not know General Kars, he heard the words of Huang Rongtian, and the shock in his heart was not added.

General Kars really came to meet? Before Yang Ming and Li Qiang’s words, are they true? When Zhang Jingzhen was surprised, he also breathed a sigh of relief. This time, he finally found a correct direction.

Follow Yang Ming, there is nothing wrong with it. This is the most correct choice he has made in his life. Casually, Li Zhisheng, how silly, how to laugh, now the more laughter, the more miserable the last cry.

Zhang Jingyu can now foresee the end of Li Zhisheng's father and son.

Familiar with General Kars? That has a fart! Yang Ming is not only familiar, it is the respect of General Kars. That is basically two different concepts!

I believe that if Yang Ming wants to move Li Zhisheng and his son, General Kars will definitely support him. In the face of absolute strength, everything is illusory. Zhang Jingyu deeply understands this truth.

Huang Xiaofang and Huang Rongtian looked at each other and both of them saw shock and excitement from the other's eyes! Yes, it is exciting! The people in front of me are actually General Kars, the one who once was high for them.

Now, quietly standing there, waiting for Yang Ming's arrival.

The car slowly stopped. Li Qiang jumped from the car first. Liu Chao, Wang Peng, Jinniu, and Lu Xinyang were all strictly trained and had strict discipline. After Li Qiang got off the bus, they just stood upright. , stand up, they will not do anything before Li Qiang’s order.

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