So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1249: Jing Xiaoyu's idea (below)

The first two hundred and forty-nine chapters of Jing Xiaoying's idea (below)

"Tianjia has always been serving the Sun family, but this time, he is mainly anti-customer, betraying his main son and grandson, and putting the Sun family under house arrest..." Yang Ming said: "And he bought the original Sun family." Many of his men have controlled the industry of Sun’s family..."

Yang Ming’s message from his enthusiasm and his own inference, and the brotherhood of Tian Donghua, all told Jing Xiaoyu. When it comes to Tian Donghua, Yang Ming’s heart has no reason to come. I don’t know how Tian Donghua is doing. Such a brother is a true brother. He is a good brother and a good and evil. He will not be wrong because the other party is his father. Things will be concealed and obedient, and he will bravely stand up and blame, no matter what the outcome, Yang Ming is very grateful to him.

“Golden money to buy?” Jing Xiaoyan sighed: “No matter which industry, there are always some people who are greedy for money. This reminds me of the movie that I have seen before. The pheasant took a box of money from Taiwan. It’s easy to buy the man who is called Kun Ge...”

What Jing Xiaoxuan said is the truth. Man-made dead birds are eating and drinking. Under the heavy profit, there must be people who dare to take risks. It can't be said that these people are wrong, but human nature is so, Yang Ming can't control other people's thoughts.

"This is true, but how can we solve this problem as soon as possible?" Yang Ming said: "I don't know where the Sun family was being held. For Tian Long, I can't act rashly. Who knows if he has a backhand... ..."

"It’s not advisable to find Tianlong directly." Jing Xiaoyan shook his head. "There is too much risk factor. If he has some kind of tacit understanding with the guardian grandson, as long as he is in danger, the people there If you are unfavorable to the Sun family or take the Sun family as a hostage, it will be troublesome, and it will be self-defeating."

Yang Ming nodded, what Jing Xiaoyu said, why not he is jealous? From the previous contact, Tian Long is not like a coward. On the contrary, it is very shrewd. In particular, he still stands behind the mysterious boss. Yang Ming is even more afraid to act rashly.

"However, I have a viable solution, but it can only solve the urgent need, and can not cure the problem." Jing Xiaoyu thought for a while, only some regrets said.

"What is the solution?" I heard that Jing Xiaoyu had a quick way, and Yang Ming was a little surprised: "Do you think of a solution?"

"This can only be a solution." Jing Xiao said: "Actually, I have just said that in the movie of the young and the idiot, the pheasant bought the kung brother's subordinates with money, that is, Since Tian Long can buy the former subordinates of Sun’s family, it means that these subordinates are greedy people. If you open a higher price, they will naturally be bought again! The power of Tian Long will be overhead, so that Tian The dragon’s command could not be carried out, and his conspiracy and plans were not broken.

However, this plan requires a lot of money, and the time and cycle may be longer. After all, through Tian Long’s men, one by one, if you open a head, the person who is bought will help you buy it again. other people……"

"This is a way," Yang Ming fell into contemplation after listening to Jing Xiaoxuan's words. Indeed, what Jing Xiaoyu said is a way out of no way, but it is indeed the most feasible way.

However, these men of Sun’s family were bought and bought, and this time they could once again regain power from Tian Long’s hands, but what about it? These people are hard to guarantee that they will not be bought again...

Jing Xiaoyu probably thought of the same problem. When she saw Yang Ming frowning, she said, "Are you thinking about it, what should these people do after they are bought again?"

"How do you know?" Yang Ming slightly stunned, this Jing Xiaozhen is quite smart.

"So I said that this is no way, and the symptoms are not cured." Jing Xiaoyu is also very distressed: "If you can give these men a three-body brain pill like the martial arts novels, they will not dare to mess coming!"

Three corpse brain **** pills? The speaker is unintentional, and Jing Xiaoyu is just a joke, but Yang Ming thinks of a very important thing, that is, hehe.

Yang Ming is not clear, but according to the introduction in the TV series or novels, this should be similar to a vicious thing. If you take anti-toxic drugs from time to time, you will be killed.

Yang Ming remembers that Blue Ling also said that scorpion venom has a similar effect. Moreover, there is a Zhang around him, and thinking of it, Yang Ming suddenly had a brilliant idea.

However, this is also because of the inspiration of Jing Xiaolu. If Tian Rong’s men took these anti-drugs, it is estimated that they will not be able to have two more hearts.

This is also a once-and-for-all way, so that they will not dare to betray any more in the future, but also save the many troubles of the Sun family.

"Oh, thank you for reminding me, I really thought of an idea." Yang Ming thought of this, suddenly excited. Although for the Sun family, Yang Ming can completely force the seduce, even a little bit to make them die.

However, this can only be limited for a while, and the restriction is not the same. Once Yang Ming leaves, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not be distracted again. However, if they want to give them poison, if there is no antidote, why do they dare to have other ideas?

"Thank you? Thanks me for what?" Jing Xiaoyu was a glimpse of Yang Ming: "My suggestion is not very mature. That is to say, it really takes a lot of trouble to implement it. Not everyone can be Buy it twice!"

"I don't mean this!" Yang Ming smiled and shook his head: "I am talking about the three corpse brain **** pill!"

"Three corpse brain **** pills?" Jing Xiaoyan: "This kind of thing, but in the novel, how can it be true? Otherwise, you will make this?"

"I don't think so, but some people will make similar ones!" Yang Ming said: "You don't remember what I said before you? Blue Ling's family, but the family of martial arts, the best thing is to use it! You said that the three corpse brain **** pill, in the scorpion venom, should be similar. When you get some medicine out, you don't have to spend money. You force the people to fill in and forgive them for not standing in the wrong team! ”

"Yes!" Jing Xiaoyu listened to Yang Ming’s words and was very happy: "How have I forgotten this! I also read Wesley’s novel about 蛊 ,, which is said inside, there is a kind of 蛊It can prevent others from betraying. As long as they betray, they will explode and die. I don’t know if this is really poisonous. If it is, then it will be solved very well!"

"Is it specific, I don't know it now, but there must be a kind of chronic eruption. Every once in a while, I need to solve the drug to suppress it. If I don't take the antidote on time, then I will die of the poison." Yang Ming said.

"This is also ok." Jing Xiaoyu nodded. "I knew that you have such a convenient condition. I don't have to think so hard. You have given them medicine, and whoever they dare to listen to Tian Long, when Tian Longcheng The commander of the polished rod, all the people betrayed him... haha..."


Jing Xiaoyan and Yang Ming guessed that there was nothing wrong with it. Tian Long was not a fool. After learning that Tian Donghua had already confessed to Yang Ming, Tian Long became more and more cautious.

"Xiao Wang, you come in." Tian Long pressed the intercom system on his desk and said to the outsiders.

After a while, Tian Long’s office heard a knock on the door.

"Please come in." Tian Long said.

Xiao Wang pushed the door of the office and walked in. This little king is not someone else. It is the driver of Sun Hongjun. At the beginning, Tian Longan was inserted in the ghost of Sun Hongjun.

You must know that the people around the boss are very difficult to buy, because the boss is not thin to them, so if Tian Long wants to receive it directly, it is likely to be self-defeating.

Therefore, Tian Long directly put Sun Hongjun's closest driver and bodyguard into the person who was originally his, that is, Xiao Wang. In this way, once Tian Long is in trouble, Xiao Wang should be outside, and he can quickly help him to complete the power.

Moreover, Jing Xiaoyu is also expected to be right, and it is obviously very difficult to make a second purchase for Xiao Wang. Xiao Wang was originally a Tian Long person. He had betrayed Sun Hongjun once. He decided that he could not betray Tian Long again.

If Yang Ming goes to buy Xiao Wang and can't buy it, then some of them will be difficult to ride the tiger. Killing Xiao Wang will cause Tian Long to be alert, and the buying plan will be ruined. Do not kill Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang will tell Tian Long that he will buy the people's hearts. The plan will still be a soup, so the plan to buy it will not work.

"Tian Zong, are you looking for me?" Xiao Wang asked with respect.

"You are looking for a place to go to the place where the grandchildren are being held. Tell the person in charge, Zhang Jinguo. If I or you don't contact them in a day, let them tear the ticket." Tian Long hesitated for a long while, faintly told.

Tian Long is also afraid of what Yang Ming will play, so he has to prepare in advance! If Sun Jia has the help of Yang Ming’s Songjiang forces, it is not impossible to regain power. Therefore, in the face of morality and interests, Tian Long can only violate his promise and kill the Sun family! He is not allowed to have a change!

Everything now, he has to come hard, he can not allow these things to be lost from his hands!

Therefore, Tian Long had to make early precautions. Once Yang Ming really brought people to kill, he had to get rid of the Sun family’s aftermath. In this way, the Sun’s original family could only fully invest in himself, and would not be diverted because Sun’s family appeared again. .

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